Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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  • Ägyptisches Museum 2024
  • Ägyptisches Museum 2024
  • Ägyptisches Museum 2024
  • Ägyptisches Museum 2024
  • Ägyptisches Museum 2024
  • Ägyptisches Museum 2024
  • Ägyptisches Museum 2024
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA by Alessandro Rossi
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA by Alessandro Rossi
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA

Ägyptisches Museum 2024 , Turin/ Italien

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

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Nicht offener Wettbewerb
Architekt*innen und Ingenieur*innen in interdisziplinären Planungsteams mit den Bereichen Restaurierung, Ausstellungsgestaltung, Nachhaltigkeit, Tragwerksplanung, Anlagentechnik und BIM
47 Arbeiten
26.09.2022 16:00
11.01.2023 16:00

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Gewinner / Winner

OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam
David Gianotten · Andreas Karavanas
Mitarbeit: Rui Pedro Couto Fernandes
Giovanni Nembrini
Andrea Tabocchini Architecture, Ancona
Andrea Tabocchini · Francesca Vittorini
Fachberater: Prof. Andrea Longhi
Visualisierung: Alessandro Rossi Mailand
Visualisierung: JEUDI.WANG, Paris
Restaurierung: Studio Strati, Rom
Tragwerk: Manfroni Engin. Workshop, Rimini
Nachhaltigkeit: Sequas Engin.
Licht: Studio De Camillis-Fibbi, Rom
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA by Alessandro Rossi
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA by Alessandro Rossi
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA by Jeudi Wang
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA by Alessandro Rossi
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA by Alessandro Rossi
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA by Jeudi Wang
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA
  • Gewinner / Winner: OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam | Bild / Image: © OMA


Kengo Kuma & Associates
Kengo Kuma
Mitarbeit: Mauro Mannelli · Daniele Lauria
Tiziano Volpi · Antonio Fani · Caterina Cipriani
Vincenzo Donato · Daniele Rossetti
Andrea Tommaso Abbado · Federica Andreis
Esteban Botero
Fachberatung: Andrea Pane
  • Finalist: © Kengo Kuma & Associates Europe, Paris
  • Finalist: © Kengo Kuma & Associates Europe, Paris
  • Finalist: © Kengo Kuma & Associates Europe, Paris
  • Finalist: © Kengo Kuma & Associates Europe, Paris
  • Finalist: © Kengo Kuma & Associates Europe, Paris
  • Finalist: © Kengo Kuma & Associates Europe, Paris


Pininfarina Architetture, Turin
Giuseppe Bove · Marco Brugo
Giovanni De Niederhausern · Laura Leonardi
Restaurierung: Gasparoli, Gallarate
Paolo Gasparoli
Innenarchitektur: Studio Adrien Gardère, Paris
Adrien Timothée Gardère
Tragwerk: sbp SE – schlaich bergermann partner
Knut Stockhusen
Maddalena D’Alfonso, Mailand
Ai Studio, Turin
  • Finalist: © Pininfarina Architetture, Turin
  • Finalist: © Pininfarina Architetture, Turin
  • Finalist: © Pininfarina Architetture, Turin
  • Finalist: © Pininfarina Architetture, Turin
  • Finalist: © Pininfarina Architetture, Turin
  • Finalist: © Pininfarina Architetture, Turin


CRA – Carlo Ratti Associati, Turin
Carlo Ratti
Studio Italo Rota, Mailand
Italo Rota
Justin Phillips · Nicolette Marzovilla
Fachberatung: Marco Ferrari
Alessandro Cattaneo · Luca Emilio Brancati
Marco Figazzolo
  • Finalist: © CRA - Carlo Ratti Associati, Turin
  • Finalist: © CRA - Carlo Ratti Associati, Turin
  • Finalist: © CRA - Carlo Ratti Associati, Turin
  • Finalist: © CRA - Carlo Ratti Associati, Turin
  • Finalist: © CRA - Carlo Ratti Associati, Turin
  • Finalist: © CRA - Carlo Ratti Associati, Turin


