Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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Powerhouse Precinct at Parramatta , Sydney/ Australien

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
Aktualisiert am
Offener Wettbewerb
74 Arbeiten
Malcolm Reading Consultants (MRC), London
Beteiligung 2. Phase
6 Arbeiten
Abgabetermin 2. Phase
Bekanntgabe Gewinner

Wie lautet der letzte Buchstabe von "aktuell"?


Moreau Kusunoki Architects, Paris
Genton, Sydney
  • Gewinner: Moreau Kusunoki Architects, Paris
  • Gewinner: Moreau Kusunoki Architects, Paris
  • Gewinner: Moreau Kusunoki Architects, Paris
  • Gewinner: Moreau Kusunoki Architects, Paris


AL_A Amanda Levete Architects, London
architectus, Sydney


Bernardes Architecture,
Scale Architecture,


BVN Architecture, Sydney
CRA - Carlo Ratti Associati, Turin


Reko Rennie,


Steven Holl Architects, New York
Conrad Gargett,
Zweiphasiger, offener Wettbewerb

Finalisten / Shortlist
AL_A (UK) and Architectus (Australia)
Bernardes Architecture (Brazil) and Scale Architecture (Australia)
BVN Architecture (Australia) and Carlo Ratti Associati (Italy)
CHROFI (Australia) and Reko Rennie (Australia)
Moreau Kusunoki (France) and Genton (Australia)
Steven Holl Architects (United States) and Conrad Gargett (Australia)

Das Herzstück des Bezirks ist ein 24-Stunden-Museum, ein neues globales Kultursymbol, das am Ufer des Parramatta-Flusses in Sydneys neu ausgewiesener Central River City, einem der am schnellsten wachsenden Teile der Region, errichtet werden soll.
Im geografischen Herzen von Sydney stellt das Powerhouse Museum eine bedeutende Investition der Regierung von NSW dar. Das neue Museum wird Australiens größtes und fortschrittlichstes Planetarium mit ultra-hochauflösendem 3D-Video und immersiven Mehrkanal-Audiosystem beherbergen. Das Museum wird Australiens ersten speziellen Lernraum für STEAM (Wissenschaft, Technologie, Ingenieurwesen, Kunst und Mathematik) bereitstellen.
Auf insgesamt 18.000 qm speziell gebauten Ausstellungs- und öffentlichen Räumen wird das Museum - das Ende des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts als Museum für angewandte Kunst & Wissenschaften (MAAS) gegründet wurde und dessen Hauptstandort derzeit in Ultimo liegt - eine neue kuratorische Strategie integrierter und immersiver Programme verfolgen.

Competition assignment
The centrepiece of the precinct is a 24-hour museum, a new global cultural icon, that will be built on the banks of the Parramatta River in Sydney’s newly designated Central River City, one of the fastest-growing parts of the region.
At the geographical heart of Sydney, the Powerhouse museum represents a major investment by the NSW Government. The new museum will house Australia’s largest and most advanced planetarium with ultra-high-resolution 3D video and multi-channel immersive audio. The museum will deliver Australia’s first dedicated learning space devoted to STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics).
A total of 18,000 sqm of purpose-built exhibition and public spaces will enable the museum – which was founded in the late nineteenth century as the Museum of Applied Arts & Sciences (MAAS) and whose major site is currently in Ultimo – to embrace a new curatorial strategy of integrated and immersive programs.

Preisgericht / Jury
Jury Chair, Naomi Milgrom AO, Business Leader and Arts Patron
Kim Crestani, City Architect, City of Parramatta Council
Jeanne Gang, Principal and Founder Studio Gang
David Gianotten, Managing Partner – Architect, OMA
Lisa Havilah, Chief Executive, Powerhouse Museum
Wendy Lewin FRAIA, Principal, Wendy Lewin Architect
David Riches, Former Head of Projects, Infrastructure NSW
Powerhouse Precinct at Parramatta

NSW Government

Museum of Applied Arts & Sciences

Competition Contact
Malcolm Reading Consultants Limited
First Floor
8 Lincoln’s Inn Fields
London WC2A 3BP

Competition Assignment
The centrepiece of the precinct is a 24-hour museum, a new global cultural icon, that will be built on the banks of the Parramatta River in Sydney’s newly designated Central River City, one of the fastest-growing parts of the region.

At the geographical heart of Sydney, the Powerhouse museum represents a major investment by the NSW Government. The new museum will house Australia’s largest and most advanced planetarium with ultra-high-resolution 3D video and multi-channel immersive audio. The museum will deliver Australia’s first dedicated learning space devoted to STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics).

A total of 18,000 sqm of purpose-built exhibition and public spaces will enable the museum – which was founded in the late nineteenth century as the Museum of Applied Arts & Sciences (MAAS) and whose major site is currently in Ultimo – to embrace a new curatorial strategy of integrated and immersive programs.

Competition Type
International Design Competition

Admission Area


Stage One:
Competition launched: Thursday 24 January 2019
Deadline for questions: 22:00 AEDT / 11:00 GMT,
Wednesday 27 February 2019
Submission Deadline: 22:00 AEDT / 11:00 GMT,
Monday 18 March 2019

Stage Two (Anticipated):
Shortlist announced: May 2019
Tender stage launched: June 2019
Site visit: July 2019
Submission Deadline: September 2019
Jury: Q4 2019
Winner announced: Q4 2019

More information and documents at

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