Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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  • Nautical Micro Museum
  • Nautical Micro Museum
  • Nautical Micro Museum
  • Nautical Micro Museum
  • 1. Preis: Zecler Studio | Boris Hilderal
  • 2. Preis: AI atelier | Andrada Ispas
  • 3. Preis: Spatial Laboratory | Ho Yin Lai

Nautical Micro Museum , La Spezia/ Italien

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
Aktualisiert am
Offener Wettbewerb
YAC - Young Architects Competitions, Bologna

1. Preis

Zecler Studio
Boris Hilderal
  • 1. Preis: Zecler Studio | Boris Hilderal
  • 1. Preis: Zecler Studio | Boris Hilderal
  • 1. Preis: Zecler Studio | Boris Hilderal
  • 1. Preis: Zecler Studio | Boris Hilderal

2. Preis

AI atelier
Andrada Ispas
  • 2. Preis: AI atelier | Andrada Ispas
  • 2. Preis: AI atelier | Andrada Ispas
  • 2. Preis: AI atelier | Andrada Ispas
  • 2. Preis: AI atelier | Andrada Ispas

3. Preis

Spatial Laboratory
Ho Yin Lai
  • 3. Preis: Spatial Laboratory | Ho Yin Lai
  • 3. Preis: Spatial Laboratory | Ho Yin Lai
  • 3. Preis: Spatial Laboratory | Ho Yin Lai
  • 3. Preis: Spatial Laboratory | Ho Yin Lai
Offener Wettbewerb

An Bord eines Schiffes besiegte der Gott Ra bei Einbruch der Dunkelheit jeden Tag Apophis, um den Sonnenaufgang zu gewährleisten. An Bord eines Bootes forderte Odysseus die Sirenen heraus. An Bord eines Bootes lehrte Jesus die Menschen am Ufer des Sees Genezareth. An Bord eines Schiffes landete eine Handvoll Abenteurer in der Neuen Welt und leitete den Beginn der Neuzeit ein.

Kult, Geschichte, Literatur: Der Mythos des Bootes hat Völker und Jahrtausende durchlaufen. Er hat zahlreiche Nuancen und Konnotationen angenommen und ist zu einem der bedeutungsvollsten und am meisten geteilten Konzepte der Menschheit geworden.

Es ist ein Konzept, das von Leidenschaft und Wahnsinn durchdrungen ist. In der Tat steht das Schiff für wissenschaftliche Irrationalität, für einen Intellekt, der sich dem instinktiven Wunsch verschrieben hat, die Elemente zu bezwingen, das Unbekannte herauszufordern, das Günstige aufzugeben, um mit ein paar Metern Stoff, Seil und Planken in der unwirtlichen Natur zu verschwinden.

Die meisten Küstennationen haben ihre eigene nautische Tradition. Aber unter ihnen kann Italien vielleicht einen Ehrenplatz beanspruchen. Schließlich waren Marco Polo und Christoph Kolumbus Italiener. Die Seerepubliken waren Italiener. Selbst Venedig mit seinem tausendjährigen Küstenreich ist italienisch.

Wenn die italienische Schifffahrt der Stolz der weltweiten Seefahrt ist, dann ist Baglietto zweifellos die italienische Werft par excellence.

Mit ihrer fast 170-jährigen ruhmreichen Geschichte von Heldentum, Wissenschaft, Handwerkskunst und Innovation hat diese Werft die begehrtesten und bekanntesten Schiffe der Welt ausgestattet. Heute möchte Baglietto diese Geschichte einem heterogenen Publikum durch ein reisendes Mikromuseum näher bringen. Wie ein Schiff wird diese bewegliche Architektur an verschiedenen Orten anlegen, um Schiffseignern, Besuchern und Liebhabern ihre Geschichte zu erzählen.

Wie kann man die Geschichte einer der bedeutendsten Werften der Welt würdigen?

Das ist die Herausforderung des Nautical Micro Museum. Der Wettbewerb von YAC und Baglietto zielt darauf ab, die Geschichten von unberührten Inseln, legendären Schiffen, Stürmen und Abenteuern im unendlichen und immerwährenden Epos des Erkundungsmittels schlechthin zu erzählen: dem Boot.

Competition assignment
Aboard a boat, when darkness fell, the god Ra used to defeat Apophis every day to ensure sunrise. Aboard a boat, Ulysses challenged the sirens. Aboard a boat, Jesus taught the crowds at the shore of lake Galilee. Aboard a boat, a handful of adventurers made landfall on the New World setting off the beginning of the Modern Era.

Cult, history, literature: the myth of the boat has gone through peoples and millenniums. It has taken on numerous nuances and connotations to become one of the most meaningful and shared concepts of humankind.

