Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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Force-Majeure , Austin/ Vereinigte Staaten

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
Aktualisiert am
Offener Wettbewerb

Wie viele Buchstaben hat "wa"?

1st place

Tillery Park (Urban Cleanliness Park Scenario)
Team Members: Jessica Arias, Danielle Lake

Honorable Mention

Nourish (Crisis Resource Community Center Scenario)
Team Members: Juan Pablos Fuentes, Gaby San Roman Bustinza, Van-Tuong Nguyen

Best in Category

John S. Chase Middle School (Post-Pandemic Education Scenario)
Team Members: Jim Oppelt, Hannah Oppelt

Jurors Commendation

Jurors Commendation: Futura (Post-Pandemic Education Scenario)
Team Members: Jeanne Schultz, Danielle Eke, Aman Bhadauria
Offener Ideenwettbewerb

“Force-Majeure” means many things. Either act of god or a superior force, our society deals with force-majeure scenarios on many different scales. Turning these scenarios that are often unexpected and overwhelming into opportunities to engage the community is what the Force-Majeure Ideas Competition is all about. It poses the simple question of how can we as professionals help in times of immense need and attention. Design Voice’s Force-Majeure is a design ideas competition that focuses on contemporary issues that impact our lives both locally and nationally. This competition is meant to serve as a tool that prompts intense thinking and tough discussion on how design can help mitigate crises. As an annual event, the prompt will change to discuss what is most pertinent to society in that given year. This year’s ideas competition is a multi-brief format that will challenge teams to think critically of how to design spaces in which people cannot physically be together, but still need access to basic needs and services around the community. As the Editor-in-Chief of ARCHITECT, Ned Cramer puts it, “Architects facilitate interaction, create gathering places and build communities. What, then, is the appropriate design response to a health crisis that requires physically separating people?”

DesignVoice facilitates opportunities for design professionals to serve their community through collaborative design focused events and informational programs. We invite anyone who has an interest in being a voice for the design profession in support of our local community to attend the monthly meetings.
Women in Architecture seeks to promote, validate, and illuminate the role of women within the architectural field through fostering community, fellowship, education, and outreach.
Latinos in Architecture’s goal is to serve and support our local communities, strengthen networks between design professionals and enrich our practices through diverse cultural views by fostering participation in educational, professional and community-oriented programs.

This call for ideas is open to anyone who wants to create and put forth innovative ideas to solve current challenges. Teams may be formed by a maximum of (4) members and a minimum of (2). Team members can be from any discipline, but at least (1) member of the team must have an architectural background. Collegiate students are welcome to participate. Participants will only be allowed to submit one proposal and be allowed on only one team. No registration fee is required. Under no circumstances may jurors, or persons directly related to the jury participate in this competition.
A Design Idea Competition for Modern Crisis 2020

“Force-Majeure” means many things. Either act of god or a superior force, our society deals with force-majeure scenarios on many different scales. Turning these scenarios that are often unexpected and overwhelming into opportunities to engage the community is what the Force-Majeure Ideas Competition is all about. It poses the simple question of how can we as professionals help in times of immense need and attention. Design Voice’s Force-Majeure is a design ideas competition that focuses on contemporary issues that impact our lives both locally and nationally. This competition is meant to serve as a tool that prompts intense thinking and tough discussion on how design can help mitigate crises. As an annual event, the prompt will change to discuss what is most pertinent to society in that given year. This year’s ideas competition is a multi-brief format that will challenge teams to think critically of how to design spaces in which people cannot physically be together, but still need access to basic needs and services around the community. As the Editor-in-Chief of ARCHITECT, Ned Cramer puts it, “Architects facilitate interaction, create gathering places and build communities. What, then, is the appropriate design response to a health crisis that requires physically separating people?”

DesignVoice facilitates opportunities for design professionals to serve their community through collaborative design focused events and informational programs. We invite anyone who has an interest in being a voice for the design profession in support of our local community to attend the monthly meetings.
Women in Architecture seeks to promote, validate, and illuminate the role of women within the architectural field through fostering community, fellowship, education, and outreach.
Latinos in Architecture’s goal is to serve and support our local communities, strengthen networks between design professionals and enrich our practices through diverse cultural views by fostering participation in educational, professional and community-oriented programs.

This call for ideas is open to anyone who wants to create and put forth innovative ideas to solve current challenges. Teams may be formed by a maximum of (4) members and a minimum of (2). Team members can be from any discipline, but at least (1) member of the team must have an architectural background. Collegiate students are welcome to participate. Participants will only be allowed to submit one proposal and be allowed on only one team. No registration fee is required. Under no circumstances may jurors, or persons directly related to the jury participate in this competition.

Competition Opens: May 25, 2020
Online Forum with Organizers and Participants: June 8, 2020
Competition Submissions Due via the AIA Austin Portal: July 25, 2020 (11:59 CST)
Competition Winner Announced: Early August 2020
Roundtable Discussion at AIA Austin Summer Conference: August 19, 2020

1st Place $1,000
Honorable Mention $500
*All entries that propose an interesting solution to the brief will potentially be presented in a digital exhibition, followed by a physical exhibition.


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