Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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  • Wildlife Pavilions | A New Perspective on “Torbiere del Sebino” Nature Reserve
  • Wildlife Pavilions | A New Perspective on “Torbiere del Sebino” Nature Reserve
  • Wildlife Pavilions | A New Perspective on “Torbiere del Sebino” Nature Reserve | © TerraViva S.r.l.
  • Awarded Projects Collage

Wildlife Pavilions | A New Perspective on “Torbiere del Sebino” Nature Reserve , Provaglio d’Iseo/ Italien

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
Aktualisiert am
Offener Wettbewerb
Keine Teilnahmebeschränkungen
Jurysitzung 1. Phase
Jurysitzung 2. Phase
ab 01.04.2023
Finale Jurysitzung

Wie lautet der dritte Buchstabe von "wettbewerbe"?

1. Preis

Projekt: A Friendly Guest
Nick Boer · Italo de Vroom · Martijn Dahrs
  • 1. Preis: A Friendly Guest | Nick Boer · Italo de Vroom · Martijn Dahrs
  • 1. Preis: A Friendly Guest | Nick Boer · Italo de Vroom · Martijn Dahrs
  • 1. Preis: A Friendly Guest | Nick Boer · Italo de Vroom · Martijn Dahrs
  • 1. Preis: A Friendly Guest | Nick Boer · Italo de Vroom · Martijn Dahrs

2. Preis

Projekt: Nutrirsi tra le Rovine
Jacques Veyre de Soras
  • 2. Preis: Nutrirsi tra le Rovine | Jacques Veyre de Soras
  • 2. Preis: Nutrirsi tra le Rovine | Jacques Veyre de Soras
  • 2. Preis: Nutrirsi tra le Rovine | Jacques Veyre de Soras
  • 2. Preis: Nutrirsi tra le Rovine | Jacques Veyre de Soras

3. Preis

Projekt: Under the Willow Tree
Eli Liebenow
  • 3. Preis: Under the Willow Tree | Eli Liebenow
  • 3. Preis: Under the Willow Tree | Eli Liebenow
  • 3. Preis: Under the Willow Tree | Eli Liebenow
  • 3. Preis: Under the Willow Tree | Eli Liebenow

Golden Mention

Projekt: Biomtopes
Thomas Ewing
  • Golden Mention: Biomtopes | Thomas Ewing
  • Golden Mention: Biomtopes | Thomas Ewing
  • Golden Mention: Biomtopes | Thomas Ewing
  • Golden Mention: Biomtopes | Thomas Ewing

Golden Mention

Projekt: Among the Lines
Karim Lahiani · Alice Barthelemy · Maxime Bardou
  • Golden Mention: Among the Lines | Karim Lahiani · Alice Barthelemy · Maxime Bardou
  • Golden Mention: Among the Lines | Karim Lahiani · Alice Barthelemy · Maxime Bardou
  • Golden Mention: Among the Lines | Karim Lahiani · Alice Barthelemy · Maxime Bardou
  • Golden Mention: Among the Lines | Karim Lahiani · Alice Barthelemy · Maxime Bardou

Golden Mention

Projekt: The Estranged Landscape
Ka Wai Cheung · Louis Wai Yin Hung
  • Golden Mention: The Estranged Landscape | Ka Wai Cheung · Louis Wai Yin Hung
  • Golden Mention: The Estranged Landscape | Ka Wai Cheung · Louis Wai Yin Hung
  • Golden Mention: The Estranged Landscape | Ka Wai Cheung · Louis Wai Yin Hung
  • Golden Mention: The Estranged Landscape | Ka Wai Cheung · Louis Wai Yin Hung

Golden Mention

Projekt: Room Mates
Nicolas Sottili · Giovanna Papini
  • Golden Mention: Room Mates | Nicolas Sottili · Giovanna Papini
  • Golden Mention: Room Mates | Nicolas Sottili · Giovanna Papini
  • Golden Mention: Room Mates | Nicolas Sottili · Giovanna Papini
  • Golden Mention: Room Mates | Nicolas Sottili · Giovanna Papini

