Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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  • Butrint National Park Visitor Center
  • Butrint National Park Visitor Center
  • Butrint National Park Visitor Center
  • Butrint National Park Visitor Center
  • Gewinner: © Kengo Kuma & Associates, Tokio
  • Runner Up: © Atelier d’Architecture Philippe Prost / AAPP, Paris
  • Finalist: © Lahdelma & Mahlamäki Architects, Helsinki
  • Finalist: © William Matthews Associates, London

Butrint National Park Visitor Center , Butrint/ Albanien

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
Aktualisiert am
Offener Wettbewerb
Malcolm Reading Consultants (MRC), London

Wie lautet der letzte Buchstabe von "aktuell"?


Kengo Kuma & Associates, Tokio
mit CHwB Albania, Ervin Paci, SOLARON Albania, iMEPS Engineering & Consulting,
YOKE, Esmeralda Agolli und GE-D Engineering
  • Gewinner: © Kengo Kuma & Associates, Tokio
  • Gewinner: © Kengo Kuma & Associates, Tokio
  • Gewinner: © Kengo Kuma & Associates, Tokio
  • Gewinner: © Kengo Kuma & Associates, Tokio
  • Gewinner: © Kengo Kuma & Associates, Tokio
  • Gewinner: © Kengo Kuma & Associates, Tokio
  • Gewinner: © Kengo Kuma & Associates, Tokio
  • Gewinner: © Kengo Kuma & Associates, Tokio

Runner Up

Atelier d’Architecture Philippe Prost / AAPP, Paris
mit Odhize Zoto, Iris Pojani, Michel Desvigne Paysagiste, William Van Andringa,
Terrell Group, Eco + Construire and CL Design
  • Runner Up: © Atelier d’Architecture Philippe Prost / AAPP, Paris
  • Runner Up: © Atelier d’Architecture Philippe Prost / AAPP, Paris
  • Runner Up: © Atelier d’Architecture Philippe Prost / AAPP, Paris
  • Runner Up: © Atelier d’Architecture Philippe Prost / AAPP, Paris
  • Runner Up: © Atelier d’Architecture Philippe Prost / AAPP, Paris
  • Runner Up: © Atelier d’Architecture Philippe Prost / AAPP, Paris
  • Runner Up: © Atelier d’Architecture Philippe Prost / AAPP, Paris
  • Runner Up: © Atelier d’Architecture Philippe Prost / AAPP, Paris


Lahdelma & Mahlamäki Architects, Helsinki
mit Geometria Architecture Ltd, doxiadis+, Ralph Appelbaum Associates,
Sitowise und Nikolai Paukkonen
  • Finalist: © Lahdelma & Mahlamäki Architects, Helsinki
  • Finalist: © Lahdelma & Mahlamäki Architects, Helsinki
  • Finalist: © Lahdelma & Mahlamäki Architects, Helsinki
  • Finalist: © Lahdelma & Mahlamäki Architects, Helsinki
  • Finalist: © Lahdelma & Mahlamäki Architects, Helsinki
  • Finalist: © Lahdelma & Mahlamäki Architects, Helsinki
  • Finalist: © Lahdelma & Mahlamäki Architects, Helsinki
  • Finalist: © Lahdelma & Mahlamäki Architects, Helsinki


William Matthews Associates, London
mit Harris Bugg, Structure Workshop, Atelier Ten,
Barker Langham, Sentient und Professor Will Bowden
  • Finalist: © William Matthews Associates, London
  • Finalist: © William Matthews Associates, London
  • Finalist: © William Matthews Associates, London
  • Finalist: © William Matthews Associates, London
  • Finalist: © William Matthews Associates, London
  • Finalist: © William Matthews Associates, London
  • Finalist: © William Matthews Associates, London
  • Finalist: © William Matthews Associates, London
Offener zweistufiger Wettbewerb

Das albanische Kulturministerium, die Butrint Management Foundation (BMF) und die Organisatoren des Designwettbewerbs, Malcolm Reading Consultants (MRC), starten die weltweite Suche nach einem engagierten und begabten Architektenteam, das ein neues Besucherzentrum für den Nationalpark Butrint entwerfen soll, eine außergewöhnliche UNESCO-Welterbestätte an Albaniens ionischer Küste.

