- wa-ID
- wa-2035205
- Tag der Veröffentlichung
- 17.11.2022
- Aktualisiert am
- 28.07.2023
- Verfahrensart
- Offener Wettbewerb
- Zulassungsbereich
- Teilnehmer
- Keine Teilnahmebeschränkungen
- Auslober
Buildner Architecture Competitions
in Zusammenarbeit mit ARCHHIVE BOOKS - Bewerbungsschluss
- 20.04.2023
- Abgabetermin
- 01.06.2023
- Bekanntgabe
- 06.07.2023
Offener Ideenwettbewerb
Mailand ist zwar nicht die Hauptstadt Italiens, aber sie ist die teuerste Stadt, wenn es um Wohnraum geht. Einem Bericht des italienischen Immobilienmaklers Tecnocasa Group zufolge benötigt man für den Kauf einer Immobilie in Mailand den Gegenwert von 166 italienischen Gehältern. Selbst wenn man auf magische Weise in der Lage wäre, keine anderen Rechnungen oder Kosten zu bezahlen oder sonstiges Geld auszugeben, würde ein durchschnittlicher Italiener 13 Jahre brauchen, um seine Hypothek in Mailand abzuzahlen.
Der Mailänder Immobilienmarkt, der oft als die wirtschaftliche Hauptstadt des Landes bezeichnet wird, ist alles andere als wirtschaftlich. Es dauert durchschnittlich 12,8 Jahre, eine Wohnung in Mailand zu kaufen, verglichen mit dem nationalen Durchschnitt von nur 6,9 Jahren.
Im Laufe der Jahrzehnte hat sich Mailand von einem Arbeiterviertel, das fast ausschließlich von der Mailänder Mafia kontrolliert wurde, zu einem kulturellen und wirtschaftlichen Zentrum entwickelt. Dieser Wandel hatte jedoch einige schwerwiegende Folgen. Renovierte Gebäude und eine stärker gemischte Bevölkerung haben einige Viertel wiederbelebt und andere gentrifiziert, wodurch die Immobilienpreise in die Höhe geschossen sind und Mailand für Menschen in schwächeren wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Verhältnissen unerschwinglich geworden ist.
Buildner architecture competitions startet seine 15th affordable housing competition – “The Milan Affordable Housing Challenge” - in der Architekten und Designer aufgefordert werden, ein Konzept für erschwinglichen Wohnraum zu entwerfen, das angepasst und in der ganzen Stadt verteilt werden kann. Die Teilnehmer sollten Entwürfe in Betracht ziehen, die flexibel genug sind, um verschiedene Größen für unterschiedliche Bewohner (Familien, alleinstehende Berufstätige, Paare usw.) und deren unterschiedliche Bedürfnisse zu berücksichtigen.
Da es keine spezifischen Anforderungen gibt, werden die Teilnehmer ermutigt, bei den von ihnen entworfenen Lösungen so kreativ wie möglich zu sein und typische Vorstellungen von Wohnraum, Design und der Gemeinschaft im Allgemeinen in Frage zu stellen, während gleichzeitig ein praktisches Element beibehalten wird, mit dem diese Entwürfe möglicherweise realisiert werden können.
Competition assignment
Milan may not be Italy’s capital city, but it stands out as being the most expensive in terms of housing. According to a report by Italian real estate brokerage Tecnocasa Group, if you want to buy a property in Milan, you need the equivalent of 166 Italian salaries. So even if you were magically able to pay no other bills or costs or spend any other money, it would still take the average Italian 13 years to pay off their mortgage in Milan.
Often referred to as the economic capital of the country, Milan’s property market is far from economical. It takes an average of 12.8 years to purchase an apartment in Milan, compared to the national average of just 6.9 years.
Over the decades, Milan has transformed from a working-class area, to one operated almost entirely by the Milanese mafia, to a cultural and economic hub. However, that transformation has come with some serious consequences. Renovated buildings and a more mixed population has regenerated some neighborhoods and gentrified others, causing house prices to soar and making Milan unaffordable for those in weaker economic and social circumstances.
Buildner architecture competitions is launching its 15th affordable housing competition – “The Milan Affordable Housing Challenge” – tasking architects and designers with creating a concept for affordable housing that can be adapted and located throughout the city. Participants should consider designs that are flexible enough to accommodate different sizes for various inhabitants (families, single professionals, couples, etc) and their varying requirements.
As there are no specific requirements, participants are encouraged to be as creative as possible in the solutions they design, challenging typical ideas of housing, design, and the community at large, while at the same time maintaining a practical element that could potentially see these designs realized.
