Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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Open Call: Revive Bramcote Park , London/ Vereinigtes Königreich

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

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Offener Wettbewerb
Architekt*innen, Landschaftsarchitekt*innen, Designer*innen und Künstler*innen

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Projekt: A Park Made in Bermondsey
Local Works Studio
Webb Yates Engineers
Offener Wettbewerb

New London Architecture und der Stadtrat von Southwark haben einen neuen Wettbewerb für die Neugestaltung des Bramcote Park in South Bermondsey ausgeschrieben. Ziel ist es, einen sicheren, einladenden und integrativen Park zu schaffen, der von den Bedürfnissen der örtlichen Gemeinschaft geprägt ist.

Der gemeinsam mit den Grundstückseigentümern Notting Hill Genesis und Optivo organisierte Wettbewerb lädt Architekten, Landschaftsarchitekten, Designer und Künstler ein, innovative und kreative Gestaltungsideen für einen neuen Masterplan für den Park einzureichen, der derzeit durch eine verkehrsreiche Hauptstraße in zwei unzusammenhängende Teile des Bramcote Park Estate geteilt ist.

Im Rahmen eines umfassenden Konsultationsprozesses im Jahr 2019 wurde der Wunsch der Anwohner nach deutlichen Verbesserungen für den Bramcote Park ermittelt. Dieses Projekt bietet die spannende Möglichkeit, eng mit den Anwohnern zusammenzuarbeiten, um das Gefühl und die Erfahrung des Parks neu zu gestalten. Im Rahmen der Southwark Stands Together-Initiative der Stadtverwaltung sucht der Wettbewerb nach einer innovativen Neugestaltung, die Inklusivität fördert und die vielfältigen Gemeinschaften, die hier leben und arbeiten, sowie das kulturelle Erbe des Gebiets widerspiegelt. Diese Investition in den Bramcote Park wurde durch die laufende Erneuerung der Old Kent Road ermöglicht, für die 550.000 Pfund durch Beiträge der Bauherren (S106) zu diesem Projekt bereitgestellt werden.

Die vorgeschlagene Gestaltung sollte sich an den Bedürfnissen der bestehenden Gemeinschaft orientieren - Erneuerung der bestehenden Spielbereiche und Schaffung von mehr Sitzgelegenheiten, Bepflanzung und Schwerpunkt auf Grün, um eine gemeinsame Umgebung zu schaffen, die für alle zugänglich ist. Der Wettbewerb begrüßt auch die Betonung kohlenstoffarmer und nachhaltiger Maßnahmen, wie z. B. die Verwendung natürlicher Materialien und eine geringere Abhängigkeit von neuen Materialien.

Zusätzlich zu den Verbesserungen innerhalb des Parks sollte der Vorschlag die Grünverbindungen des Gebiets erweitern und dazu beitragen, direktere Verbindungen zu den umliegenden Straßen des Viertels herzustellen. Durch die Schaffung sicherer, sozialer Straßen, die den Fußgänger- und Fahrradverkehr gegenüber dem Autoverkehr begünstigen, soll das Projekt die verschiedenen Teile von Bramcote Park wieder zu einem zusammenhängenden, gemeinschaftlichen Raum zusammenführen.

Competition assignment
New London Architecture and Southwark Council have announced a new competition for a transformative redesign of Bramcote Park in South Bermondsey, to create a safe, welcoming and inclusive park that is shaped by the local community needs.

Organised alongside landowners Notting Hill Genesis and Optivo, the competition invites architects, landscape architects, designers and artists to submit innovative and creative design ideas for a new masterplan for the park, which is currently split into two disjointed sections of the Bramcote Park Estate by a traffic-heavy main road.

With an extensive consultation process in 2019 identifying local desire for significant improvements to Bramcote Park, this project offers the exciting opportunity to work closely with residents to reimagine the feel and experience of the park. Tying into the council’s Southwark Stands Together initiative, the competition is seeking an innovative redesign that fosters inclusivity and reflects the diverse communities that live and work locally, as well as the cultural heritage of the area. This investment in Bramcote Park has been made possible by the ongoing regeneration of Old Kent Road, which will see £550,000 funded through S106 developer contributions to this project.

The proposed design should be driven by the needs of the existing community - renewing existing play areas and introducing more seating, planting and a focus on greenery to create a shared environment that is accessible to all. The competition also welcomes an emphasis on low-carbon and sustainable measures, such as use of natural materials and reduced reliance on new materials.

In addition to improvements within the park, the proposal should extend the area’s green links and help to establish more direct connections into the surrounding neighbourhood streets. By establishing safer, social streets that promote pedestrian and bike travel over vehicular access, the project aims to re-unite the different sections of Bramcote Park into one cohesive, community space.

Aida Esposito (Founding Director, creativethinking)
Rosa Rogina (Director, London Festival of Architecture)
Sanjiv Sangha (Head of Technical, Design Quality and New Homes, Optivo)
Colin Wilson (Head of Regeneration, Old Kent Road)
Open Call: Revive Bramcote Park

New London Architecture and Southwark Council have announced a new competition for a transformative redesign of Bramcote Park in South Bermondsey, to create a safe, welcoming and inclusive park that is shaped by the local community needs.

Organised alongside landowners Notting Hill Genesis and Optivo, the competition invites architects, landscape architects, designers and artists to submit innovative and creative design ideas for a new masterplan for the park, which is currently split into two disjointed sections of the Bramcote Park Estate by a traffic-heavy main road.

With an extensive consultation process in 2019 identifying local desire for significant improvements to Bramcote Park, this project offers the exciting opportunity to work closely with residents to reimagine the feel and experience of the park. Tying into the council’s Southwark Stands Together initiative, the competition is seeking an innovative redesign that fosters inclusivity and reflects the diverse communities that live and work locally, as well as the cultural heritage of the area. This investment in Bramcote Park has been made possible by the ongoing regeneration of Old Kent Road, which will see £550,000 funded through S106 developer contributions to this project.

The proposed design should be driven by the needs of the existing community - renewing existing play areas and introducing more seating, planting and a focus on greenery to create a shared environment that is accessible to all. The competition also welcomes an emphasis on low-carbon and sustainable measures, such as use of natural materials and reduced reliance on new materials.

In addition to improvements within the park, the proposal should extend the area’s green links and help to establish more direct connections into the surrounding neighbourhood streets. By establishing safer, social streets that promote pedestrian and bike travel over vehicular access, the project aims to re-unite the different sections of Bramcote Park into one cohesive, community space.

Interested applicants are invited to submit their proposal by midday on 21 October 2021.

Up to 6 shortlisted teams will be awarded a £1000 honorarium to develop their proposals with residents and local stakeholders, which will feature in a public exhibition in November. The total budget available for the winning project is in the region of £550,000 (incl. VAT), including all fees, for the fabrication and installation of the park design and public realm improvements in late 2022.

The competition entries will be judged by a panel including:

Aida Esposito (Founding Director, creativethinking)
Rosa Rogina (Director, London Festival of Architecture)
Sanjiv Sangha (Head of Technical, Design Quality and New Homes, Optivo)
Colin Wilson (Head of Regeneration, Old Kent Road)
2 local resident representatives
Further judges to be confirmed shortly.

More information and details can be found at

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