Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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#StockholmCall: Whorkshop Center in old Gamla Stan , Stockholm/ Schweden

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

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1. Preis

Elena Bogomaz · Andrey Korablev · Ilya Timofeev · Aliia Akhmetshina, Russland
Projekt: Heartwood of Stockholm
  • 1. Preis: Elena Bogomaz · Andrey Korablev · Ilya Timofeev · Aliia Akhmetshina, Russland
  • 1. Preis: Elena Bogomaz · Andrey Korablev · Ilya Timofeev · Aliia Akhmetshina, Russland

2. Preis

Viktoriia Aloshyna · Oleksandr Levytsky, Ukraine
Projekt: Workshop Center Stockholm
  • 2. Preis: Viktoriia Aloshyna · Oleksandr Levytsky, Ukraine
  • 2. Preis: Viktoriia Aloshyna · Oleksandr Levytsky, Ukraine

3. Preis

Yordan Kirilov, Bulgarien
Projekt: The New Level of Kornhamnstorg
  • 3. Preis: Yordan Kirilov, Bulgarien
  • 3. Preis: Yordan Kirilov, Bulgarien


Uda Visser · Marijn Mees, Niederlande
Projekt: Woodmarket
  • Erwähnung: Uda Visser · Marijn Mees, Niederlande
  • Erwähnung: Uda Visser · Marijn Mees, Niederlande


Bebin Loic, Frankreich
Projekt: Workshop Center Stockholm
  • Erwähnung: Bebin Loic, Frankreich
  • Erwähnung: Bebin Loic, Frankreich


Jack Fox · Naeko Pan · Chan Hou Io, China
Projekt: Workshop Center
  • Erwähnung: Jack Fox · Naeko Pan · Chan Hou Io, China
  • Erwähnung: Jack Fox · Naeko Pan · Chan Hou Io, China


Alexandre Billaudeau, Frankreich
Projekt: Workshop Center
  • Erwähnung: Alexandre Billaudeau, Frankreich
  • Erwähnung: Alexandre Billaudeau, Frankreich


Matteo Torracchi, Italien
Projekt: W.USEUM
  • Erwähnung: Matteo Torracchi, Italien
  • Erwähnung: Matteo Torracchi, Italien


Robin Fer, Frankreich
Projekt. Stockholm Workshop Center
  • Erwähnung: Robin Fer, Frankreich
  • Erwähnung: Robin Fer, Frankreich


Irina Kapunkina, Russland
Projekt. Stockholm Workshop Center
  • Erwähnung: Irina Kapunkina, Russland
  • Erwähnung: Irina Kapunkina, Russland
Offener Ideenwettbewerb

Die vierzehn Inseln im Malaren-See, aus denen die Stadt Stockholm besteht, bewahren eine siebenhundertjährige Vergangenheit, die die Geschichte der schwedischen Hauptstadt erzählt. Die Gebäude des späten neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, die gotischen Kirchen und Parks charakterisieren eine europäische Hauptstadt, in der Architektur und Natur in perfekter Balance nebeneinander existieren. Die Metrolinie ist ein Ort der Kunst: Dazu gehört auch die U-Bahn-Linie, deren Haltestellen zu einem Moment der Entdeckung der in ihnen ausgestellten Werke lokaler Künstler werden. Handwerker und Designer tragen dazu bei, die lokale Tradition aufrechtzuerhalten, insbesondere die Gamla Stan, ein Labyrinth mittelalterlicher Straßen, die das alte Zentrum bilden. Das Stockholm Workshop Center wird auf der kleinen Insel Stadsholem gebaut, um das kulturelle Ferment des gesamten Viertels am Leben zu erhalten. Holzverarbeitende Labors und Ausstellungsbereiche werden den Besuchern einen neuen Raum der Interaktion bieten. Eine Architektur, die sich an einer Grenzlinie befindet und so zu einer Verbindung zwischen Stadt und Küste wird.

Competition assignment
The fourteen islands on Lake Malaren that make up the city of Stockholm preserve a seven hundred year of history that racount the story of the Swedish capital. The buildings of the late nineteenth century, the Gothic churches, parks characterize a european capital in which architecture and nature coexist in perfect balance. The metroline is a place of art: among these is the subway line where the stops become a moment to discovery the works of local artists exhibited in them. Craftsmen and designers contribute to maintain the local tradition, especially Gamla Stan, a maze of medieval streets that make up the old center. Stockholm Workshop Center will be built on the islet of Stadsholem to keep the cultural ferment of the entire district alive. Woodworking laboratories and exhibition areas will offer visitors a new space of interaction. An architecture that, by placing itself on a border line, becomes a connection between the town and the coast.

Preisgericht / Jury
3Ndy Studio - AM3 Architetti Associati – Bianchivenetoarchitetti – Demogo Studio - Didonè Comacchio Architetti – Inout Architettura – KM429 Architettura - Laprimastanza – Morana Rao Architettura – Opps Architettura – Pardini Hall Architecture – RRS Studio – Walter Leone Arquitecto
StockholmCall: Whorkshop Center in old Gamla Stan

The fourteen islands on Lake Malaren that make up the city of Stockholm preserve a seven hundred year of history that racount the story of the Swedish capital. The buildings of the late nineteenth century, the Gothic churches, parks characterize a european capital in which architecture and nature coexist in perfect balance. The metroline is a place of art: among these is the subway line where the stops become a moment to discovery the works of local artists exhibited in them. Craftsmen and designers contribute to maintain the local tradition, especially Gamla Stan, a maze of medieval streets that make up the old center. Stockholm Workshop Center will be built on the islet of Stadsholem to keep the cultural ferment of the entire district alive. Woodworking laboratories and exhibition areas will offer visitors a new space of interaction. An architecture that, by placing itself on a border line, becomes a connection between the town and the coast.