It is a concept imbued with passion and madness. Indeed, the ship stands for scientific irrationality, intellect devoted to the most instinctive desire: subduing the elements, challenging the unknown, abandoning what is favorable to disappear into the inhospitable nature with just a few meters of fabric, rope, and planking.

Most of coastal nations boast their own nautical tradition. However, among them, Italy can maybe claim a place of honor. After all, Marco Polo and Christopher Columbus were Italians. The maritime republics were Italians. Even Venice with its thousand-year-old coastal empire is Italian.

If the Italian boating is the pride of global seafaring, Baglietto is without any doubt the Italian shipyard par excellence.

With its nearly 170-year glorious history of heroism, science, craftmanship and innovation, this shipyard has been fitting out the most desirable and renowned ships in the world. Today, Baglietto aims at showing such history to a heterogeneous public through a “travelling micro-museum”. Like a ship, this moving architecture will land on various destinations to tell its story to ship owners, visitors, and enthusiasts.

How to honor the history of one of the most prominent shipyards in the world?

This is the challenge of Nautical Micro Museum. YAC’s and Baglietto’s competition aims to tell once again stories of uncontaminated islands, legendary ships, storms, and adventures in the never-ending and everlasting epic of the exploration means par excellence: the boat.

Melodie Leung (Snøhetta)
Lars Almgrem (Dorte Mandrup)
Francesco Paszkowski
James Whitaker (Whitaker studio)
Ryohei Koike (BIG)
Stefano Musso (Università di Genova)
Diego Michele Deprati (Baglietto)

Weitere Informationen zu den Gewinnern finden Sie unter /
More information about the winners can be found at:

YAC - Young Architects Competitions and Baglietto launches NAUTICAL MICRO MUSEUM, a competition of ideas aiming to design some exhibition spaces that will travel to narrate the ancient history of one of the oldest and most important shipyards in Europe.
The cash prize of € 15, 000 will be distributed to the winning proposals selected by an international jury panel composed of some of the most world-renowned architects, with the likes of Lars Almgren (Dorte Mandrup),Francesco Paszkowski, Melodie Leung (Snøhetta), James Whitaker (Whitaker studio), Ryohei Koike (BIG)
Aboard a boat, when darkness fell, the god Ra used to defeat Apophis every day to ensure sunrise. Aboard a boat, Ulysses challenged the sirens. Aboard a boat, Jesus taught the crowds at the shore of lake Galilee. Aboard a boat, a handful of adventurers made landfall on the New World setting off the beginning of the Modern Era.  
Cult, history, literature: the myth of the boat has gone through peoples and millenniums. It has taken on numerous nuances and connotations to become one of the most meaningful and shared concepts of humankind. 
It is a concept imbued with passion and madness. Indeed, the ship stands for scientific irrationality, intellect devoted to the most instinctive desire: subduing the elements, challenging the unknown, abandoning what is favorable to disappear into the inhospitable nature with just a few meters of fabric, rope, and planking. 
Most of coastal nations boast their own nautical tradition. However, among them, Italy can maybe claim a place of honor. After all, Marco Polo and Christopher Columbus were Italians. The maritime republics were Italians. Even Venice with its thousand-year-old coastal empire is Italian.    
If the Italian boating is the pride of global seafaring, Baglietto is without any doubt the Italian shipyard par excellence.  
With its nearly 170-year glorious history of heroism, science, craftmanship and innovation, this shipyard has been fitting out the most desirable and renowned ships in the world. Today, Baglietto aims at showing such history to a heterogeneous public through a “travelling micro-museum”. Like a ship, this moving architecture will land on various destinations to tell its story to ship owners, visitors, and enthusiasts.       
How to honor the history of one of the most prominent shipyards in the world?
This is the challenge of Nautical Micro Museum. YAC’s and Baglietto’s competition aims to tell once again stories of uncontaminated islands, legendary ships, storms, and adventures in the never-ending and everlasting epic of the exploration means par excellence: the boat.    
- Melodie Leung (Snøhetta)
- Lars Almgrem (Dorte Mandrup)
- Francesco Paszkowski
- James Whitaker  (Whitaker studio)
- Ryohei Koike  (BIG)
- Stefano Musso (Università di Genova)
- Diego Michele Deprati (Baglietto)
1st PRIZE 8.000 €  
2nd PRIZE 4.000 €
3rd PRIZE  2.000 €
2 GOLD MENTIONS 500 € each for teams made by students only
“early birds” registrations: 14/02/2022 -  20/03/2022 (h 23.59 GMT)
“standard” registrations: 21/03/2022 - 17/04/2022 (h 23.59 GMT)
“late” registrations: 18/04/2022 -  15/05/2022 (h 23.59 GMT)
Materials submission deadline: 18/05/2022, h 12.00 GMT (noon)

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