Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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  • Banaue Lodge
  • Banaue Lodge
  • Banaue Lodge
  • Banaue Lodge
  • Banaue Lodge
  • 1. Preis/ 1st prize: The Second Terrace Lodge [Reconnecting with Nature and Vernacular] | © Leonardo Zuccaro Marchi, Sara Sabry, Shubham Majumder (Italy – Egypt – India)
  • 2. Preis/ 2nd prize: Inn the Kubo | © Beatrice Maggi, Matteo Miranda (Italy)
  • 3. Preis/ 3rd prize: Assemble Your Banaue Lodge | © Varuzhan Kochkoyan (Armenia)
  • Golden Mention: Alintana Lodges | Berk Kip (USA)
  • Golden Mention: Huk-ot | © Cefelo Manuel, Denise Chang, Franz Diaz (Philippines – USA)

Banaue Lodge , Banaue/ Philippinen

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
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Offener Wettbewerb
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45 Arbeiten

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1. Preis/ 1st prize

The Second Terrace Lodge [Reconnecting with Nature and Vernacular]
Leonardo Zuccaro Marchi, Sara Sabry, Shubham Majumder (Italy – Egypt – India)
  • 1. Preis/ 1st prize: The Second Terrace Lodge [Reconnecting with Nature and Vernacular] | © Leonardo Zuccaro Marchi, Sara Sabry, Shubham Majumder (Italy – Egypt – India)
  • 1. Preis/ 1st prize: The Second Terrace Lodge [Reconnecting with Nature and Vernacular] | © Leonardo Zuccaro Marchi, Sara Sabry, Shubham Majumder (Italy – Egypt – India)
  • 1. Preis/ 1st prize: The Second Terrace Lodge [Reconnecting with Nature and Vernacular] | © Leonardo Zuccaro Marchi, Sara Sabry, Shubham Majumder (Italy – Egypt – India)
  • 1. Preis/ 1st prize: The Second Terrace Lodge [Reconnecting with Nature and Vernacular] | © Leonardo Zuccaro Marchi, Sara Sabry, Shubham Majumder (Italy – Egypt – India)
  • 1. Preis/ 1st prize: The Second Terrace Lodge [Reconnecting with Nature and Vernacular] | © Leonardo Zuccaro Marchi, Sara Sabry, Shubham Majumder (Italy – Egypt – India)
  • 1. Preis/ 1st prize: The Second Terrace Lodge [Reconnecting with Nature and Vernacular] | © Leonardo Zuccaro Marchi, Sara Sabry, Shubham Majumder (Italy – Egypt – India)

2. Preis/ 2nd prize

Inn the Kubo
Beatrice Maggi, Matteo Miranda (Italy)
  • 2. Preis/ 2nd prize: Inn the Kubo | © Beatrice Maggi, Matteo Miranda (Italy)
  • 2. Preis/ 2nd prize: Inn the Kubo | © Beatrice Maggi, Matteo Miranda (Italy)
  • 2. Preis/ 2nd prize: Inn the Kubo | © Beatrice Maggi, Matteo Miranda (Italy)
  • 2. Preis/ 2nd prize: Inn the Kubo | © Beatrice Maggi, Matteo Miranda (Italy)
  • 2. Preis/ 2nd prize: Inn the Kubo | © Beatrice Maggi, Matteo Miranda (Italy)
  • 2. Preis/ 2nd prize: Inn the Kubo | © Beatrice Maggi, Matteo Miranda (Italy)

3. Preis/ 3rd prize

Assemble Your Banaue Lodge
Varuzhan Kochkoyan (Armenia)
  • 3. Preis/ 3rd prize: Assemble Your Banaue Lodge | © Varuzhan Kochkoyan (Armenia)
  • 3. Preis/ 3rd prize: Assemble Your Banaue Lodge | © Varuzhan Kochkoyan (Armenia)
  • 3. Preis/ 3rd prize: Assemble Your Banaue Lodge | © Varuzhan Kochkoyan (Armenia)
  • 3. Preis/ 3rd prize: Assemble Your Banaue Lodge | © Varuzhan Kochkoyan (Armenia)
  • 3. Preis/ 3rd prize: Assemble Your Banaue Lodge | © Varuzhan Kochkoyan (Armenia)
  • 3. Preis/ 3rd prize: Assemble Your Banaue Lodge | © Varuzhan Kochkoyan (Armenia)

Golden Mention

Alintana Lodges
Berk Kip (USA)
  • Golden Mention: Alintana Lodges | Berk Kip (USA)
  • Golden Mention: Alintana Lodges | Berk Kip (USA)
  • Golden Mention: Alintana Lodges | Berk Kip (USA)
  • Golden Mention: Alintana Lodges | Berk Kip (USA)
  • Golden Mention: Alintana Lodges | Berk Kip (USA)
  • Golden Mention: Alintana Lodges | Berk Kip (USA)