Honorable Mention

Projekt: The Voice of Nature
Fernando Opazo Chang · Tanja Mimica Anelli · Anahí Montañez Carlos
  • Honorable Mention: The Voice of Nature | Fernando Opazo Chang · Tanja Mimica Anelli · Anahí Montañez Carlos
  • Honorable Mention: The Voice of Nature | Fernando Opazo Chang · Tanja Mimica Anelli · Anahí Montañez Carlos
  • Honorable Mention: The Voice of Nature | Fernando Opazo Chang · Tanja Mimica Anelli · Anahí Montañez Carlos
  • Honorable Mention: The Voice of Nature | Fernando Opazo Chang · Tanja Mimica Anelli · Anahí Montañez Carlos

Honorable Mention

Projekt: Three Juts
I-Chen Hung
  • Honorable Mention: Three Juts |  I-Chen Hung
  • Honorable Mention: Three Juts |  I-Chen Hung
  • Honorable Mention: Three Juts | I-Chen Hung
  • Honorable Mention: Three Juts | I-Chen Hung

Honorable Mention

Projekt: The Artifacts
Gaétan Graff · Ugo Larvor · Nicholas Kampmann-Petitmaire
  • Honorable Mention: The Artifacts | Gaétan Graff · Ugo Larvor · Nicholas Kampmann-Petitmaire
  • Honorable Mention: The Artifacts | Gaétan Graff · Ugo Larvor · Nicholas Kampmann-Petitmaire
  • Honorable Mention: The Artifacts | Gaétan Graff · Ugo Larvor · Nicholas Kampmann-Petitmaire
  • Honorable Mention: The Artifacts | Gaétan Graff · Ugo Larvor · Nicholas Kampmann-Petitmaire

Honorable Mention

Projekt: Nature's Treasure
Julia Schuster
  • Honorable Mention: Nature's Treasure | Julia Schuster
  • Honorable Mention: Nature's Treasure | Julia Schuster
  • Honorable Mention: Nature's Treasure | Julia Schuster
  • Honorable Mention: Nature's Treasure | Julia Schuster

Honorable Mention

Projekt: Progetto ‘ARE’: Attraverare, Osservare, Potenziare
Marta Viana · José Pedro Cerdeira · Luis Vitorino Caleiro
  • Honorable Mention: Progetto ‘ARE’: Attraverare, Osservare, Potenziare | Marta Viana · José Pedro Cerdeira · Luis Vitorino Caleiro
  • Honorable Mention: Progetto ‘ARE’: Attraverare, Osservare, Potenziare | Marta Viana · José Pedro Cerdeira · Luis Vitorino Caleiro
  • Honorable Mention: Progetto ‘ARE’: Attraverare, Osservare, Potenziare | Marta Viana · José Pedro Cerdeira · Luis Vitorino Caleiro
  • Honorable Mention: Progetto ‘ARE’: Attraverare, Osservare, Potenziare | Marta Viana · José Pedro Cerdeira · Luis Vitorino Caleiro

Honorable Mention

Projekt: Living Hedges
Antoine Bataille · Malo Chabrol
  • Honorable Mention: Living Hedges | Antoine Bataille · Malo Chabrol
  • Honorable Mention: Living Hedges | Antoine Bataille · Malo Chabrol
  • Honorable Mention: Living Hedges | Antoine Bataille · Malo Chabrol
  • Honorable Mention: Living Hedges | Antoine Bataille · Malo Chabrol

Honorable Mention

Projekt: We Are All Guests
Roberta Filippini · Virginia Sellari · Raffaele Orru
  • Honorable Mention: We Are All Guests | Roberta Filippini · Virginia Sellari · Raffaele Orru
  • Honorable Mention: We Are All Guests | Roberta Filippini · Virginia Sellari · Raffaele Orru
  • Honorable Mention: We Are All Guests | Roberta Filippini · Virginia Sellari · Raffaele Orru
  • Honorable Mention: We Are All Guests | Roberta Filippini · Virginia Sellari · Raffaele Orru

