Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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  • 1. Preis: PoYu Chung (USA)
  • 2. Preis: Xiaonan Li · Tianyu Zhao (Ungarn)
  • 3. Preis: Hana Cicevic · Daniel Abraham Gandica (USA)
  • Special Mention: Yang Zhao (China)
  • Honorable Mention: Iman Fritsch (Deutschland)
  • Honorable Mention: Minza Shahid · Soham Dange (Indien)
  • Honorable Mention: Hangchuan Wei · Xiaoying Fu · Yuhan Wu (China)


Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

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Offener Wettbewerb
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156 Arbeiten

1. Preis

Projekt: Design with and against Carbon Form – Architecture forms as sites for new energy paradigms in the era of sustainability
PoYu Chung (USA)
  • 1. Preis: PoYu Chung (USA)
  • 1. Preis: PoYu Chung (USA)
  • 1. Preis: PoYu Chung (USA)
  • 1. Preis: PoYu Chung (USA)
  • 1. Preis: PoYu Chung (USA)
  • 1. Preis: PoYu Chung (USA)

2. Preis

Projekt: Impacts of micro infrastructure on sustainable urban regeneration in the
context of India based on the coexistence between human and local animals
Xiaonan Li · Tianyu Zhao (Ungarn)
  • 2. Preis: Xiaonan Li · Tianyu Zhao (Ungarn)
  • 2. Preis: Xiaonan Li · Tianyu Zhao (Ungarn)

3. Preis

Projekt: Mottainai, Kintsugi, and Sakiori: Redefining Sustainability through the Lenses of Three Resource Philosophies
Hana Cicevic · Daniel Abraham Gandica (USA)
  • 3. Preis: Hana Cicevic · Daniel Abraham Gandica (USA)
  • 3. Preis: Hana Cicevic · Daniel Abraham Gandica (USA)

Special Mention

Projekt: Digital Curvature —Experimental Study of Digital Wood Fabrication
Yang Zhao (China)
  • Special Mention: Yang Zhao (China)
  • Special Mention: Yang Zhao (China)
  • Special Mention: Yang Zhao (China)
  • Special Mention: Yang Zhao (China)
  • Special Mention: Yang Zhao (China)
  • Special Mention: Yang Zhao (China)
  • Special Mention: Yang Zhao (China)
  • Special Mention: Yang Zhao (China)
  • Special Mention: Yang Zhao (China)
  • Special Mention: Yang Zhao (China)
  • Special Mention: Yang Zhao (China)
  • Special Mention: Yang Zhao (China)
  • Special Mention: Yang Zhao (China)
  • Special Mention: Yang Zhao (China)
  • Special Mention: Yang Zhao (China)
  • Special Mention: Yang Zhao (China)

Honorable Mention

Projekt: Planning For And With People
Iman Fritsch (Deutschland)
  • Honorable Mention: Iman Fritsch (Deutschland)
  • Honorable Mention: Iman Fritsch (Deutschland)

Honorable Mention

Projekt: Are We Sustainable Enough To Sustain?
Minza Shahid · Soham Dange (Indien)
  • Honorable Mention: Minza Shahid · Soham Dange (Indien)
  • Honorable Mention: Minza Shahid · Soham Dange (Indien)

Honorable Mention

Projekt: Embracing Ageing Architecture, Towards a Sustainable Future
Hangchuan Wei · Xiaoying Fu · Yuhan Wu (China)
  • Honorable Mention: Hangchuan Wei · Xiaoying Fu · Yuhan Wu (China)
  • Honorable Mention: Hangchuan Wei · Xiaoying Fu · Yuhan Wu (China)
Offener Essay-Wettbewerb

Archiol Artuminate hat diese zweite Ausgabe des Essay-Wettbewerbs für nachhaltige Architektur organisiert, um das Bewusstsein für die nachhaltigen Maßnahmen zu schärfen, die die Bauindustrie ergreifen muss, um die schädlichen Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt zu verringern.

„Wenn die Menschheit den Planeten in den Abgrund reißt, bin ich tot. Ich versuche, meinen Arsch zu retten. Und das ist eine starke Macht.“
– Michael Reynolds.

Die Bauindustrie hat einen enormen Einfluss auf die Umwelt. Allein diese Branche ist für 23 % der Luftverschmutzung, 40 % der Verschmutzung des Trinkwassers und 50 % des Deponiemülls verantwortlich; daher muss diese Branche nachhaltige Praktiken anwenden. Nachhaltige Architektur ist ein architektonischer Designstil, der nach umweltfreundlichen Prinzipien entwickelt wurde.

Nachhaltige Architektur, auch bekannt als grüne Architektur, zielt darauf ab, die Anzahl der Ressourcen, die beim Bau, der Nutzung und dem Betrieb von Gebäuden verbraucht werden, zu minimieren. Sie versucht auch, die schädlichen Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt zu reduzieren. Nachhaltige Architektur ist ein Designstil, der auf der Idee umweltfreundlicher und ressourceneffizienter Gebäude basiert.