Golden Mention

Cefelo Manuel, Denise Chang, Franz Diaz (Philippines – USA)
  • Golden Mention: Huk-ot | © Cefelo Manuel, Denise Chang, Franz Diaz (Philippines – USA)
  • Golden Mention: Huk-ot | © Cefelo Manuel, Denise Chang, Franz Diaz (Philippines – USA)
  • Golden Mention: Huk-ot | © Cefelo Manuel, Denise Chang, Franz Diaz (Philippines – USA)
  • Golden Mention: Huk-ot | © Cefelo Manuel, Denise Chang, Franz Diaz (Philippines – USA)
  • Golden Mention: Huk-ot | © Cefelo Manuel, Denise Chang, Franz Diaz (Philippines – USA)
  • Golden Mention: Huk-ot | © Cefelo Manuel, Denise Chang, Franz Diaz (Philippines – USA)
Offener Architekturwettbewerb

Banaue Lodge: Architekturwettbewerb | Die majestätischen Reisterrassen von Banaue, eine einzigartige Landschaft, die im Laufe der Jahrhunderte von Menschenhand geformt wurde und die Heimat der Ifugao-Gemeinschaft ist, ist heute eines der beliebtesten Ziele von Tausenden von Rucksacktouristen auf der Suche nach einem authentischen Abenteuer.

Mit der Idee, eine Art von langsamem und nachhaltigem Tourismus zu fördern, der nicht nur die lokalen Traditionen respektiert, sondern auch den Schutz der Umwelt garantiert, zielt dieser Wettbewerb darauf ab, ein völlig neues Design von Unterkünften zu entwerfen, das perfekt in diesen erstaunlichen Kontext passt.

Die Teilnehmer sind daher aufgefordert, kreative Vorschläge für eine einzigartige und funktionelle Struktur zu entwerfen, die die Unterkunftsmöglichkeiten für Wanderer neu definieren kann. Die Essenz des Wettbewerbs "Banaue Lodge" liegt darin, dass das architektonische Design mit der atemberaubenden Schönheit dieser UNESCO-Stätte in Einklang gebracht werden soll.

Competition assignment
Banaue Lodge: Architecture Competition | The majestic Banaue Rice Terraces, a unique landscape shaped by the hand of man over the centuries and home to the Ifugao community, today has become one of the favourite destinations of thousands of backpackers in search of an authentic adventure.

With the idea of promoting a kind of slow and sustainable tourism, capable not only of respecting local traditions but also of guaranteeing care for the environment, this competition aims at imagining a whole new design of lodging that fits perfectly into this amazing context.

Participants are therefore asked to envision creative proposals focused on a unique and functional type of structure capable of redefining accommodation options for hikers. The essence of the “Banaue Lodge” contest lies in its emphasis on harmonising architectural design with the breath-taking beauty of this UNESCO Site.

Bahar Partovi, Bahar Partovi Design Studio (Houston, United States)
Alban Wagener, Alban Wagener Architecture (Porto, Portugal)
Liwei Shen, Sasaki Associates (Boston, United States)
Nikhil Calas, Faire (Paris, France)
Mingshan Fang, Gensler (Los Angeles, United States)
Alexandra Papadaki, FBW (Utrecht, Netherlands)
Ronay Baris Civas, Karaca Architekten (Berlin, Germany)
Maryam Mahvash, Emily Carr University (Vancouver, Canada)

Weitere Informationen zu allen Gewinner*innen finden Sie unter /
More information about all winners can be found at:

Banaue Lodge
TerraViva S.r.l.
Via Vallazze 109 
Milano, MI 20131
About the Competition
Banaue Lodge: Architecture Competition | The majestic Banaue Rice Terraces, a unique landscape shaped by the hand of man over the centuries and home to the Ifugao community, today has become one of the favourite destinations of thousands of backpackers in search of an authentic adventure.
With the idea of promoting a kind of slow and sustainable tourism, capable not only of respecting local traditions but also of guaranteeing care for the environment, this competition aims at imagining a whole new design of lodging that fits perfectly into this amazing context.
Participants are therefore asked to envision creative proposals focused on a unique and functional type of structure capable of redefining accommodation options for hikers. The essence of the “Banaue Lodge” contest lies in its emphasis on harmonising architectural design with the breath-taking beauty of this UNESCO Site.
Competition Schedule
Registration Opening: March 6th, 2024
Submission Deadline: July 5th, 2024
Winners Announcement: July 22nd, 2024
1st Prize: 3.000 €
2nd Prize: 1.000 €
3rd Prize: 5000 €
2 Golden Mentions: 250 € each
10 Honorable Mentions: 1 free competition in 2024
30 Finalists 
Register now:

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