Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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W Awards 2024 , London/ Vereinigtes Königreich

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

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Moira Gemmill Prize for Emerging Architecture 2024

Joana Dabaj, Catalytic Action

Kim Courrèges, Plan Común

Noelia Monteiro, Estúdio Flume

Nguyễn Hà, ARB Architects

MJ Long Prize for Excellence in Practice 2024

Royal Academy of Dance in London, UK
Takero Shimazaki Architects

Castle Community Rooms in Framlingham, UK
James Gorst Architects

White House School in London, UK
vPPR Architects

Three Mills Studio in London, UK
Gort Scott

Prize for Research in Gender and Architecture 2024

Heaven installation
Mycket, art, design and architecture group
Awards / Auszeichnungen

rüher unter dem Namen Women in Architecture bekannt, würdigen die W Awards beispielhafte Arbeiten von Frauen und nicht-binären Menschen sowie in den Bereichen Gender und Architektur.

Die Umbenennung der Preise im Jahr 2020 und des damit verbundenen W-Programms spiegelt eine Entwicklung wider, wie wir über Identität denken, wie wir unsere Geschlechterstrukturen und Kategorisierungssysteme verstehen, sowie die unzähligen intersektionellen Herausforderungen, mit denen marginalisierte Gruppen konfrontiert sind. Wir hoffen, Raum für vielfältige Identitäten und komplexe Gespräche zu schaffen, und werden weiterhin die außergewöhnliche Arbeit von Menschen würdigen, die von der Gesellschaft, in der wir leben, systematisch unterbewertet werden.

In Partnerschaft mit The Architectural Review und dem Architects' Journal sind das W-Programm und die W-Preise zwei unterschiedliche Kampagnen, die Gleichheit und Vielfalt in der Architekturpraxis durch eine Reihe von Netzwerk- und Gesellschaftsveranstaltungen, Mentoring-Sitzungen, inspirierenden Vorträgen und einer Feier der besten Praxis fördern. Wir wollen mit einer gemeinsamen Stimme den Wandel anregen.

Ziel des W-Programms ist es, bessere und gesündere Arbeitsumgebungen für alle in der Architektur zu schaffen und eine Kultur des Respekts und der Chancengleichheit zu fördern. Zu diesem Zweck bieten wir Architekten das ganze Jahr über die Möglichkeit, Kontakte zu knüpfen, sich auszutauschen und zu lernen.

Mit den W Awards sollen sowohl etablierte als auch aufstrebende Spitzenleistungen in der Architekturpraxis anerkannt und belohnt werden.

In drei Kategorien können Beiträge eingereicht werden:

Moira Gemmill Prize for Emerging Architecture
Diese Kategorie steht weiblichen und nicht-binären Praxisgründern offen, die unter 45 Jahre alt sind (geboren nach dem 1. Januar 1979) und ihren Sitz in der ganzen Welt haben.

MJ Long Prize for Excellence in Practice
Diese Kategorie richtet sich an im Vereinigten Königreich ansässige Architektinnen und nicht-binäre Architektinnen, die in der Praxis tätig sind und als Projektarchitektin an einem in den letzten zwei Jahren fertiggestellten Gebäude mitgewirkt haben.

Prize for Research in Gender and Architecture
Diese Kategorie ist offen für Forschungsprojekte von Einzelpersonen (jeden Geschlechts) oder Kollektiven aus der ganzen Welt, die die räumlichen Auswirkungen von Geschlecht und Sexualität untersuchen.

Competition assignment
Formerly known as Women in Architecture, the W Awards celebrate exemplary work by women and non-binary people, and in the fields of gender and architecture.

Renaming the awards in 2020, along with the associated W Programme, reflects an evolution in how we think about identity, how we understand our gender structures and systems of categorisation, as well as the myriad intersectional challenges that marginalised groups face. We hope to make room for multiple identities and complex conversations, and will continue to celebrate the exceptional work of people who are systemically undervalued by the society in which we live.

In partnership with both The Architectural Review and the Architects’ Journal, the W Programme and the W Awards are two distinct campaigns that promote equality and diversity in architectural practice through a series of networking and social events, mentoring sessions, inspiring lectures and a celebration of best practice. We want to inspire change as a united voice.

The aim of the W Programme is to create better and healthier working environments for everyone in architecture, fostering a culture of respect and equal opportunities. We do this by delivering year-round opportunities for architects to connect, share and learn.

The W Awards are designed to recognise and reward both established and emerging excellence in architecture practice.

There are three categories open for entries:

Moira Gemmill Prize for Emerging Architecture
This category is open to female and non-binary practice founders who are under the age of 45 (born after 1 January 1979) and based anywhere in the world.

MJ Long Prize for Excellence in Practice
This category is open to UK-based female and non-binary architects working in practice and who have been project architect on a building completed in the last two years.

Prize for Research in Gender and Architecture
This category is open for research projects undertaken by individuals (of any gender) or collectives from around the world investigating the spatial implications of gender and sexuality.

Stephen Bates, co‑founder of Sergison Bates
Giovanna Borasi, director of the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA)
Shumi Bose, educator and editor of KoozArch
Gloria Cabral, architect and previous Moira Gemmill Prize winner
Eva Jiřičná, architect
Karen Livingstone, Deputy Director for Masterplan, Exhibitions and Major Display Projects at the Fitzwilliam Museum
Tracy Meller, senior partner at RSHP and previous MJ Long Prize winner
Manijeh Verghese, Head of Public Engagement at the Architectural Association
Sal Wilson, sustainability consultant and educator

Weitere Informationen zu den Gewinnerinnen finden Sie unter /
More information about the winners can be found at:

W Awards 2024
About the Awards
Formerly known as Women in Architecture, the W Awards celebrate exemplary work by women and non-binary people, and in the fields of gender and architecture.
Renaming the awards in 2020, along with the associated W Programme, reflects an evolution in how we think about identity, how we understand our gender structures and systems of categorisation, as well as the myriad intersectional challenges that marginalised groups face. We hope to make room for multiple identities and complex conversations, and will continue to celebrate the exceptional work of people who are systemically undervalued by the society in which we live.
In partnership with both The Architectural Review and the Architects’ Journal, the W Programme and the W Awards are two distinct campaigns that promote equality and diversity in architectural practice through a series of networking and social events, mentoring sessions, inspiring lectures and a celebration of best practice. We want to inspire change as a united voice.
The aim of the W Programme is to create better and healthier working environments for everyone in architecture, fostering a culture of respect and equal opportunities. We do this by delivering year-round opportunities for architects to connect, share and learn.
The W Awards are designed to recognise and reward both established and emerging excellence in architecture practice.
There are three categories open for entries:
Moira Gemmill Prize for Emerging Architecture
This category is open to female and non-binary practice founders who are under the age of 45 (born after 1 January 1979) and based anywhere in the world.
MJ Long Prize for Excellence in Practice
This category is open to UK-based female and non-binary architects working in practice and who have been project architect on a building completed in the last two years.
Prize for Research in Gender and Architecture
This category is open for research projects undertaken by individuals (of any gender) or collectives from around the world investigating the spatial implications of gender and sexuality.
Deadline: November 17, 2023
More information

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