Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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BRIDGING Yongxin Old City Wenxing Bridge , Peking/ China

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

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Architekt*innen, Stadtplaner*innen, Landschaftsarchitekt*innen, Designer*innen etc

1. Preis

DKFS Architects, London

2. Preis

Shanghai Lun Cheng A&D, Shanghai

3. Preis

Co+E Architects, Beijing
Offener Wettbewerb

Als alte Stadt mit einer Jahrtausende alten Geschichte verkörpert Yongxin sein einzigartiges Merkmal von reicher Menschlichkeit, roter Geschichte und schöner Ökologie. Als Heimatstadt von He Zizhen, der Frau des Vorsitzenden Mao, sagte Mao einmal, dass Yongxin energisch entwickelt werden sollte. Yongxin hat den Wohlstand der menschlichen Kultur seit der Antike gezeigt, und jetzt wird es die Heimatstadt der chinesischen Volkskalligraphie. Außerdem enthält es eine tiefgründige rote Kultur als Kern der Hunan-Jiangxi-Revolution, die herausragende Beiträge zum Aufbau des neuen China geleistet hat.

Die Volksregierung des Kreises Yongxin und das CBC (China Building Centre) initiierten gemeinsam den “Rediscover Yongxin” Old City Renewal Plan. Unter Berücksichtigung der Besonderheiten und der Kultur der Altstadt von Yongxin, geleitet von Design, Kultur und Kunst, hat die Altstadt von Yongxin praktische Maßnahmen zur Lösung von Schwierigkeiten sowie eine zukunftsorientierte Renovierung und Transformation durch Veranstaltungen, Gemeinden und Industrien durchgeführt.

Als eine wichtige Erneuerungszone im Plan zur Wiederentdeckung der Altstadt von Yongxin konzentriert sich der internationale Designwettbewerb für die Wenxing-Brücke in der Altstadt von Yongxin auf das Thema „Bridging“. Das Thema des Wettbewerbs ist BRIDGE-COMPLEX. Eine sorgfältige Berücksichtigung der realen Umgebung auf beiden Seiten des Heshui-Flusses ist erforderlich, da das Hauptthema Wenxing-Brücke später als Bindeglied fungieren wird, die Schlüsselstellen entlang des Flusses wie das Linjiang-Gebäude und die Hunan-Jiangxi-Werft verbindet und die Ufer des Heshui-Flusses Blöcke und Landschaftsgürtel miteinander verbindet, wenn es realisiert wird. Der Wettbewerb zielt darauf ab, weltweit Entwürfe unter dem Schema „BRIDGE-COMPLEX“ mit Vorzügen wie Weitsicht, Kreativität und Umsetzung zu sammeln.

Als kritisches Bindeglied zwischen Berg, Fluss und Stadt zeigte die Wenxing-Brücke deutlich ihre Bedeutung als zentraler Punkt, von dem aus man all diese Ansichten hat. In alten Zeiten gab es am Wettbewerbsort eine „Wenxing Floating Bridge“, die die beiden Seiten des Nordens und des Südens miteinander verband, was der Bequemlichkeit der Bürger diente. Mit der Zeit und den veränderten Umständen wurde die alte Brücke zwar entfernt, aber sie ist immer noch Zeuge des historischen Kontextes und des Gruppengedächtnisses der Menschen von Yongxin, die in der Nähe des Wassers leben. Dieser Wettbewerb ist auch eine moderne Interpretation der Geschichte der alten Stadt.

Daher strebt der Wettbewerb danach, eine neue Landschaft, ein neues Wahrzeichen und ein neues Image der Yongxin-Altstadt mit neuartigen Formen und vielfältigen Funktionen durch innovative Entwürfe zu schaffen, um den Bewohnern und Besuchern der Altstadt einen neuen Fokus, neue Wünsche und neue Erfahrungen zu bieten. In der Zwischenzeit wurde der Wettbewerb als Gelegenheit genutzt, den Kontext der Altstadt fortzusetzen, zukünftige Konstruktionen des Stadtgebiets vorauszusehen, die weitere Aufwertung der Altstadt zu fördern, ein Reparaturmuster zu schaffen, das sowohl die Ufer als auch die Wurzeln im Boden integriert, sowie das Denken und die Diskussion des zeitgenössischen Konzepts der „Brücke“ und des Stadterneuerungsmodus anzustoßen.

Competition assignment
As an old city with a history for thousands of years, Yongxin embodies its unique gene of “rich humanity, red history and beautiful ecology”. As the hometown of He Zizhen who was the wife of Chairman Mao, Mao once said that Yongxin should be vigorously developed. Yongxin has shown prosperity of human culture since ancient times, and now it becomes the hometown of Chinese folk calligraphy. Also it contains a profound red culture as the core of Hunan-Jiangxi Revolution, which has made outstanding contributions to the establishment of new China.

