Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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The Office Architecture – Essay Competition , Singapur

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
Aktualisiert am
Offener Wettbewerb
Architekt*innen, Student*innen etc.

1. Preis

Projekt: Rework: Office as Public Space Essay
Yiling Shen · Yuchen Gao, RMIT University, the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australien

2. Preis

Projekt: Re-imagining the Workplace: From Condition of Employment to Conscious Choice
Denise Santini · Penelope Fridman · Wahn Yoon · Sue Marenick, Kanada

3. Preis

Projekt: The Medieval Office
Caleb White · Emily Gruendel, USA
Offener Essay-Wettbewerb

Die Büroarchitektur hat sich in den letzten Jahren dramatisch verändert: Zellen werden durch Großraumbüros ersetzt, und alte Geräte wie Faxgeräte und Aktenschränke werden durch moderne Technologie ersetzt.

Neue Werkzeuge und neue Technologien haben die Art und Weise, wie wir arbeiten und kommunizieren, verändert, z. B. cloudbasierte Software, Videokonferenzen und sogar E-Mail und soziale Medien. Der Schwerpunkt liegt heute auf der Zusammenarbeit mit Kollegen und darauf, dass sich die Büroangestellten wohlfühlen und produktiv arbeiten können, egal wie sie es wünschen.

Die Auswirkungen des Coronavirus haben noch deutlicher gemacht, dass eine traditionelle Büroaufteilung nicht mehr notwendig ist, da viele Menschen genauso produktiv waren, wenn sie von zu Hause aus gearbeitet haben. Es ist unwahrscheinlich, dass Arbeitsplätze jemals wieder vollständig zur Normalität zurückkehren werden, aber es gibt aus einer Reihe von Gründen immer noch einen Bedarf an Büroräumen. Soziale Interaktion mit Kollegen, effektivere Arbeitsmittel (Technologie, Möbel, Raum), persönliche Zusammenarbeit und Kundenbesprechungen, zum Beispiel.

Wie können sich Arbeitsplätze weiterentwickeln und anpassen, um eine Kombination aus persönlichem und virtuellem Arbeiten zu ermöglichen? Haben Sie eine Idee oder etwas zum Thema Büroarchitektur zu sagen? Die Gewinnerbeiträge werden in der nächsten Printausgabe der Publikation „Office Architecture“ von ARCHHIVE BOOKS zusammen mit den Gewinnerbeiträgen des Designwettbewerbs veröffentlicht. Die Teilnehmer sind eingeladen, an beiden Wettbewerben getrennt oder an beiden zusammen teilzunehmen.

Competition assignment
Office architecture has changed dramatically over the past few years, with cubicles replaced by open plan offices, and old equipment from fax machines to filing cabinets being replaced by modern technology.

New tools and new technologies have transformed the way we work and communicate such cloud-based software, video conferencing, and even email and social media. It has also eliminated the need for offices and workspaces to be set up in a specific way, with the focus nowadays on collaboration with colleagues and allowing office workers to feel comfortable and productive however they choose to work.

The impact of the Coronavirus has made it even clearer that a traditional office layout is no longer necessary, as many people were just as productive when they worked remotely from home. It’s unlikely that workplaces will fully return to normal ever again, but there is still a need for office space for a number of reasons. Social interaction with colleagues, more effective tools (technology, furniture, space), face-to-face collaboration and client meetings, for example.

How can workplaces evolve and adapt to help facilitate a combination of in-person and virtual working? Do you have an idea or something to say about office architecture? Winning entries will be featured in the next print edition of ARCHHIVE BOOKS’ ‘Office Architecture’ publication, alongside the winning entries of the design competition. Participants are invited to enter either competition separately or both together.

Nicola Gillen, International Partner at Cushman & Wakefield, a global commercial real estate services firm, co-author of ReThink Design Guide; Architecture for a Post Pandemic World 2025 (RIBA March 2021), lead author of Future Office (RIBA March 2019), and a visiting lecturer at the IE School of Architecture and Design, Madrid
Dr Juriaan van Meel, co-founder of BriefBuilder, an expert in the field of architectural briefing and workplace design, and co-author of Activity-Based Working Practice Guide (2020), Briefing for Buildings (2018) and Workplaces Today (2015)
Simeon Siegel, partner at the Turett Collaborative Architects, where he project-manages retail, food service and corporate work
Hans Toft Hornemann and Terkel Skou Steffensen, co-founders of Aspekt Office, a Copenhagen-based multidisciplinary design studio, specializing in furniture, product and interior design

Weitere Informationen zu den Gewinnern finden Sie unter /
More information about the winners can be found at:

Essay competition: the office architecture
BEE BREEDERS Architecture Competition Organisers, Singapore (SG)
Office architecture has changed dramatically over the past few years, with cubicles replaced by open plan offices, and old equipment from fax machines to filing cabinets being replaced by modern technology.
New tools and new technologies have transformed the way we work and communicate such cloud-based software, video conferencing, and even email and social media. It has also eliminated the need for offices and workspaces to be set up in a specific way, with the focus nowadays on collaboration with colleagues and allowing office workers to feel comfortable and productive however they choose to work.
The impact of the Coronavirus has made it even clearer that a traditional office layout is no longer necessary, as many people were just as productive when they worked remotely from home. It’s unlikely that workplaces will fully return to normal ever again, but there is still a need for office space for a number of reasons. Social interaction with colleagues, more effective tools (technology, furniture, space), face-to-face collaboration and client meetings, for example.
How can workplaces evolve and adapt to help facilitate a combination of in-person and virtual working? Do you have an idea or something to say about office architecture? Winning entries will be featured in the next print edition of ARCHHIVE BOOKS’ ‘Office Architecture’ publication, alongside the winning entries of the design competition. Participants are invited to enter either competition separately or both together.
Offener Wettbewerb (auch für Studenten)
3 winning proposals and 6 honourable mentions will be selected. Bee Breeders will award a total of 1,000 € in prize money to competition winners as follows:
1st Prize - 600 €
2nd Prize - 300 €
3rd Prize - 100 € 
+ 6 honourable mentions
Preissumme 1.000 EUR
Closing date for registration 09 NOVEMBER, 2021
Closing date for project submission 13 DECEMBER, 2021 (11:59pm GMT+0)
Announcement of the winners 22 FEBRUARY, 2022 

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