Butrint liegt im Süden des Landes, etwa 20 km von der modernen Stadt Sarandë entfernt und mit Blick auf die Straße von Korfu. Es ist die bedeutendste archäologische Stätte Albaniens und seine wichtigste kulturelle Attraktion.

Butrint ist eine außergewöhnliche Stätte mit kultureller Resonanz und visueller Anziehungskraft, die sich aus der seltenen Kombination von Monumenten in einer unberührten und spektakulären natürlichen Umgebung ergibt. Der weitläufige Nationalpark ist mit Hügeln, Seen, Feuchtgebieten, Salzwiesen, Ebenen, Schilfgebieten und Küsteninseln ausgestattet.

Butrint ist seit Jahrtausenden als inspirierender Ort bekannt und wurde bereits in Vergils Aeneis und in Ciceros Briefen an Atticus besungen. Zu den Höhepunkten des Ortes gehören das antike Epirot-Theater, das römische Forum und ein frühbyzantinisches Baptisterium mit einem gut erhaltenen Mosaikpflaster sowie weitere Denkmäler aus der hellenischen, römischen, byzantinischen, angevinischen, venezianischen und osmanischen Zeit. Das Gebiet ist dreifach als WHS, als Nationalpark und als Ramsar-Gebiet ausgewiesen.

Das neue Besucherzentrum, das voraussichtlich klimaneutral sein wird, soll der Stätte helfen, die steigenden Besucherzahlen besser zu bewältigen, die bis 2030 voraussichtlich 400.000 Besucher pro Jahr erreichen werden.

Das neue Zentrum mit einer Fläche von bis zu 1.000 m² soll Besucher empfangen, willkommen heißen und orientieren, die Stätte interpretieren, die außergewöhnlichen universellen Werte des WHS vermitteln und ein Tor zum größeren Nationalpark und ein regionales Zentrum für andere nahe gelegene natürliche und kulturelle Besucherattraktionen sein.

Das Zentrum wird etwa 1,5 km vom Eingang der antiken Stadt entfernt an einem spektakulären Ort mit Panoramablick auf den Vivari-Kanal und das Mittelmeer liegen.

Die anfängliche Finanzierung des Projekts in Höhe von 2,45 Mio. USD ist gesichert, und der Zeitplan für das Projekt ist straff: Das fertige Gebäude soll im September 2025 eröffnet werden.

Competition assignment
The Ministry of Culture of Albania, the Butrint Management Foundation (BMF) and design competition organizers Malcolm Reading Consultants (MRC), launch the global search for a dedicated and gifted architectural team to design a new visitor center for Butrint National Park, an exceptional UNESCO World Heritage Site (WHS) on Albania’s Ionian coastline.

Located in the south of the country, approximately 20 kilometers from the modern city of Sarandë and overlooking the Straits of Corfu, Butrint is the most significant archaeological site in Albania, and its chief cultural attraction.

Butrint has an exceptional sense of place, cultural resonance and visual appeal, which comes from its rare combination of monuments within an unspoilt and spectacular natural setting. The wider National Park is endowed with hills, lakes, wetlands, salt marshes, plains, reed beds and coastal islands.

Recognized for millennia as an inspirational place, Butrint was celebrated in Virgil’s Aeneid and in Cicero’s Letters to Atticus. The site’s highlights include an ancient Epirot Theater, Roman Forum and an early Byzantine Baptistery with a well-preserved mosaic pavement, along with other monuments dating from the Hellenic, Roman, Byzantine, Angevin, Venetian and Ottoman periods. The area is triply inscribed as a WHS, a National Park, and a Ramsar site.