Yongxin County People’s Government and CBC (China Building Centre) jointly initiated “Rediscover Yongxin” Old City Renewal Plan. Taking the features and culture of Yongxin Old City as the carrier, guided by design, culture and art, Yongxin Old City has carried out practical operation to solve difficulties as well as future-oriented renovation and transformation through events, communities and industries.

As an important renewal zone in the “Rediscover Yongxin” Old City Renewal Plan, Yongxin Old City Wenxing Bridge International Design Competition focus on “Bridging”. The theme of competition is BRIDGE-COMPLEX. Careful consideration of the real site environment in Heshui River’s two sides is needed, as the main subject Wenxing Bridge will later work as a link, connects the key locations along the river like Linjiang Building and Hunan-Jiangxi Wharf and stitches the banks of Heshui River Blocks and landscape belts when it is implemented. The competition is aiming to collect designs globally under the schemes of “BRIDGE-COMPLEX” with merits like foresight, creativity and implementation.

As a critical link among Mountain, River and the City, Wenxing Bridge clearly showed its location importance as a pivotal spot to have all these views. In ancient times, there was a “Wenxing Floating Bridge” connecting the two sides of the north and the south at the competition site, which is for the convenience of the citizens. With time passing and changed circumstances, though the old bridge was removed, it still witnessed the historical context and group memory of Yongxin people living near the water. This competition is also a modern interpretation of the history of the Old City.

Therefore, the competition strives to create a new landscape, new landmark and new image of Yongxin Old City with novel forms and multiple functions through innovative designs, so as to provide new focus, new desire and new experience for residents and visitors of the old city. Meanwhile, the competition was taken as an opportunity to continue the context of the old city, foresee future constructions of the urban area, promotes further upgrading of the old city, creates a repair sample that integrates both banks and roots in the ground, as well as triggers the thinking and discussion of the contemporary concept of “bridge” and the urban renewal mode.
BRIDGING Yongxin Old City Wenxing Bridge
International Design Competition

Sponsor: Yongxin County People’s Government
Organizer: “Rediscover Yongxin” Old City Renewal Project Leading Group
CBC (China Building Centre)
Academic Support: International Urban and Rural Innovation & Development Research Center
Media Support: Urban Environment Design (UED) Magazine

The Competition
As an old city with a history for thousands of years, Yongxin embodies its unique gene of “rich humanity, red history and beautiful ecology”. As the hometown of He Zizhen who was the wife of Chairman Mao, Mao once said that Yongxin should be vigorously developed. Yongxin has shown prosperity of human culture since ancient times, and now it becomes the hometown of Chinese folk calligraphy. Also it contains a profound red culture as the core of Hunan-Jiangxi Revolution, which has made outstanding contributions to the establishment of new China.

Yongxin County People’s Government and CBC (China Building Centre) jointly initiated “Rediscover Yongxin” Old City Renewal Plan. Taking the features and culture of Yongxin Old City as the carrier, guided by design, culture and art, Yongxin Old City has carried out practical operation to solve difficulties as well as future-oriented renovation and transformation through events, communities and industries.

As an important renewal zone in the “Rediscover Yongxin” Old City Renewal Plan, Yongxin Old City Wenxing Bridge International Design Competition focus on “Bridging”. The theme of competition is BRIDGE-COMPLEX. Careful consideration of the real site environment in Heshui River’s two sides is needed, as the main subject Wenxing Bridge will later work as a link, connects the key locations along the river like Linjiang Building and Hunan-Jiangxi Wharf and stitches the banks of Heshui River Blocks and landscape belts when it is implemented. The competition is aiming to collect designs globally under the schemes of “BRIDGE-COMPLEX” with merits like foresight, creativity and implementation.

As a critical link among Mountain, River and the City, Wenxing Bridge clearly showed its location importance as a pivotal spot to have all these views. In ancient times, there was a “Wenxing Floating Bridge” connecting the two sides of the north and the south at the competition site, which is for the convenience of the citizens. With time passing and changed circumstances, though the old bridge was removed, it still witnessed the historical context and group memory of Yongxin people living near the water. This competition is also a modern interpretation of the history of the Old City.

Therefore, the competition strives to create a new landscape, new landmark and new image of Yongxin Old City with novel forms and multiple functions through innovative designs, so as to provide new focus, new desire and new experience for residents and visitors of the old city. Meanwhile, the competition was taken as an opportunity to continue the context of the old city, foresee future constructions of the urban area, promotes further upgrading of the old city, creates a repair sample that integrates both banks and roots in the ground, as well as triggers the thinking and discussion of the contemporary concept of “bridge” and the urban renewal mode.

Registration Deadline: September 1st, 2020 - 24:00 (GMT+8)
Submission Deadline: September 15th, 2020 - 18:00 (GMT+8)

First Prize - (1 Team) Honor Certificate + Bonus 300,000 RMB (before tax, around 42,000 USD)
Second Prize - (1 Team) Honor Certificate + Bonus 200,000 RMB (before tax, around 28,000 USD )
Third Prize - (1 Team) Honor Certificate + Bonus 100,000 RMB (before tax, around 14,000 USD)

More information and details at

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