Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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Women‘s Pavilion 2021 , Mumbai/ Indien

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

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Offener Wettbewerb

Der Wert einer Zivilisation lässt sich an dem Platz ablesen, den sie den Frauen einräumt. Frauen haben sich heute in verschiedenen Lebensbereichen als Rednerinnen, Ärztinnen, Diplomatinnen und so weiter hervorgetan. Es lässt sich nicht leugnen, dass Frauen überall auf der Welt in dieser sich ständig entwickelnden Wirtschaft enorme Fortschritte gemacht haben.

Während viele von ihnen selbstbewusst die Welt erobert haben, gibt es immer noch sehr viele Frauen, die in den Fesseln häuslicher Gewalt und geschlechtsspezifischer Ungleichheit gefangen sind. Gewalt gegen Frauen muss sich nicht nur auf körperliche Gewalt beziehen. Sie ist viel weiter gefasst und umfasst auch sexuellen, emotionalen, psychologischen und finanziellen Missbrauch.

Das Hindernis zwischen Gewalt und Empowerment ist oft ein Mangel an Bildung. Bildung hat das Potenzial, Frauen bei der Suche nach Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten zu helfen und sie finanziell unabhängig zu machen. Diese Unabhängigkeit befähigt die Frauen nicht nur, sich selbst weiterzuentwickeln, sondern wirkt auch als Katalysator für die Stärkung anderer in ihrem Umfeld.

Wir müssen unbedingt ein nachhaltiges Umfeld für Frauen schaffen, das sie stärkt und ihnen vielfältige Möglichkeiten eröffnet, sich zu entfalten.

„Es gibt kein wirksameres Instrument für die Entwicklung als die Ermächtigung von Frauen.“
– Kofi Annan, ehemaliger Generalsekretär der Vereinten Nationen

Competition assignment
The worth of a civilization can be gauged from the place that it gives to women. Women today have distinguished themselves in various spheres of life as orators, doctors, diplomats and so on. There is no denying the fact that women all across the globe have made tremendous progress in this constantly developing economy.

While many have taken on the world with confidence there are still an awful lot of women trapped in the shackles of domestic violence and gender inequality. Violence against women need not refer to only physical violence. It is much broader and includes sexual, emotional, psychological and financial abuse.

The obstacle between violence and empowerment is often a lack of education. Education has the potential to help women seek employment opportunities and make them financially independent. It is this independence that empowers women to not only seek growth themselves but also acts as a catalyst to empower others around them.

It‘s imperative that we facilitate a sustainable environment for women; one that is empowering and opens up multiples avenues for them to thrive.

„There is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women.“
– Kofi Annan, Former Secretary-General of the United Nations

Dr. Jorge Cobo
Barbara Kuit
Didier Ryan
Shilpa Gore Shah
Anna Juni
Song Gang
Zhong Guanqiu
Women‘s Pavilion 2021
The worth of a civilization can be gauged from the place that it gives to women. Women today have distinguished themselves in various spheres of life as orators, doctors, diplomats and so on. There is no denying the fact that women all across the globe have made tremendous progress in this constantly developing economy.
While many have taken on the world with confidence there are still an awful lot of women trapped in the shackles of domestic violence and gender inequality. Violence against women need not refer to only physical violence. It is much broader and includes sexual, emotional, psychological and financial abuse.
The obstacle between violence and empowerment is often a lack of education. Education has the potential to help women seek employment opportunities and make them financially independent. It is this independence that empowers women to not only seek growth themselves but also acts as a catalyst to empower others around them.
It‘s imperative that we facilitate a sustainable environment for women; one that is empowering and opens up multiples avenues for them to thrive.
„There is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women.“ 
– Kofi Annan, Former Secretary-General of the United Nations
The competition is open to all students and professionals from all walks can join the competition.
Competition Launch: 28th August 2021
Early Registration ends: 12th November 2021
Standard Registration begins: 13th November 2021
Standard Registration ends: 15th November 2021
Submission Deadline: 22nd December 2021
Note: All the Deadlines are scheduled at 11:59 Indian Standard Time
Total Prize - $4000
1st Prize: $2000 + Certificate of Achievement + Publication
2nd Prize: $1200 + Certificate of Achievement + Publication
3rd Prize: $800 + Certificate of Achievement + Publication
10 Honorable Mentions: Certificates
Winners and Honourable Mentions will be published on Volume Zero website and several international architecture and design magazines.
Participation Certificates
To show our appreciation, all the participants would receive participation certificate.
More information and documents at

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