Crucially, the new visitor center, expected to be carbon neutral, is intended to help the site better manage rising visitor numbers, projected to reach an annual 400,000 by 2030.

The new center, of up to 1,000 sqm, must receive, welcome and orient visitors, interpret the site, convey the Outstanding Universal Values of the WHS, and be a gateway to the wider National Park and a regional hub for other nearby natural and cultural visitor attractions.

The center will be located approximately 1.5 kilometers from the entrance to the ancient city, in a spectacular location with panoramic views overlooking the Vivari Channel and the Mediterranean Sea.

The project’s initial funding of USD $2.45m has been secured and the project has a fast-track timetable: the finished building is due to open in September 2025.

Roísín Heneghan, Co-Founder and Director, Heneghan Peng Architects (Vorsitz /Jury Chair)
Elva Margariti, Minister of Culture
Martin Mata, Co-CEO, Albanian American Development Foundation (AADF)
Aleksandër Sarapuli, Co-CEO, AADF
Mónica Luengo, Founder, ATP Architecture, Territory and Landscape
Suzanne Ogge, Director of Heritage and International Projects, studioMilou
Matilda Pando, President, Association of Architects of Albania; Founder and Director, Matt Architect & Associates
Thomas Vonier FAIA RIBA CPP, Senior Partner, Chesapeake Strategies Ltd, Paris + Washington DC

Weitere Informationen zu dem Wettbewerbsergebnis finden Sie unter /
More information about the competition result can be found at:

