Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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Spirala Community Home , Idanha-A-Nova/ Portugal

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

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Offener Wettbewerb
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Bee Breeders Architecture Competition Organisers, Singapore

Wie lautet der letzte Buchstabe von "aktuell"?

1. Preis

Ekin Turgay · Serkan Sonar, Türkei
Projekt: Swirl Pavilion
  • Spirala Community Home
  • Spirala Community Home
  • Spirala Community Home
  • Spirala Community Home

2. Preis

Manuel Collado Arpia · Dustin Hernandez Jover · Berta Calle Martos, Spanien
  • Spirala Community Home
  • Spirala Community Home
  • Spirala Community Home
  • Spirala Community Home

3. Preis

Leonardo Raviola · Joao Carriço · Ruben Guerreiro, Portugal
  • Spirala Community Home
  • Spirala Community Home
  • Spirala Community Home
  • Spirala Community Home

BB Student Award

Mykhailo Vishchun · Zhenya Zhenev, Odesa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Ukraine
Projekt: Spirala Community House
  • Spirala Community Home
  • Spirala Community Home
  • Spirala Community Home
  • Spirala Community Home

Clients Favorite + BB Green Award

Ryo Murata · Mizuho Ueyama · Tomohiro Koizumi · Renata Baksai, Japan
Projekt: Molecular Spiral
  • Spirala Community Home
  • Spirala Community Home
  • Spirala Community Home
  • Spirala Community Home
Offener Wettbewerb

Es gibt einen wachsenden modernen Trend, dass Menschen ihr Leben in Großstädten aufgeben und sich stattdessen dafür entscheiden, in kleineren Gemeinschaften zu leben. Diese Lebensgemeinschaften sind eine Weiterentwicklung der utopischen Kolonien und Kommunen der Vergangenheit, in denen Individuen Ressourcen und Verantwortlichkeiten in gleichem Maße teilten. Allein in den USA hat sich die Zahl der intentionalen Gemeinschaften in den letzten Jahren fast verdoppelt, mit 1.200 registrierten Gemeinschaften im Jahr 2016.

Während die Welt auf die Auswirkungen von COVID-19 und die Veränderungen, die die Gesellschaften in ihrem Lebensstil vornehmen mussten, reagiert, suchen immer mehr Menschen danach, die Großstadt hinter sich zu lassen und mit dem Aufbau einer neuen Lebensweise in intentionalen Gemeinschaften zu beginnen.

Das Spirala Ecological Village ist ein Pionierprojekt, das sich auf Selbstentfaltung und die Gemeinschaft mit der Natur konzentriert. Diese Gemeinschaft mit Sitz in Nordportugal folgt den Werten des Lebens, der Ehrlichkeit, der Integrität, des Friedens, der Nachhaltigkeit, des Lernens, der Selbstverantwortung, der Freiheit, des Bewusstseins, der Liebe, der Freundlichkeit und der Kooperation. Die Gründer Nitzan und Romy aus Israel haben sich entschieden, diese Gemeinschaft in Portugal zu gründen, um eine soziale und physische Plattform zu schaffen, auf der die Menschen ihr Potenzial als menschliche Wesen entfalten können.

Das Spirala Ecological Village wird aus 20 Gebäuden innerhalb der Gemeinschaft bestehen, in denen die Bewohner gemeinsam leben und arbeiten. Das Dorf und die Gemeinschaftsfarm werden ein Ort sein, an dem sich die Menschen täglich mit der Natur verbinden können. Diese Verbindung wird es ihnen ermöglichen, aus erster Hand zu sehen, wie ihre Handlungen und die der Gemeinschaft das komplexe und wunderschöne Ökosystem des Planeten beeinflussen.

Wir glauben, dass es unsere Pflicht als Menschen ist, den Übergang zu einem nachhaltigen Leben zu initiieren und voranzutreiben, indem wir grüne Korridore für alle Lebewesen schaffen und unseren ökologischen Fußabdruck auf unserem Planeten verkleinern.

Das Dorf wird ein Zuhause sein, das Menschen zusammenbringt, in dem sie kooperieren, lernen und ihre eigene Einzigartigkeit einbringen können, um sie mit anderen zu teilen.

Die Spirala Community Home Competition ruft zur Einreichung von Entwürfen für ein Gemeinschaftshaus auf, das im Herzen des Spirala Ecological Village stehen soll. Das Haus sollte ein Ort sein, an dem die Mitglieder der Gemeinschaft zusammenkommen und sich zu Veranstaltungen, Workshops oder einfach nur zum geselligen Beisammensein treffen können.

Das Spirala Community Home sollte sowohl einen Innen- als auch einen Außenbereich haben, in dem sich die Mitglieder treffen und versammeln können, und der das ganze Jahr über verschiedenen Zwecken dienen kann. Es sollte die Funktionalität haben, sowohl als Salon für die Gemeinschaft zu dienen, als auch Workshops zu veranstalten; ein Raum zum Mitgestalten und sich inspirieren zu lassen.

Da die Siegerentwürfe für die Realisierung in Betracht gezogen werden, bitten die Gründer des Ökodorfes die Teilnehmer, Lösungen anzubieten, die den verschiedenen Bedürfnissen der Gemeinschaft am besten gerecht werden und gleichzeitig ein produktives Beispiel für grüne Baupraktiken und nachhaltiges Design sind.

