Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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  • TerraViva LOGO
  • TerraViva LOGO
  • TerraViva LOGO
  • TerraViva LOGO
  • TerraViva LOGO
  • TerraViva LOGO
  • TerraViva LOGO | Awarded projects collage
  • 2. Preis / 2nd prize: © Lilia Amaro, Marta Soares, Rita Figueiredo [Portugal]
  • 3. Preis / 3rd prize: © Ivana Bacanek, Ana Mojas [Croatia]
  • Golden Mention: © Paola Dus, Riccardo Volpe [Italy]
  • Golden Mention: © Alice Vedana [Italy]

TerraViva LOGO , Mailand/ Italien

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
Aktualisiert am
Offener Wettbewerb
Student*innen, Grafikdesigner*innen, Architekt*innen, Illustratoren, Künstler*innen, visuelle Designer*innen etc.

Wie lautet der dritte Buchstabe von "wettbewerbe"?

1. Preis / 1st prize

Agathe Brütt [France]
  • 1. Preis / 1st prize: © Agathe Brütt [France]
  • TerraViva LOGO
  • 1. Preis / 1st prize: © Agathe Brütt [France]

2. Preis / 2nd prize

Lilia Amaro, Marta Soares, Rita Figueiredo [Portugal]
  • 2. Preis / 2nd prize: © Lilia Amaro, Marta Soares, Rita Figueiredo [Portugal]
  • 2. Preis / 2nd prize: © Lilia Amaro, Marta Soares, Rita Figueiredo [Portugal]
  • 2. Preis / 2nd prize: © Lilia Amaro, Marta Soares, Rita Figueiredo [Portugal]
  • 2. Preis / 2nd prize: © Lilia Amaro, Marta Soares, Rita Figueiredo [Portugal]

3. Preis / 3rd prize

Ivana Bacanek, Ana Mojas [Croatia]
  • 3. Preis / 3rd prize: © Ivana Bacanek, Ana Mojas [Croatia]
  • 3. Preis / 3rd prize: © Ivana Bacanek, Ana Mojas [Croatia]
  • 3. Preis / 3rd prize: © Ivana Bacanek, Ana Mojas [Croatia]
  • 3. Preis / 3rd prize: © Ivana Bacanek, Ana Mojas [Croatia]

Golden Mention

Paola Dus, Riccardo Volpe [Italy]
  • Golden Mention: © Paola Dus, Riccardo Volpe [Italy]
  • Golden Mention: © Paola Dus, Riccardo Volpe [Italy]
  • Golden Mention: © Paola Dus, Riccardo Volpe [Italy]
  • Golden Mention: © Paola Dus, Riccardo Volpe [Italy]

Golden Mention

Alice Vedana [Italy]
  • Golden Mention: © Alice Vedana [Italy]
  • Golden Mention: © Alice Vedana [Italy]
  • Golden Mention: © Alice Vedana [Italy]
  • Golden Mention: © Alice Vedana [Italy]

Honorable Mention

Sudeshna Das, Tiziano Bonsignore [India - Italy]
  • Honorable Mention: © Sudeshna Das, Tiziano Bonsignore [India - Italy]
  • Honorable Mention: © Sudeshna Das, Tiziano Bonsignore [India - Italy]
  • Honorable Mention: © Sudeshna Das, Tiziano Bonsignore [India - Italy]
  • Honorable Mention: © Sudeshna Das, Tiziano Bonsignore [India - Italy]

Honorable Mention

Francesco Costantino [Italy]
  • Honorable Mention: © Francesco Costantino [Italy]
  • Honorable Mention: © Francesco Costantino [Italy]
  • Honorable Mention: © Francesco Costantino [Italy]
  • Honorable Mention: © Francesco Costantino [Italy]

Honorable Mention

Denise Ventura [Italy]
  • Honorable Mention: © Denise Ventura [Italy]
  • Honorable Mention: © Denise Ventura [Italy]
  • Honorable Mention: © Denise Ventura [Italy]
  • Honorable Mention: © Denise Ventura [Italy]

Honorable Mention

Giulio Mazzanti Dolci [Italy]
  • Honorable Mention: © Giulio Mazzanti Dolci [Italy]
  • Honorable Mention: © Giulio Mazzanti Dolci [Italy]
  • Honorable Mention: © Giulio Mazzanti Dolci [Italy]
  • Honorable Mention: © Giulio Mazzanti Dolci [Italy]

Honorable Mention

Paolo Tomei [Italy]
  • Honorable Mention: © Paolo Tomei [Italy]
  • Honorable Mention: © Paolo Tomei [Italy]
  • Honorable Mention: © Paolo Tomei [Italy]
  • Honorable Mention: © Paolo Tomei [Italy]

Honorable Mention

Gioberto Papone [Italy]
  • Honorable Mention: © Gioberto Papone [Italy]
  • Honorable Mention: © Gioberto Papone [Italy]
  • Honorable Mention: © Gioberto Papone [Italy]
  • Honorable Mention: © Gioberto Papone [Italy]

