Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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Start with the park: St Cuthbert’s Garden Village Ideas Competition , Carlisle/ Vereinigtes Königreich

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

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St. Cuthbert's Garden Village ist eines der größten Projekte dieser Art im ganzen Land und das größte im Norden Englands. St Cuthbert's, das aus der Welt nach der Pandemie hervorgegangen ist, bietet eine einzigartige Gelegenheit, neu darüber nachzudenken, wie wir leben wollen, und das Konzept des Gartendorfes für das 21.

Der Stadtrat von Carlisle schreibt in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Landscape Institute einen zweistufigen Wettbewerb aus, um einen herausragenden Designer oder ein Team von Designern auszuwählen, die Vorschläge für einen multimodalen Grünzug und Park ausarbeiten, der das Herzstück eines neuen Gartendorfes im Süden von Carlisle bilden soll. Das Gartendorf wird den Namen St Cuthbert's tragen.

Dieses Projekt bietet eine Fülle von Möglichkeiten zu erforschen, wie Landschaft und Freiraum die Orte gestalten können, an denen wir leben wollen. Der Stadtrat von Carlisle möchte mit seinem einzigartigen Ansatz Start with the Park eine Vorreiterrolle übernehmen und sucht kreative Designer, die mit ihm zusammenarbeiten, um Innovationen im Bereich der grünen Infrastruktur und der landschaftsorientierten Gesamtplanung zu verwirklichen.

Competition assignment
St Cuthbert’s Garden Village is one of the largest projects of its kind nationally and the largest in the north of England. Emerging from the post-pandemic world, St Cuthbert’s provides a unique opportunity to rethink how we want to live and redefine the garden village concept for the 21st century.

Carlisle City Council in partnership with the Landscape Institute is launching a two-stage design competition to select an outstanding designer or team of designers to prepare design proposals for a multi-modal Greenway and Park to form the centrepiece of a new Garden Village located to the south of Carlisle. The Garden Village will be known as St Cuthbert’s.

This is a project rich with opportunities to explore how landscape and open space can shape the places we want to live. Following a unique ‘Start with the Park’ approach, Carlisle City Council hope to lead the way and are looking for creative designers to work with them on the delivery of innovation in green infrastructure and landscape led masterplanning.
Start with the park: St Cuthbert’s Garden Village Ideas Competition
Carlisle City Council
Landscape Institute
About the Competition
St Cuthbert’s Garden Village is one of the largest projects of its kind nationally and the largest in the north of England. Emerging from the post-pandemic world, St Cuthbert’s provides a unique opportunity to rethink how we want to live and redefine the garden village concept for the 21st century.
Carlisle City Council in partnership with the Landscape Institute is launching a two-stage design competition to select an outstanding designer or team of designers to prepare design proposals for a multi-modal Greenway and Park to form the centrepiece of a new Garden Village located to the south of Carlisle. The Garden Village will be known as St Cuthbert’s.
This is a project rich with opportunities to explore how landscape and open space can shape the places we want to live. Following a unique ‘Start with the Park’ approach, Carlisle City Council hope to lead the way and are looking for creative designers to work with them on the delivery of innovation in green infrastructure and landscape led masterplanning.
Stage 1 Deadline: 10th September 2021
More information and details at

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