Honorable Mention

Projekt: In Habiting Mesh
Micaela Muchnick · Consuelo Nuñez · Valentina Flaño · Domenica Debarbieri
  • Honorable Mention: In Habiting Mesh | Micaela Muchnick · Consuelo Nuñez · Valentina Flaño · Domenica Debarbieri
  • Honorable Mention: In Habiting Mesh | Micaela Muchnick · Consuelo Nuñez · Valentina Flaño · Domenica Debarbieri
  • Honorable Mention: In Habiting Mesh | Micaela Muchnick · Consuelo Nuñez · Valentina Flaño · Domenica Debarbieri
  • Honorable Mention: In Habiting Mesh | Micaela Muchnick · Consuelo Nuñez · Valentina Flaño · Domenica Debarbieri

Honorable Mention

Projekt: Intertwined
Toghrul Bayramov · Nakhmat Samedov · Chichek Bayramly · Leyla Jabrayilova
Sakina Naghiyeva · Nazrin Hajiyeva · Javid Jabbarov · Najiba Mammadova
  • Honorable Mention: Intertwined | Toghrul Bayramov · Nakhmat Samedov · Chichek Bayramly · Leyla Jabrayilova · Sakina Naghiyeva · Nazrin Hajiyeva · Javid Jabbarov · Najiba Mammadova
  • Honorable Mention: Intertwined | Toghrul Bayramov · Nakhmat Samedov · Chichek Bayramly · Leyla Jabrayilova · Sakina Naghiyeva · Nazrin Hajiyeva · Javid Jabbarov · Najiba Mammadova
  • Honorable Mention: Intertwined | Toghrul Bayramov · Nakhmat Samedov · Chichek Bayramly · Leyla Jabrayilova · Sakina Naghiyeva · Nazrin Hajiyeva · Javid Jabbarov · Najiba Mammadova
  • Honorable Mention: Intertwined | Toghrul Bayramov · Nakhmat Samedov · Chichek Bayramly · Leyla Jabrayilova · Sakina Naghiyeva · Nazrin Hajiyeva · Javid Jabbarov · Najiba Mammadova

Honorable Mention

Projekt: Arrive, Cross, Stay
Guillermo Ballestin · Rubén Lahuerta · Marta Lorente · Carmen Cuevas
  • Honorable Mention: Arrive, Cross, Stay | Guillermo Ballestin · Rubén Lahuerta · Marta Lorente · Carmen Cuevas
  • Honorable Mention: Arrive, Cross, Stay | Guillermo Ballestin · Rubén Lahuerta · Marta Lorente · Carmen Cuevas
  • Honorable Mention: Arrive, Cross, Stay | Guillermo Ballestin · Rubén Lahuerta · Marta Lorente · Carmen Cuevas
  • Honorable Mention: Arrive, Cross, Stay | Guillermo Ballestin · Rubén Lahuerta · Marta Lorente · Carmen Cuevas
Offener Ideenwettbewerb

Wildlife-Pavillons: Architekturwettbewerb | Wildlife Pavilions schlägt einen Paradigmenwechsel vor: eine Architektur, die für eine harmonische Koexistenz mit der Landschaft konzipiert ist und hauptsächlich für die Natur selbst und nicht für den Menschen gedacht ist.

Das Ziel des Wettbewerbs ist es, über den Tellerrand hinauszuschauen und sich bewohnte Strukturen vorzustellen, die für Flora und Fauna entworfen wurden: Mikroarchitekturen, in denen der Mensch der Tierwelt nur als vorübergehender Gast, als respektvoller Besucher oder einfach als Beobachter begegnet.

Mit dem Ziel, die anthropozentrische Architektur herauszufordern und einen neuen kreativen Prozess zu erproben, der sich auf die Natur konzentriert, verlangt der Wettbewerb den Entwurf von drei kleinen Pavillons, die in die atemberaubende Landschaft des Naturparks Torbiere del Sebino eingebettet sind.

Die wenigen Strukturen, die heute in dem gesamten Komplex vorhanden sind, dienen lediglich der Vogelbeobachtung, während die neuen Einrichtungen die bestehenden um eine zusätzliche Funktion ergänzen sollen: Sie sollen der Natur selbst Schutz bieten.