#2_Who can participate
There is no limit for the competition. I allowed to contest all those who want to deal with the theme proposed, whatever their country of origin. There are no age limits, can enroll graduate students, graduates or professionals. You can participate as an individual or as a group (max 5 components). In the second case it is necessary to elect a leader to have a contact person to which official communications. Each participant may submit only one project and not be part of more than one grouping. All competitors have the same rights and must fulfill the same obligations. Groups can be mixed or use more professional, they may be made simultaneously by graduate and undergraduate students.

Application is open until the last day of the delivery processed 15th of Dicember 2019.
The application procedures are:
FIRST ENTRY: dal 02nd of September – 04th of November the fee entry is of 30,00 euros for team (regardless of the number of competitors) and 20,00 euros if the participant is unique.
SECOND ENTRY: dal 05th of November – 15th of Dicemberthe fee entry is of 40,00 euros for team (regardless of the number of competitors) and 25,00 euros if the participant is unique.
The methods of payment are the following:
-PayPal: You can submit your entry fee by referring to the startfortalents@gmail.com
-Bank Transfer: For those wishing to pay by bank transfer can write to the email startfortalents@gmail.com and ask specific information about the bank.
There are no refunds in any circumstances. Sending the registration fee you accept every point of this regulation.
FAQ: For any questions you can write to our mail before the 15th of November.
The official languages of the competition are: English, Italian, Spanish.

Following the payment, we must send the payment receipt and the Form A (point 6 of regulation) to email startfortalents@gmail.com. Only after this will send and area photos (no high-resolution images because it shouldn’t uses for rendering) and reference 2D dwg file. It is forbidden to use a different plan than the one provided. Since this is a competition of ideas cannot find any reference to building restrictions do not constrain the work of competitors.
Functional Spaces (it is a design suggestion and not a constraint. Functional or dimensional additions can be provided):
Reception: 50 mq + Restaurant area: 200 mq + 2 Exposition rooms: 100 mq for each one + 2 Laboratory for wood working: 100 mq for each one + Book shop: 70 mq + Dressing room for staff: 30 mq + 2 Offices for staff: 50 mq for each one + Plant room (water / electricity): 100 mq + Storage equipment for maintenance: 70 mq + Green park area: free dimension + Parking (external and underground): 20/30 cars
Height limits are not imposed and it is possible to provide underground spaces. The area must be considered free of any pre-existence.

#5_Project area
Place: Stockholm, Sweden, Kornhamnstrong
Surface: 1644 mq

#6_ Drawing&Deadlines
The files in digital format must be sent in a single moment, with each title in the alphanumeric code chosen at the discretion of the participants, by 23:59 (Stockholm time) on 15th of Dicember 2019 to the email startfortalents@gmail.com; if the files exceed the capacity email you can use WeTransfer service to send its. Following the delivery the file cannot be re-submitted; in this case the participant will be excluded from the contest. This is part of the competition documentation:
-FORM A: Attached to this announcement and to be delivered in.pdf format and complete in each part of its. The form A must be sent both to the payment of the registration fee and to the delivery phase (panel and project report) together with the payment receipt.
-PROJECT PANEL: A digital file format A0 and drawn horizontally. It should be delivered in .jpg format with a resolution not exceeding 150 dpi. Anyone can decide how to draw up their work by inserting the elaborate plans, sections, three-dimensional reconstructions, render etc. The thesis project must contain at the top right an alphanumeric identifier (max 6 units) that each participant will choose freely. EXAMPLE (ARCH01, 1PROG2, LAB123, etc. etc.)
-RELATION OF PROJECT: A folder A4 .word format, minimum 3000 characters and maximum 4000 characters including spaces, format Arial 11, where not inserted images or graphics design. Internally they are described reasons formal and functional characterization of most of the proposal. In the header you must insert the alphanumeric code.

The jury of contest is it:
Evaluation criteria:
Integration context: 1-3 points - Formal and functional choices: 1-3 points- Project communication: 1-3 points
The results will be publish not later than il 12th of January 2020. The work of the jury is incontestable. Besides the winners and the eventual mentioned works, the rest of the participants will be consider tied.

The winners will be announced on the website of the Association no later than the date of 12th of January 2020. Will be deserving the first three works as well as any other projects which are not excluded special mentions.
#The winner will receive a prize of 1000,00 euro (excluding TAX).
#Top three finishers will have an annual subscription to the DOMUS magazine in digital format.
#The winners and mentioned might take part for life at all our future competitions that we will propose on our portal.
The mentions are planned - for which there are no cash prizes – that the jury will agree to other worthy projects. All projects with recognition will be published on our site. For the winner: It is necessary to respond to our interview within 30 days from the publication of the results to proceed with the payment of the prize. Attendance certificates can be requested between the closing date of the contest and the date of publication of the results.
Follow the results on our profile Facebook and Instagram @startfortalents


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