Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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  • Firoz Lalji Global Hub – 35 Lincoln’s Inn Fields
  • Gewinner David Chipperfield Architects mit Feix and Merlin

Firoz Lalji Global Hub – 35 Lincoln’s Inn Fields , London/ Vereinigtes Königreich

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

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Nicht offener Wettbewerb
RIBA Competitions, Leeds

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David Chipperfield Architects mit Feix and Merlin
  • Gewinner David Chipperfield Architects mit Feix and Merlin
  • Gewinner David Chipperfield Architects mit Feix and Merlin
Nicht offener Wettbewerb

Finalist*innen / Shortlist
Alison Brooks with Studio Contra (Nigeria)
David Chipperfield with Feix and Merlin
Dorte Mandrup (DNK) and John Robertson Architects
Feilden Clegg Bradley with Lendager (DNK)
Hall McKnight 
John McAslan + Partners with Tod Williams/Billie Tsien Architects (US) and Marina Tabassum (Bangladesh)

Die London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) kann auf eine langjährige Erfolgsgeschichte bei der Vergabe von Aufträgen für erstklassige Architektur zurückblicken und freut sich daher, in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) den Start eines neuen Wettbewerbs für den Entwurf ihres ersten Netto-Null-Emissionsgebäudes in 35 Lincoln's Inn Fields bekannt zu geben. 

Die LSE ist bestrebt, ein vorbildliches Anwesen mit Gebäuden und Einrichtungen zu schaffen, die ihrem internationalen akademischen Ruf gerecht werden. Sie hat bereits erhebliche Investitionen in inspirierende neue Gebäude und die Verbesserung des öffentlichen Raums getätigt, darunter das kürzlich fertiggestellte Marshall-Gebäude von Grafton Architects. Die LSE ist eine der weltweit führenden Universitäten mit einer wahrhaft globalen Reichweite und konkurriert um Studenten und Mitarbeiter mit Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard und Stanford.  

Die LSE ist seit 1895 fest im Zentrum Londons verankert und befindet sich auf einem engen städtischen Campus in der Nähe des Aldwych und des Kingsway. Die LSE hat die Absicht, an ihrem jetzigen Standort zu bleiben, und plant, sowohl die Zahl der Studierenden zu erhöhen als auch die Qualität der Gebäude zu verbessern, um den hohen Erwartungen von Mitarbeitern und Studenten gerecht zu werden.  Der RIBA-Wettbewerb für 35 Lincoln's Inn Fields ist Teil des Ziels der LSE, die Qualität ihrer Gebäude zu verbessern. 
Das Design und die bürgerlichen Qualitäten des neuen Gebäudes werden die lokale und internationale Wahrnehmung der LSE verbessern und die Identität der Südseite von Lincoln's Inn Fields, einem der ältesten und emblematischsten Plätze Londons, verändern, wobei der historische Kontext vieler benachbarter Gebäude und des öffentlichen Raums respektiert und ergänzt wird. Das neue Gebäude wird den multidisziplinären Ansatz der LSE in den Sozialwissenschaften unterstreichen und die Erfahrungen von Studenten, Mitarbeitern und Forschern in diesem einzigartigen städtischen Kontext verbessern.
Für den Bau eines neuen akademischen Gebäudes mit einer Fläche von 12 540 m² (GEA), in dem Konferenzräume, Weiterbildungseinrichtungen, ein Institut für Datenwissenschaften und zugehörige akademische Abteilungen sowie das Firoz Lalji Africa Institute untergebracht werden sollen, werden Interessensbekundungen von erfahrenen Architektenteams erbeten.
Es wird das erste Netto-Null-Kohlenstoff-Gebäude der Hochschule sein und ein Beispiel für Nachhaltigkeit, Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden sowie innovative Konferenztechnologie in einer Welt nach dem Covid-Projekt darstellen. Die Planungsteams werden die nachhaltigsten und kosteneffektivsten Strategien in Betracht ziehen, die ein Gleichgewicht zwischen der Notwendigkeit der Einsparung von gebundenem Kohlenstoff (einschließlich möglicher Teilrückhaltung) und der Schaffung eines effizienten, anpassungsfähigen und kosteneffektiven Designs herstellen, das die Betriebskosten senkt und die langfristige Nachhaltigkeit optimiert.

Competition assignment
The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) has an established track-record of procuring world class architecture and is therefore delighted to announce in collaboration with the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), the launch of a new competition to design its first net zero carbon building at 35 Lincoln’s Inn Fields. 