Die Absicht ist, über den bloßen Entwurf einer Beobachtungshütte hinauszugehen. Es geht um viel mehr als das: Bei Wildlife Pavilions geht es darum, Nisthilfen für Vögel, neue Unterschlupfmöglichkeiten für Reptilien, Behältnisse zur Förderung der Vermehrung einheimischer Pflanzen, Insektenhotels, Plattformen zum Sonnenbaden und vieles mehr zu schaffen. Der Schlüssel liegt in der Fähigkeit, einen Gestaltungsvorschlag zu entwickeln, der die Natur in den Mittelpunkt stellt und es den Besuchern ermöglicht, die Tierwelt in völligem Respekt vor dem Ökosystem zu beobachten.

Competition assignment
Wildlife Pavilions: Architecture Competiton | Wildlife Pavilions proposes a paradigm shift: an architecture conceived to coexist in harmony with the landscape, mainly thought for nature itself instead of for human beings.

The goal of the competition is to think out of the box and to imagine inhabited structures designed for flora and fauna: micro-architectures where man meets wildlife just as a passing guest, as a respectful visitor or simply as an observer.

With the aim of challenging anthropocentric architecture and with the idea of experimenting a new creative process focused on nature, the contest requires the design of three small-scale pavilions immersed in the breath-taking landscape of the “Torbiere del Sebino” Nature Reserve.

Today, the only few structures present in the whole complex are just being used for bird watching, whereas the new devices will have to complement the existing ones with an additional feature: providing shelter to nature itself.

The intention is to go beyond the mere act of designing an observation cabin. In fact, it means much more than that: Wildlife Pavilions is about providing supports for bird nesting, new shelters to reptiles, containers to help the proliferation of autochthonous plants, insects hotels, sunbathing platforms and many more. The key lies in being able to conceive a design proposal centred on nature, which, as a secondary function, allows visitors to observe wildlife in total respect of the ecosystem.

Zhang Ke, ZAO/standardarchitecture [Beijing, China]
Nicola Russi, LAB. PERMANENTE [Milan, Italy]
Giulia Pozzi, FABULISM [Berlin, Germany]
Jan van Dijk, VAN DIJK ARCHITECTS [Dundalk, Ireland]
Alessandro Bonizzoni, FOSBURY ARCHITECTURE [Milan, Italy]
Ana Babaya, PESA ARQUITECTURA [Rosario, Argentina]
Samuel Gonçalves, SUMMARY [Porto, Portugal]
Stefania Capelli, TORBIERE del SEBINO [Brescia, Italy]

Weitere Informationen zu dem Wettbewerbsergebnis finden Sie unter /
More information about the competition result can be found at:

Wildlife Pavilions
A New Perspective on “Torbiere del Sebino” Nature Reserve
TerraViva S.r.l.
Via Vallazze 109
Milano 20131
About the Competition
Wildlife Pavilions: Architecture Competiton | Wildlife Pavilions proposes a paradigm shift: an architecture conceived to coexist in harmony with the landscape, mainly thought for nature itself instead of for human beings.
The goal of the competition is to think out of the box and to imagine inhabited structures designed for flora and fauna: micro-architectures where man meets wildlife just as a passing guest, as a respectful visitor or simply as an observer.  
With the aim of challenging anthropocentric architecture and with the idea of experimenting a new creative process focused on nature, the contest requires the design of three small-scale pavilions immersed in the breath-taking landscape of the “Torbiere del Sebino” Nature Reserve. 
Today, the only few structures present in the whole complex are just being used for bird watching, whereas the new devices will have to complement the existing ones with an additional feature: providing shelter to nature itself. 
The intention is to go beyond the mere act of designing an observation cabin. In fact, it means much more than that: Wildlife Pavilions is about providing supports for bird nesting, new shelters to reptiles, containers to help the proliferation of autochthonous plants, insects hotels, sunbathing platforms and many more. The key lies in being able to conceive a design proposal centred on nature, which, as a secondary function, allows visitors to observe wildlife in total respect of the ecosystem. 
The competition is open to students, architects, designers, urbanists, engineers, artists, makers, activists and anyone interested in the fields of design and architecture.
Participants can join the competition either individually or with a team.
Registrations: from November 28th to March 17th 2023
Results: on April 17th 2023
1st Prize: 3.000 €
2nd Prize: 2.000 €
3rd Prize: 1.000 €
Gold Mention #1: 250 €
Gold Mention #2: 250 €
Gold Mention #3: 250 €
Gold Mention #4: 250 €
10 Honorable Mentions
30 Finalists
More information and documents at

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