Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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SKINS - Facade Design Competition , Delhi/ Indien

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
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Offener Wettbewerb
Keine Teilnahmebeschränkung

1. Preis

Projekt: Skin - The Envelope

2. Preis

Projekt: The Green Pixel

3. Preis

Projekt: Corporate Biophilia

Best Young Architect Design Entry

Projekt: Terra-Quad

Best Student Design Entry

Projekt: Inter X lace

Design Challenger Award

Projekt: Sentient Cube

People's Choice Award

Projekt: Re + skin
Offener Fassadenwettbewerb

Wie wir in der Architektur gelernt haben, ist die Fassade eines der wichtigsten äußeren Elemente des Gebäudes. Die Fassade setzt Erwartungen und definiert die Haptik der Gesamtstruktur. In der Klassik war die Fassade vielleicht nur wichtig, um eine überlegene Ästhetik zu erreichen. Aber jetzt spielt es eine entscheidende funktionale Rolle, insbesondere bei der Lichtdurchlässigkeit, der Akustikleistung und der Energieeffizienz.

Der heutige globale Kontext erlaubt es jedem, Fassaden nach seinen eigenen Wünschen zu bauen. Jetzt, da Firmengebäude überall im urbanen Umfeld aufblühen, brauchen wir Architekten und Designer, die mit innovativen Fassaden für die Büroflächen arbeiten, die uns ein anderes Gefühl geben.

Indien, wie wir wissen, hat eine sehr vielfältige Kultur und wächst in den letzten Jahren exponentiell. Das Aufkommen der Informationstechnologie in diesem Land hat das Gesicht des urbanen Lebensstils verändert. Einige der Städte wie Bengaluru haben davon enorm profitiert und werden daher auch als Silicon Valley of India bezeichnet. Die damit verbundene scheinbare Infrastruktur erfordert zudem die sogenannten Tech Parks in der Stadt. Und hier haben wir die Möglichkeit, ihre SKINS zu gestalten.

Competition assignment
As we have learned in architecture, the facade is one of the building’s most important exterior elements. The facade sets expectations and defines the feel of the overall structure. During classical times, facade perhaps was only important in achieving superior aesthetics. But now it has a crucial functional role; especially in light transmittance, acoustics performance and energy efficiency.

Today’s global context lets everyone to build facades of their own desire. Now corporate buildings are booming up everywhere in the urban setting, we need architects and designers to derive with innovative skins for the office spaces that make us feel different.

India, as we know, having a highly diverse culture, is growing exponentially in recent years. The advent of information technology to this country has changed the face of urban lifestyle. Well, some of the cities like Bengaluru has been benefited by this immensely and hence nicknamed as Silicon Valley of India. Moreover, the apparent infrastructure that comes with this fact demands the so-called ‘Tech parks’ in the city. And here we have an opportunity for you to design their SKINS.
SKINS - Facade Design Competition

SqrFactor, India

For any living form on this planet, the skin is the largest organ and a fine outer covering. It comes in different textures, colours and adaptability from individual to individual. No one could have ever missed on wondering how differently it is made from species to species on this planet.

It is impossible to retain this body made of flesh and bones without this magnificent mechanism called skin, that wraps, senses, adapts, retracts, liberates, regenerates and camouflages with the surroundings.

If you consider a building as a living structure, then those facades are like skins that respond to its interiors and exteriors. Basically, the core characteristics of any form of the outer shell in nature must be dealing with these three main functions: protection, regulation, and sensation.

If we have to learn from nature, we got to rethink and specify what goes in designing a great facade.

Competition Assignment
As we have learned in architecture, the facade is one of the building’s most important exterior elements. The facade sets expectations and defines the feel of the overall structure.

During classical times, facade perhaps was only important in achieving superior aesthetics. But now it has a crucial functional role; especially in light transmittance, acoustics performance and energy efficiency.

Today’s global context lets everyone to build facades of their own desire. Now corporate buildings are booming up everywhere in the urban setting, we need architects and designers to derive with innovative skins for the office spaces that make us feel different.

India, as we know, having a highly diverse culture, is growing exponentially in recent years. The advent of information technology to this country has changed the face of urban lifestyle.

Well, some of the cities like Bengaluru has been benefited by this immensely and hence nicknamed as Silicon Valley of India. Moreover, the apparent infrastructure that comes with this fact demands the so-called ‘Tech parks’ in the city. And here we have an opportunity for you to design their SKINS.

Competition Type
Open competition

Amission Area

Architects, students, product designers, thinkers, firms/companies, organizations and everyone interested in the mission of the competition can submit their ideas.

Last date for submissions: 23rd June 2019
Announcement of winners: 15th July 2019

More information and details at

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