Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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LAGI 2022 Mannheim , Mannheim/ Deutschland

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
Aktualisiert am
Offener Wettbewerb
April bis Oktober 2023

1. Preis

Projekt: Energy Circus
Architect Chai Yi Yang

2. Preis

Projekt: Kaleidoscopic Dune
Muny-Roth Chev · Jason Daniel · Vatsapol Nanta
Offener Wettbewerb

Der Gestaltungswettbewerb der LAGI 2022 Mannheim bringt eine Reihe von Themen und Ideen zur Inspiration zusammen.

So wie ein Garten eine produktive Landschaft ist, die uns ernährt und uns Freude und Vergnügen bringt, wie können unsere produktiven Landschaften für Energie auch Freude und Vergnügen für unsere Gemeinschaften bringen?

Wie können erneuerbare Energien auf schöne Weise in die Stadt integriert werden, so dass sie keine kalte und utilitaristische Technologie sind, sondern ein unverzichtbares Accessoire, ein Ausdruck kreativen Ausdrucks, den wir alle erleben wollen?

Wie können wir gleichzeitig diese neuen Technologien für alle zugänglich machen, damit die Vorteile der Energiedemokratisierung gerecht verteilt werden?

Die LAGI 2022 Mannheim hat den Bereich des Möglichen erweitert, indem sie vorhandene saubere Energietechnologien nutzt, um schöne, skulpturale Module zu schaffen, die sich in die intelligente, kohlenstoffarme Stadt einfügen lassen.

Es gibt gleichzeitig Vorschläge in verschiedenen Maßstäben - Variationen für einen Wohnkontext oder für einen städtischen Raum, die modulare Komponenten oder skalierbare Lösungen verwenden. Ziel ist es, ein Fenster zu einer Welt jenseits des Kohlenstoffs zu öffnen, in der die Lebensqualität und die soziale Gerechtigkeit als Folge der Energiewende erheblich verbessert wurden.

Competition assignment
The LAGI 2022 Mannheim design challenge brings together a number of themes and ideas for inspiration.

Just as a garden is a productive landscape for nourishment that also brings us joy and pleasure, how can our productive landscapes for energy also bring joy and pleasure to our communities?

How can renewable energy be integrated in beautiful ways into the city so that it is not some cold and utilitarian technology, but is instead an indispensable accessory, a statement of creative expression that we all desire to experience?

At the same time, how can we make these new technologies accessible to everyone so that the benefits of energy democratization are equitably shared?

LAGI 2022 Mannheim has expanded the realm of the possible using existing clean energy technologies to create beautiful, sculptural modules that can plug into the smart post-carbon city.

Proposals exist simultaneously across a variety of scales—variations for a residential context or for a civic space that use modular components or scalable solutions. The goal is to open a window onto a world beyond carbon where quality of life and social equity have been vastly improved as a consequence of the energy transition.

Dr. Peter Kurz, Lord Mayor of Mannheim
Michael Schnellbach, CEO, BUGA 23
Dr. Heinz Ossenbrink, Former European Commission Joint Research Centre
Dr. Alessandra Scognamiglio, Architect, Senior Researcher at ENEA
Helen Turner, Artistic Director and Chief Curator, E-WERK Luckenwalde
Dr. Clark Miller, Professor; Director, Center for Energy & Society, School for the Future of Innovation in Society, Arizona State University
Marjan van Aubel, Solar Designer
Asha Singhal, Regenerative Designer, Hybrid Futures
Andreas Kipar, Landscape Architect, Co-Founder, CEO, and Creative Director LAND
Peter Slavenburg, Co-founder, NorthernLight
Klaus Gasteiger, Social Engagement Site Ludwigshafen, BASF SE

Die Einreichungen der LAGI 2022 werden von April 2023 bis Oktober 2023 in einer Ausstellung—Beautiful Forms of Energy—auf der BUGA 23 präsentiert.

LAGI 2022 submissions are featured in an exhibition—Beautiful Forms of Energy—at BUGA 23 from April 2023 to October 2023.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter / More information can be found at:
LAGI 2022 Mannheim
Beginning in March of 2022, the Land Art Generator Initiative (LAGI) and the German Federal Horticulture Show (BUGA 23) invite you to design a unique work of art that uses renewable energy technology to support sustainable human thriving, supplying clean megawatt-hours to the City of Mannheim.
The selection process will take place from October – November of 2022. LAGI 2022 winners will be notified in December of 2022.
Shortlisted design entries will be featured in an exhibition at BUGA 23, the German Bundesgartenschau that will open in Mannheim in April of 2023 with expected attendance in the millions. And the top two designs will receive cash awards of $30,000 and $10,000 USD.
The LAGI 2022 Mannheim design challenge brings together a number of themes and ideas for inspiration.
Just as a garden is a productive landscape for nourishment that also brings us joy and pleasure, how can our productive landscapes for energy also bring joy and pleasure to our communities?
How can renewable energy be integrated in beautiful ways into the city so that it is not some cold and utilitarian technology, but is instead an indispensable accessory, a statement of creative expression that we all desire to experience?
At the same time, how can we make these new technologies accessible to everyone so that the benefits of energy democratization are equitably shared?
LAGI 2022 Mannheim will expand the realm of the possible using existing clean energy technologies to create beautiful, sculptural modules that can plug into the smart postcarbon city. We are seeking proposals that can exist simultaneously across a variety of scales—variations for a residential context or for a civic space that use modular components or scalable solutions. The goal is to open a window onto a world beyond carbon where quality of life and social equity have been vastly improved as a consequence of the energy transition.
The detailed design brief is available from March 14, 2022 and submissions are due by September 4, 2022.
More information and details at

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