Gian Luca Barone is an Associate Director of Zaha HadidArchitects in London, who has worked on projects including the Milan City Life Tower and the headquarters of Fendi, consulted for the Province of Milan planning authority, and graduated with a degree in architecture with a Masters from Milan Polytechnic;
Paolo Brescia and Tommaso Principi are architects and co-founders of Milan-based OBR;
Grazia Comai is a Senior Landscape Architect at London-based Townshend Landscape Architects and is a registered landscape architect with over ten years’ experience working on a diverse range of public realm projects;
Piermattia Cribiori is a co-founder of Milan-based Atelierzero, and graduated from the Politecnico di Milano in 2009;
Søren Leth is a partner and co-founder of SLETH based in Aarhus, Denmark;
Francesca Perani is an architect and designer who established Francesca Perani Enterprise, an award winning studio based in Bergamo, Italy and co-founded the activist project RebelArchitette advocating for equality in Architecture;
Maria Alessandra Segantini is the founding partner and director of C+S Architects, with offices in Treviso, Italy and London, UK, named Italian Architect of the Year 2022, and received the award of the Italian Chamber of Architects (CNAPPC);
Michele Rossi is a partner and co-founder of Milan-based Park Associati, as well as a teacher at the Politecnico di Milano where he is also as a member of the Board of Advisors
Weitere Informationen zu allen Gewinnern finden Sie unter /
More information about all winners can be found at:
Offener Ideenwettbewerb
Mailand ist zwar nicht die Hauptstadt Italiens, aber sie ist die teuerste Stadt, wenn es um Wohnraum geht. Einem Bericht des italienischen Immobilienmaklers Tecnocasa Group zufolge benötigt man für den Kauf einer Immobilie in Mailand den Gegenwert von 166 italienischen Gehältern. Selbst wenn man auf magische Weise in der Lage wäre, keine anderen Rechnungen oder Kosten zu bezahlen oder sonstiges Geld auszugeben, würde ein durchschnittlicher Italiener 13 Jahre brauchen, um seine Hypothek in Mailand abzuzahlen.
Der Mailänder Immobilienmarkt, der oft als die wirtschaftliche Hauptstadt des Landes bezeichnet wird, ist alles andere als wirtschaftlich. Es dauert durchschnittlich 12,8 Jahre, eine Wohnung in Mailand zu kaufen, verglichen mit dem nationalen Durchschnitt von nur 6,9 Jahren.
Im Laufe der Jahrzehnte hat sich Mailand von einem Arbeiterviertel, das fast ausschließlich von der Mailänder Mafia kontrolliert wurde, zu einem kulturellen und wirtschaftlichen Zentrum entwickelt. Dieser Wandel hatte jedoch einige schwerwiegende Folgen. Renovierte Gebäude und eine stärker gemischte Bevölkerung haben einige Viertel wiederbelebt und andere gentrifiziert, wodurch die Immobilienpreise in die Höhe geschossen sind und Mailand für Menschen in schwächeren wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Verhältnissen unerschwinglich geworden ist.
Buildner architecture competitions startet seine 15th affordable housing competition – “The Milan Affordable Housing Challenge” - in der Architekten und Designer aufgefordert werden, ein Konzept für erschwinglichen Wohnraum zu entwerfen, das angepasst und in der ganzen Stadt verteilt werden kann. Die Teilnehmer sollten Entwürfe in Betracht ziehen, die flexibel genug sind, um verschiedene Größen für unterschiedliche Bewohner (Familien, alleinstehende Berufstätige, Paare usw.) und deren unterschiedliche Bedürfnisse zu berücksichtigen.
Da es keine spezifischen Anforderungen gibt, werden die Teilnehmer ermutigt, bei den von ihnen entworfenen Lösungen so kreativ wie möglich zu sein und typische Vorstellungen von Wohnraum, Design und der Gemeinschaft im Allgemeinen in Frage zu stellen, während gleichzeitig ein praktisches Element beibehalten wird, mit dem diese Entwürfe möglicherweise realisiert werden können.
Competition assignment
Milan may not be Italy’s capital city, but it stands out as being the most expensive in terms of housing. According to a report by Italian real estate brokerage Tecnocasa Group, if you want to buy a property in Milan, you need the equivalent of 166 Italian salaries. So even if you were magically able to pay no other bills or costs or spend any other money, it would still take the average Italian 13 years to pay off their mortgage in Milan.
Often referred to as the economic capital of the country, Milan’s property market is far from economical. It takes an average of 12.8 years to purchase an apartment in Milan, compared to the national average of just 6.9 years.