LSE is committed to creating an exemplary estate, with buildings and facilities that are equal to its international academic standing and has already made significant investments in inspiring new buildings and enhancing the public realm, including the recently completed Marshall building by Grafton Architects. LSE is one of the world's leading universities with a truly global reach, competing for students and staff with Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard and Stanford.  

LSE has been firmly established in the centre of London since 1895, sited on a tight urban campus adjacent to the Aldwych and Kingsway. Intent on remaining in its current location, the School has plans both to expand its intake and to improve the quality of its estate to meet the high expectations of staff and students.  The RIBA design competition for 35 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, is part of LSE's objective to transform the quality of its estate. 
The design and civic qualities of the new building will enhance both local and international perceptions of LSE and transform the identity of the south side of Lincoln’s Inn Fields, one of London’s oldest and most emblematic landscaped squares, while respecting and complementing the historic context of many of the neighbouring buildings and public realm. The new building will celebrate LSE's multi-disciplinary approach to the social sciences and enhance the experience of students, staff and researchers in this unique urban context.
Expressions of interests are sought from suitably experienced architect led, design teams, for the creation of a new academic building of 12,540m² GEA, which will house conference facilities, executive education, a data science institute and associated academic departments and the Firoz Lalji Africa Institute.
This will be the School’s first net zero carbon building and will be an exemplar of sustainability, health and wellbeing and innovative conferencing technology in a post Covid world. Design Teams will consider the most sustainable and cost-effective strategies that balance the need to save embodied carbon (including potential part retention) against the creation of an efficient, adaptable and cost-effective design that reduces operating costs and optimises long-term sustainability.

Weitere Informationen zu dem Wettbewerb finden Sie unter /
More information about the competition can be found at:

LSE launches its fourth RIBA international design competition
The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) has an established track-record of procuring world class architecture and is therefore delighted to announce in collaboration with the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), the launch of a new competition to design its first net zero carbon building at 35 Lincoln’s Inn Fields. 
LSE is committed to creating an exemplary estate, with buildings and facilities that are equal to its international academic standing and has already made significant investments in inspiring new buildings and enhancing the public realm, including the recently completed Marshall building by Grafton Architects. LSE is one of the world's leading universities with a truly global reach, competing for students and staff with Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard and Stanford.  
LSE has been firmly established in the centre of London since 1895, sited on a tight urban campus adjacent to the Aldwych and Kingsway. Intent on remaining in its current location, the School has plans both to expand its intake and to improve the quality of its estate to meet the high expectations of staff and students.  The RIBA design competition for 35 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, is part of LSE's objective to transform the quality of its estate. 
The design and civic qualities of the new building will enhance both local and international perceptions of LSE and transform the identity of the south side of Lincoln’s Inn Fields, one of London’s oldest and most emblematic landscaped squares, while respecting and complementing the historic context of many of the neighbouring buildings and public realm. The new building will celebrate LSE's multi-disciplinary approach to the social sciences and enhance the experience of students, staff and researchers in this unique urban context.
Expressions of interests are sought from suitably experienced architect led, design teams, for the creation of a new academic building of 12,540m2 GEA, which will house conference facilities, executive education, a data science institute and associated academic departments and the Firoz Lalji Africa Institute.
This will be the School’s first net zero carbon building and will be an exemplar of sustainability, health and wellbeing and innovative conferencing technology in a post Covid world.  Design Teams will consider the most sustainable and cost-effective strategies that balance the need to save embodied carbon (including potential part retention) against the creation of an efficient, adaptable and cost-effective design that reduces operating costs and optimises long-term sustainability.
The Design Competition is a two-stage process.  Expressions of Interest will be sought at the first phase, following which a shortlist of up to six design teams will be selected and issued with the competition brief and from the design submissions the winning team will be selected. All shortlisted teams will be paid an equal honorarium of £20,000 +VAT.
The deadline for receipt of applications is 14:00 GMT on Friday 21 January 2022.

Julian Robinson, LSE’s Director of Estates said: 
“This is likely to be the last set piece project on the School’s academic estate for some time and given the design quality we have already achieved; we will be looking for an exceptional piece of university architecture. The sustainability and flexibility of this building will be critical for the School’s long-term future.”
Further information can be found on the competition webpage at www.ribacompetitions.com/35lif

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