Honorable Mention

Zahra Namazli, Ahmad Namazli [Azerbaijan]
  • Honorable Mention: © Zahra Namazli, Ahmad Namazli [Azerbaijan]
  • Honorable Mention: © Zahra Namazli, Ahmad Namazli [Azerbaijan]
  • Honorable Mention: © Zahra Namazli, Ahmad Namazli [Azerbaijan]
  • Honorable Mention: © Zahra Namazli, Ahmad Namazli [Azerbaijan]

Honorable Mention

Silvia Afonso [Portugal]
  • Honorable Mention: © Silvia Afonso [Portugal]
  • Honorable Mention: © Silvia Afonso [Portugal]
  • Honorable Mention: © Silvia Afonso [Portugal]
  • Honorable Mention: © Silvia Afonso [Portugal]

Honorable Mention

Alessandro Sutto [Italy]
  • Honorable Mention: © Alessandro Sutto [Italy]
  • Honorable Mention: © Alessandro Sutto [Italy]
  • Honorable Mention: © Alessandro Sutto [Italy]
  • Honorable Mention: © Alessandro Sutto [Italy]

Honorable Mention

Ana Pinto, Ines Almeida, Cristhian Sarapura [Portugal - Spain]
  • Honorable Mention: © Ana Pinto, Ines Almeida, Cristhian Sarapura [Portugal - Spain]
  • Honorable Mention: © Ana Pinto, Ines Almeida, Cristhian Sarapura [Portugal - Spain]
  • Honorable Mention: © Ana Pinto, Ines Almeida, Cristhian Sarapura [Portugal - Spain]
  • Honorable Mention: © Ana Pinto, Ines Almeida, Cristhian Sarapura [Portugal - Spain]
Offener Grafikdesign-Wettbewerb

TerraViva LOGO: Grafikdesign-Wettbewerb | Im Laufe der Zeit haben wir erkannt, wie wichtig es ist, unsere Markenidentität zu vertiefen und zu hinterfragen, was die Essenz eines jeden Startups ausmacht: das Logo. Unter dieser Prämisse haben wir beschlossen, uns auf die Suche nach einem neuen, unverwechselbaren und ikonischen Symbol zu machen, das die Kernwerte von TerraViva am besten repräsentiert.

Die Herausforderung dieses Wettbewerbs besteht darin, die Werte, die sowohl unsere Marke als auch alle unsere Initiativen charakterisieren, vollständig zu erforschen und nach dem Symbol, der Schriftart oder dem grafischen Zeichen zu suchen, das die perfekte Synthese dessen, was TerraViva heute ist, zum Ausdruck bringt. Ziel ist es, originelle und bahnbrechende Vorschläge zu sammeln, die in der Lage sind, unsere Identität auf wirksame und unmittelbare Weise zu vermitteln.

Die Designer haben die Freiheit, zeitgemäße Verbesserungen des bestehenden Logos und der Schriftart vorzuschlagen oder völlig neue Wege zu beschreiten, indem sie mit Formen, Farben, Schriftzügen und dem Tonfall spielen. Das Ziel ist es, ein Logo zu entwerfen, das nicht nur eine starke visuelle Wirkung hat, sondern auch eine Geschichte erzählt, unser Engagement für eine nachhaltige Zukunft vermittelt und unsere Leidenschaft für Design und Architektur zum Ausdruck bringt. Stoßen Sie an Ihre Grenzen und beeindrucken Sie die Jury mit neuen Lösungen, die unsere höchsten Erwartungen übertreffen!

Competition assignment
TerraViva LOGO: Graphic Design Competition | Over the course of time, we have recognised the importance of digging deeper into our brand identity, questioning precisely what identifies the essence of every startup: the logo. With this premise in mind, we have decided to undertake the search for a new distinctive and iconic symbol, capable of representing in the best way the core values of TerraViva.

The challenge of this competition is to fully explore the values that characterise both our brand and all our initiatives, searching for that symbol, that font, that graphic sign capable of expressing the perfect synthesis of what TerraViva is today. The intent is to collect original and ground-breaking proposals capable of communicating our identity in an effective and immediate way.

Designers will have the freedom to propose timely enhancements to the existing logo and font, or explore entirely new directions, playing with shapes, colours, lettering, and tone of voice. The goal is to design a logo that not only has a strong visual impact, but also tells a story, conveys our commitment to a sustainable future and communicates our passion for design and architecture. Push your limits and impress the jury with new solutions capable of exceeding our best expectations!

Eugenia Bolla| TerraViva (Rosario, Argentina)
Sasha Komarevych | B4i (Kiev, Ukraine)
Camilla Geusa | CB’A (Rome, Italy)
Zack Jenkins | Zeejenks (San Francisco, USA)

Weitere Informationen zu den Gewinner*innen finden Sie unter /
More information about the winners can be found at:


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