Over the decades, Milan has transformed from a working-class area, to one operated almost entirely by the Milanese mafia, to a cultural and economic hub. However, that transformation has come with some serious consequences. Renovated buildings and a more mixed population has regenerated some neighborhoods and gentrified others, causing house prices to soar and making Milan unaffordable for those in weaker economic and social circumstances.
Buildner architecture competitions is launching its 15th affordable housing competition – “The Milan Affordable Housing Challenge” – tasking architects and designers with creating a concept for affordable housing that can be adapted and located throughout the city. Participants should consider designs that are flexible enough to accommodate different sizes for various inhabitants (families, single professionals, couples, etc) and their varying requirements.
As there are no specific requirements, participants are encouraged to be as creative as possible in the solutions they design, challenging typical ideas of housing, design, and the community at large, while at the same time maintaining a practical element that could potentially see these designs realized.
Gian Luca Barone is an Associate Director of Zaha HadidArchitects in London, who has worked on projects including the Milan City Life Tower and the headquarters of Fendi, consulted for the Province of Milan planning authority, and graduated with a degree in architecture with a Masters from Milan Polytechnic;
Paolo Brescia and Tommaso Principi are architects and co-founders of Milan-based OBR;
Grazia Comai is a Senior Landscape Architect at London-based Townshend Landscape Architects and is a registered landscape architect with over ten years’ experience working on a diverse range of public realm projects;
Piermattia Cribiori is a co-founder of Milan-based Atelierzero, and graduated from the Politecnico di Milano in 2009;
Søren Leth is a partner and co-founder of SLETH based in Aarhus, Denmark;
Francesca Perani is an architect and designer who established Francesca Perani Enterprise, an award winning studio based in Bergamo, Italy and co-founded the activist project RebelArchitette advocating for equality in Architecture;
Maria Alessandra Segantini is the founding partner and director of C+S Architects, with offices in Treviso, Italy and London, UK, named Italian Architect of the Year 2022, and received the award of the Italian Chamber of Architects (CNAPPC);
Michele Rossi is a partner and co-founder of Milan-based Park Associati, as well as a teacher at the Politecnico di Milano where he is also as a member of the Board of Advisors
Weitere Informationen zu allen Gewinnern finden Sie unter /
More information about all winners can be found at:
Milan Affordable Housing Challenge
Affordable Housing Series #15
Buildner Architecture Competition Organisers
About the Competition
Milan may not be Italy’s capital city, but it stands out as being the most expensive in terms of housing. According to a report by Italian real estate brokerage Tecnocasa Group, if you want to buy a property in Milan, you need the equivalent of 166 Italian salaries. So even if you were magically able to pay no other bills or costs or spend any other money, it would still take the average Italian 13 years to pay off their mortgage in Milan.
Often referred to as the economic capital of the country, Milan’s property market is far from economical. It takes an average of 12.8 years to purchase an apartment in Milan, compared to the national average of just 6.9 years.
Over the decades, Milan has transformed from a working-class area, to one operated almost entirely by the Milanese mafia, to a cultural and economic hub. However, that transformation has come with some serious consequences. Renovated buildings and a more mixed population has regenerated some neighborhoods and gentrified others, causing house prices to soar and making Milan unaffordable for those in weaker economic and social circumstances.
Buildner architecture competitions is launching its 15th affordable housing competition – “The Milan Affordable Housing Challenge” – tasking architects and designers with creating a concept for affordable housing that can be adapted and located throughout the city. Participants should consider designs that are flexible enough to accommodate different sizes for various inhabitants (families, single professionals, couples, etc) and their varying requirements.
As there are no specific requirements, participants are encouraged to be as creative as possible in the solutions they design, challenging typical ideas of housing, design, and the community at large, while at the same time maintaining a practical element that could potentially see these designs realized.
The competition is open to all. No professional qualification is required. Design proposals can be developed individually or by teams (4 team members maximum). Correspondence with organizers must be conducted in English; All information submitted by participants must be in English.
Closing date for registration: 20 April 2023
Closing date for project submission: 01 June 2023 (11:59pm London Time)
Announcement of the winners: 06 July 2023
Total Prize Fund: 7,000 €
1st Prize: 3,000 € + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
2nd Prize: 1,500 € + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
3rd Prize: 1,000 € + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
BUILDNER STUDENT AWARD: 1,000 € + 50 € ARCHHIVE BOOKS Gift Card + 50 Points BUILDNER Architecture University Rankings + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
BUILDNER SUSTAINABILITY AWARD: 500 € + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
+ 6 Honorable Mentions
More information and documents at