Competition assignment
There is a growing modern trend of people abandoning their lives in large cities and opting instead to live in smaller communities. These intentional communities are an evolution of the utopian colonies and communes of the past, where individuals shared resources and responsibilities in equal measure. In the US alone, the number of intentional communities has nearly doubled in recent years, with 1,200 communities registered in 2016.

As the world reacts to the impact of COVID-19 and the changes societies have had to make to their lifestyles, more and more people are looking to leave the big city behind and begin building a new way of life in intentional communities.

The Spirala Ecological Village is a pioneering project focused on self-development and communion with nature. This community, based in Northern Portugal, follows the values of life, honesty, integrity, peace, sustainability, learning, self-responsibility, freedom, awareness, love, kindness, and cooperation. Founders Nitzan and Romy from Israel chose to establish this community in Portugal in order to create a social and physical platform for people to fulfil their potential as human beings.

The Spirala Ecological Village will consist of 20 buildings within the community where residents live and work together. The village and community farm will be a place for people to connect with nature on a daily basis, and this connection will allow them to see first-hand how their actions and those of the community impact the planet’s complex and beautiful ecosystem.

“We believe it is our duty as humans to initiate and advance the transition to sustainable living by creating green corridors for all living beings and reducinge our ecological footprint on our planet.”

The village will be a home that brings people together, allowing them to cooperate, learn and bring their own uniqueness to share with others.

The Spirala Community Home competition is calling for submissions for a community home to be located in the heart of the Spirala Ecological Village. The home would need to be a space where community members can gather together and meet for events, workshops, or just socialise.

The Spirala Community Home should have both indoor and outdoor space for members to meet and congregate, and that can serve different purposes throughout the year. It should have the functionality to serve as a saloon for the community, as well as host workshops; a space to co-create and be inspired in.

As winning designs will be put forward for consideration for construction, the founders of the ecological village are asking participants to offer solutions that will best serve the various needs of the community, while also being a prolific example of green building practices and sustainable design.

Greg Corso of Syracuse NY-based SPORTS Collaborative and Assistant Professor at Syracuse University, School of Architecture
Enlai Hooi, Head of Innovation at Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects in Copenhagen, Denmark
Filipa Frois Almeida and Hugo Reis, founders of Porto-based FAHR 021.3®
Gonçalo Marrote, architect and CEO at Madeiguincho, based in Cascais, Portugal
David Montalba, Founding Principal of Montalba Architects, a diverse architecture and design studio of over 60 designers based in Santa Monica, California with a satellite office in Lausanne, Switzerland
James Whitaker, founder of London-based Whitaker Studio

Weitere Informationen zu den Gewinnern finden Sie unter /
More information about the winners can be found at:

Spirala Community Home

Bee Breeders
Architecture Competition Organizers

The Competition
There is a growing modern trend of people abandoning their lives in large cities and opting instead to live in smaller communities. These intentional communities are an evolution of the utopian colonies and communes of the past, where individuals shared resources and responsibilities in equal measure. In the US alone, the number of intentional communities has nearly doubled in recent years, with 1,200 communities registered in 2016.

As the world reacts to the impact of COVID-19 and the changes societies have had to make to their lifestyles, more and more people are looking to leave the big city behind and begin building a new way of life in intentional communities.

The Spirala Ecological Village is a pioneering project focused on self-development and communion with nature. This community, based in Northern Portugal, follows the values of life, honesty, integrity, peace, sustainability, learning, self-responsibility, freedom, awareness, love, kindness, and cooperation. Founders Nitzan and Romy from Israel chose to establish this community in Portugal in order to create a social and physical platform for people to fulfil their potential as human beings.

The Spirala Ecological Village will consist of 20 buildings within the community where residents live and work together. The village and community farm will be a place for people to connect with nature on a daily basis, and this connection will allow them to see first-hand how their actions and those of the community impact the planet’s complex and beautiful ecosystem.

“We believe it is our duty as humans to initiate and advance the transition to sustainable living by creating green corridors for all living beings and reducinge our ecological footprint on our planet.”

The village will be a home that brings people together, allowing them to cooperate, learn and bring their own uniqueness to share with others.

The Spirala Community Home competition is calling for submissions for a community home to be located in the heart of the Spirala Ecological Village. The home would need to be a space where community members can gather together and meet for events, workshops, or just socialise.

The Spirala Community Home should have both indoor and outdoor space for members to meet and congregate, and that can serve different purposes throughout the year. It should have the functionality to serve as a saloon for the community, as well as host workshops; a space to co-create and be inspired in.

As winning designs will be put forward for consideration for construction, the founders of the ecological village are asking participants to offer solutions that will best serve the various needs of the community, while also being a prolific example of green building practices and sustainable design.

Competition Type
Open International Architecture Competition

Admission Area

Competition is open to all. No professional qualification is required.
Design proposals can be developed individually or by teams (4 team members maximum).
Correspondence with organizers must be conducted in English;
All information submitted by participants must be in English.

Closing date for registration: 29 April 2021
Closing date for project submission: 03 June 2021 (11:59pm GMT+0)
Announcement of winners: 15 July 2021

Total Prize Fund: 10,000 € + Construction

1st Prize: 5,000 € + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
2nd Prize: 2,000 € + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
3rd Prize: 1,000 € + Publications + Certificate of Achievement

Spirala Ecological Village Favorite: 1,000 € + Publications + Certificate of Achievement

ARCHHIVE Student Award: 500 € + 50 € ARCHHIVE BOOKS Gift Card + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
BB Green Award: 500 € + Publications + Certificate of Achievement

6 Honorable Mentions: Publications + Certificate of Achievement

More information and documents at

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