Two-stage competition launches for new visitor center in World Heritage Site recognized as Albania’s chief cultural attraction for its inspirational ancient monuments and spectacular natural setting
• Competition welcomes emerging and seasoned teams
• Project encompasses world-class visitor center (with supporting entrance infrastructure and additional features such as wayfinding) that will welcome and orientate visitors to both the World Heritage Site and the wider National Park
• The jury features Elva Margariti, Albania’s Minister of Culture, alongside other distinguished global thought-leaders from architecture, heritage and the client organisations
• No design required at first stage − architect-led multidisciplinary teams asked to submit details of team composition, experience, pre-qualification questionnaire, and approach
• Four finalist teams to receive USD $10,000 honorarium for concept designs at stage two
• Deadline for first stage responses is Monday 24 October 2022
The Ministry of Culture of Albania, the Butrint Management Foundation (BMF) and design competition organizers Malcolm Reading Consultants (MRC), today [21 September 2022] launch the global search for a dedicated and gifted architectural team to design a new visitor center for Butrint National Park, an exceptional UNESCO World Heritage Site (WHS) on Albania’s Ionian coastline.
Located in the south of the country, approximately 20 kilometers from the modern city of Sarandë and overlooking the Straits of Corfu, Butrint is the most significant archaeological site in Albania, and its chief cultural attraction.
Butrint has an exceptional sense of place, cultural resonance and visual appeal, which comes from its rare combination of monuments within an unspoilt and spectacular natural setting. The wider National Park is endowed with hills, lakes, wetlands, salt marshes, plains, reed beds and coastal islands.
Recognized for millennia as an inspirational place, Butrint was celebrated in Virgil’s Aeneid and in Cicero’s Letters to Atticus. The site’s highlights include an ancient Epirot Theater, Roman Forum and an early Byzantine Baptistery with a well-preserved mosaic pavement, along with other monuments dating from the Hellenic, Roman, Byzantine, Angevin, Venetian and Ottoman periods. The area is triply inscribed as a WHS, a National Park, and a Ramsar site.
Crucially, the new visitor center, expected to be carbon neutral, is intended to help the site better manage rising visitor numbers, projected to reach an annual 400,000 by 2030.
The new center, of up to 1,000 sqm, must receive, welcome and orient visitors, interpret the site, convey the Outstanding Universal Values of the WHS, and be a gateway to the wider National Park and a regional hub for other nearby natural and cultural visitor attractions.
The center will be located approximately 1.5 kilometers from the entrance to the ancient city, in a spectacular location with panoramic views overlooking the Vivari Channel and the Mediterranean Sea.
The project’s initial funding of USD $2.45m has been secured and the project has a fast-track timetable: the finished building is due to open in September 2025.
Full details of how to enter the competition are available on the dedicated competition website at competitions.malcolmreading.com/butrint.
Elva Margariti, Minister of Culture and Chair of the Butrint Management Foundation, said:
‘We are ambitious for our new visitor center to be an architectural exemplar, a unique statement for the site and Albania, promoting a wider appreciation of Albania’s many cultural and archaeological treasures.
‘Balancing the provision of public access with the preservation of both archaeological and natural resources is a significant challenge for all World Heritage Sites and, post-pandemic as visitor numbers multiply, visitor management is key to the sustainability of Butrint as an international tourism destination.
‘The center must convey the Outstanding Universal Values of this World Heritage Site, serving as an educational forum and community-gathering place and acting as a regional hub for tourists to promote other nearby natural and cultural attractions.
‘From the finalists who reach the competition’s second, concept design stage, we’ll be seeking charismatic yet practical architecture that perfectly relates to the extraordinary cultural and natural setting.’
Malcolm Reading, Competition Director, said:
‘This historic site presents a luminous history of the Mediterranean — it is known to have been occupied from around 50,000 BC up to the 19th century AD.
‘We will be looking for talented architects and other design specialists who identify with the project’s values and will take immense care to balance their intervention with respect for this jewel-like site, recognizing that they will need to satisfy the international heritage community.
‘A proactive and forward-thinking approach to sustainability will also be needed, to tackle the many challenges of the climate emergency, with rising sea levels being a particular threat to Butrint’s low-lying peninsula.’
An Integrated Management Plan to safeguard the site and promote sustainable community-based and environmentally-sensitive tourism was approved by the Government of Albania in July 2020. The Plan led to the creation of a new autonomous body to oversee the site, the Butrint Management Foundation, which is chaired by the Ministry of Culture.
Butrint National Park occupies a total area of 8,622 hectares and covers an area of outstanding natural beauty. Over 1,200 different animal and plant species have been recorded and traditional methods of agriculture still prevail, taking the observer back to a lifestyle long forgotten in most of Europe.
Competition format
The official language of the competition is English. No design is required at the first stage — rather designers will need to study the Search Statement (available to download from the competition website) and submit their team composition, approach to the project, relevant experience and pre-qualification questionnaire through a digital form on the website.
The competition requires integrated multidisciplinary design teams comprising as a minimum: architect (and lead designer), landscape architect, masterplanner, exhibition and interpretation designer, archaeologist, engineering disciplines including sustainability, cost consultant and a wayfinding consultant.
At the second stage four teams will be shortlisted, and these will receive an honorarium of USD $10,000 for their design work when the competition concludes with the selection of the winner.
The competition jury includes Elva Margariti, Minister of Culture, Albania; Martin Mata, Co-CEO, Albanian-American Development Foundation; Aleksandër Sarapuli, Co-CEO, Albanian-American Development Foundation; Róisín Heneghan, Co-Founder and Director, Heneghan Peng Architects; Mónica Luengo, Founder, ATP Architecture, Territory and Landscape; Suzanne Ogge, Director of Heritage and international Projects, studioMilou; and Emily Freeman-Attwood, Chair of the Butrint Foundation. Further jury members are expected to be announced during the competition; these will be advertised on the competition website. The jury will be advised by the Competition Director, Malcolm Reading.
After the design is selected, the winning team, if not licensed in Albania, will be expected to partner with an Albanian team to help deliver the project.
The deadline for first stage responses is: 14:00 GMT +1 Monday 24 October 2022.
The competition’s second stage will start in autumn 2022; the winner announcement is expected in spring 2023.

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