„Ich denke, es ist in einem schlechten Zustand. Vom Himmel über die Gewässer bis hin zum Glück der Menschen, der Besitzenden und der Besitzlosen. Es gibt so viele Orte auf unserem Planeten, die irreparabel zerstört sind. Die Ölpest, der Müll, die Abwässer, die Radioaktivität. Es nimmt einfach immer mehr zu.“
– Michael Reynolds.

Verbreitung des Bewusstseins für nachhaltige Maßnahmen im Baugewerbe und in der Bauindustrie

Competition assignment
Archiol Artuminate has organized this second edition of the sustainable architecture essay competition to spread awareness of the sustainable measures that the construction and building industry needs to adopt to mitigate the harmful impact on the environment.

“If humanity takes the planet down the tubes, I’m dead. I’m trying to save my ass. And that is a powerful force.”
– Michael Reynolds.

Building and construction industry has a tremendous impact on the environment. This industry alone contributes up to 23% of air pollution, 40% of drinking water pollution, and 50% of landfill waste; thus, this particular industry must adopt sustainable practices. Sustainable Architecture is an architecture design style developed following environmentally friendly principles.

Sustainable Architecture, also known as Green architecture, aims to minimize the number of resources consumed in the building construction, use, and operation. It also attempts to reduce the harmful effects on the environment. Sustainable architecture is a design style based on the idea of environmentally sound and resource-efficient buildings.

“I think it’s in bad shape. From the skies to the waters, to the happiness of people, the haves and the have-nots. There are so many places on the planet that are trashed beyond repair. The oil spills, the junk, the sewerage, the radioactivity. It just keeps growing.”
– Michael Reynolds.

To spread awareness of sustainable measures in the construction and building industry

Weitere Informationen zu allen Gewinnern finden Sie unter /
More information about all winners can be found at:

NOV – DEC 2022
“It’s almost like a disaster has to happen to cause the world to start preparing.”
- Michael Reynolds.
Archiol Artuminate has organized this second edition of the sustainable architecture essay competition to spread awareness of the sustainable measures that the construction and building industry needs to adopt to mitigate the harmful impact on the environment. 
“If humanity takes the planet down the tubes, I’m dead. I’m trying to save my ass. And that is a powerful force.” - Michael Reynolds.
Building and construction industry has a tremendous impact on the environment. This industry alone contributes up to 23% of air pollution, 40% of drinking water pollution, and 50% of landfill waste; thus, this particular industry must adopt sustainable practices. Sustainable Architecture is an architecture design style developed following environmentally friendly principles. 
Sustainable Architecture, also known as Green architecture, aims to minimize the number of resources consumed in the building construction, use, and operation. It also attempts to reduce the harmful effects on the environment. Sustainable architecture is a design style based on the idea of environmentally sound and resource-efficient buildings.
“I think it’s in bad shape. From the skies to the waters, to the happiness of people, the haves and the have-nots. There are so many places on the planet that are trashed beyond repair. The oil spills, the junk, the sewerage, the radioactivity. It just keeps growing.” - Michael Reynolds.
To spread awareness of sustainable measures in the construction and building industry 
Points to be considered:
1. Understanding of Sustainable architecture
2. The Necessity of Sustainable architecture
3. Characteristics of sustainable architecture 
4. Components of sustainable architecture
“We should really learn about the Earth (the physics and biology of it) so we can work with it – to make sure we can live here without destroying it.” - Michael Reynolds.
Competition Idea based on:
“It’s not like a light bulb went on and I thought: ‘I’m going to make sustainable housing’. It happened little by little as a result of responding to the news (of environmental issues.) I stumbled into this as a result of responding.”  - Michael Reynolds.
• This competition is open to all.
• You can participate individually or as a team (Maximum 3 members in a team)
Submission Requirements:
• Essay: 1500 -2000 words (Docx. / Docs. File – Title (Font style: Arial Black, Font size: 16),  Essay body (Font style: Arial, Font size: 12) )
• A header image for the essay – 42 x 30 cm.  (Illustrations, Graphics, Diagrams – JPEG. / JPG. format)
Registration deadline: 31st December 2022
• AR (advanced registration) deadline: 15th November 2022
• SR (standard registrations) deadline: 15th December 2022
• LR (late registration): 5th December 2022 – 31st December 2022
Submission Starts:  31st December 2022
Submission Ends: 5th January 2023
Result Announcement: 10th March 2023 
Winners (X3): Certificate of achievement + Publication + Interview
Honourable mentions (X3): Certificates + Publication 
Shortlisted entries (X10): Certificates 
AR (advanced registration): 1st November -15th November 2022 | $10(INT) / ₹200(IND)
SR (standard registration): 16th November – 15th December 2022 | $12 (INT) / ₹250 (IND)
LR (late registration): 16th December – 31st December 2022 | $15 (INT) / ₹300(IND)
*(INT) – International payments /*(IND) – Indian payments. 
Visit our website: www.artuminate.com
Click the competition banner: 
Artuminate – www.artuminate.com & Archiol – www.archiol.com
Doubts /Queries related to the competition: hello@artuminate.com
Request online chat support for queries: DM (Instagram) @archi_ol (Team will redirect you to the chat support)
Payment-related queries: media@archiol.com

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