Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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We Australia - Embracing Evolution through Architecture , Australien

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

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Offener Wettbewerb
Architekt*innen und Landschaftsarchitekt*innen

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Projekt: Kultura Village

Runner Up

Projekt: Oasis of the Kakadu

Runner Up

Projekt: CONSTELLATION - A link between Human, Nature and Culture

People’s Choice Award

Projekt: Evolution through Emotions

People’s Choice Award

Projekt: Re-live the history
Offener Ideenwettbewerb

Wenn wir Australien nur in der Perspektive der letzten Jahrhunderte betrachten, fällt uns eine Reihe von Ereignissen auf, die zu Konflikten zwischen Menschen mit unterschiedlichem Hintergrund führten. Diese Perspektive ist nur ein kleiner Ausschnitt dessen, was Australien tatsächlich als Kontinent geprägt hat - und die Rolle der Natur darin.

Da die Fläche hier so riesig ist (rund 500 indigene Länder und unzählige Arten), ist Australien, das versucht, seine wahre Identität zwischen Ursprung und Gegenwart zu finden, ein Ort der Möglichkeiten. Eine Chance, sich für all die sprießenden Kulturen zu engagieren, für Arten, die diesen Kontinent durchquerten, für Landschaften, die sich ständig verändern, für die Technologie, die sich entwickelt hat, und für den globalen Eindruck als Land. Der Faden, der wirklich alle diese Wesen in einem einzigen Rahmen bringt, ist der Pfad der Evolution, der von uns hier, heute, stammt.

Kurzbeschreibung: Aufbau eines touristischen Dorfes, das den Besuchern hilft, mehr über die Geschichte der menschlichen Evolution zu erfahren, die nicht nur sensibilisiert, sondern auch das Bewusstsein für die sich ändernden Beziehungen zwischen der Natur, den Einheimischen und dem Land Australien verbreitet.

Competition assignment
If we see Australia in perspective of the last few centuries only, what meets the eye are a series of events that led to clashes between humans from different backgrounds. This perspective is just a small fragment of what actually shaped Australia as a continent - and the role of nature in it.

With the canvas here being this huge (around 500 indigenous countries and countless species), Australia attempting to find its real identity between its origins and present is a place of opportunity. A chance to speak for all the sprouting cultures that existed, species that walked this continent, landscapes that are constantly changing, the technology that has evolved and the global impression as a country. The thread that really brings all these entities in one single frame is the path evolution that has of us here, today.

Brief: To build a tourist village that helps visitors to learn about history of human evolution which not only sensitizes, but spreads awareness about the changing relationship between nature, natives and the country of Australia.

Polona Filipic: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Stefan Rier: Architect & Founder, noa* network of architecture, Italy
Roberto Ramirez Pizarro: Director General, R79, Mexico
Diogo Mega: Owner, DIOGO MEGA ARCHITECTS, Portugal
We Australia - Embracing Evolution through Architecture

UNI competitions, New Delhi, India

Evolution and history of civilization have come a really long way beyond consciousness as they have molded the identity of human as a species. We have built more on innovation and assumed control of various aspects of our planet eventually classifying ourselves as a separate entity and not a part of nature. A term like ‘manmade’ holds a different meaning today even though a man was made by nature and we see a distinct ideological gap between the two. One of the evidence places where we saw these two ideologies go against each other was the continent of Australia which was one of the last countries to be colonized by Britain Empire. It is a country that stands today as a crucible of globalization in the face of the modern world. It’s perceived as one of the youngest countries which came into existence in 1901. But the history of Australia goes way beyond this perception.

The history of Indigenous Australians began at least 65,000 BC years ago when humans first populated Australia, who is familiarly known as aboriginals. About 500 of these miniature countries, were traditionally organized in semi-nomadic small tribes each with its own language, land and varied culture originating from a common spiritual belief - “Alcheringa” or Dreamtime. This philosophy considered nature as the reason for all existence and every element has its role in shaping the destiny of the world.

But where are they now? How and why this dissociation with nature happened?

The Challenge
There has been ample evidence and awareness about this overriding of a history of Australia with a different civilization taking over. The divide has brought out huge rifts that are tough to span between human, cultures, and nature. But what if there are attempts from both ends to heal gaps and create a collective identity.

As new Australia inclusively moves ahead in time with a more unified approach, there’s a fresh wave of hope that embarks on equality. This includes landmark judgments like transferring the ownership of sacred lands back to these communities again under a legal framework. Several educational and employment initiatives by the Government to build access to equal opportunity. This began a series of initiatives where aborigine origin people have access to good urban education and equal opportunity in urban areas.

However, the problem with these initiatives is that they break their already dwindling chain of knowledge that is transferred to the coming generations. This brings a new awareness of approaching aborigines and their role in the economy.

Competition Type
Open ideas competition

Admission Area

Architects, Landscape Architects

Registration ends: September 03, 2019
Submission ends: September 13, 2019
Public voting starts: September 14, 2019
Public voting ends: October 14, 2019
Results announcement: October 24, 2019

More information and documents at

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