Snøhetta A/S, Oslo
Jette Cathrin Hopp
ZDA Zanetti Design Architettura Mailand
Umberto Zanetti
Fachberater: Massimo Buson · Marco Licitra
Angela Baila
  • Finalist: © Snøhetta A/S, Oslo
  • Finalist: © Snøhetta A/S, Oslo
  • Finalist: © Snøhetta A/S, Oslo
  • Finalist: © Snøhetta A/S, Oslo
  • Finalist: © Snøhetta A/S, Oslo
  • Finalist: © Snøhetta A/S, Oslo
Offener zweiphasiger Wettbewerb mit vorgeschaltetem EWR-offenen Bewerbungsverfahren

Die Wettbewerbsaufgabe gliedert sich in zwei einheitlich zu gestaltende Bereiche: Zum einen geht es um die Überdachung und Umgestaltung des Innenhofs zur Erweiterung der Ausstellungs- und Empfangsräume, zum anderen um die Umgestaltung einiger anderer Räume im Erdgeschoss und im Untergeschoss des Museums. Die wichtigsten Arbeiten im Rahmen des ersten Bereichs umfassen demnach den Bau des transparenten Daches über dem Innenhof des Gebäudes. Der neue Raum, der durch den Bau des Daches entsteht, ermöglicht die Umgestaltung des Erdgeschosses zu einem großen Empfangsbereich für die Öffentlichkeit und die Bürger*innen; dieser soll mehrere Funktionen übernehmen, die derzeit noch auf verschiedene Bereiche und Etagen des Gebäudes verteilt sind wie:
- Buchhandlung
- Lounge
- Infopoint
- Cafeteria (mit einer voll ausgestatteten Küche)
- Konferenzraum (flexibel und multifunktional).
Auf der gleichen Ebene (Erdgeschoss) müssen außerdem eine Kasse, Schalter und Treffpunkt für Führungen, Audioguide-Schalter sowie
Garderobenschalter untergebracht werden. Ein Vorschlag für die Gestaltung der Innenausstattung und des Mobiliars sowie die Sanierung und Restaurierung der Innenfassaden ist ebenfalls obligatorisch.
Im zweiten Bereich ist ein Entwurf für die Umgestaltung des Atriums im Untergeschoss zu erstellen, das künftig den Beginn des Museumsrundgangs bilden wird. Die Besucher*innen durchqueren das unterirdische Stockwerk, das ausschließlich Ausstellungsräumen gewidmet sein wird, und folgen hier wie bereits im bestehenden Museumsrundgang zunächst einer Einführung in die Geschichte des Museums, danach einer Besichtigung der Sammlungen. Im Untergeschoss sind die folgenden Funktionen zu berücksichtigen:
- Museumsräume
- Garderobe
- Zugang zu den Toiletten
- Weitere Räume, die für museale Studien- und konservatorische Tätigkeiten reserviert sind.

Competition assignment
The area covered by the Competition is defined in the ”plans showing the boundaries of the Competition area“. This area consists of two Scopes/Lots, the design of which must be consistent: Scope/Lot 1, within which the con-struction of the roof and the refurbishment of the internal courtyard of the building is planned in order to expand the exhibition and reception spaces; and Scope/Lot 2, within which the reorganisation of some other spaces on the ground floor and underground floor.

Marco Albini (Vors.)
Prof. Mario Alberto Chiorino, Politecnico di Torino
Prof. Massimo Osanna, Direttore generale Musei presso il Ministero della Cultura
Prof. Renata Picone, Università degli Studi di Napoli Frederico II
Prof. Francesco Profumo, Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo
Design competition “Museo Egizio 2024”
Fondazione Museo delle Antichità Egizie di Torino 
[Museum of Egyptian Antiquities Foundation]
Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo
Compagnia San Paolo
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 75
10128 Torino (Italia)
About the Competition
As part of its long-term institutional collaboration with Fondazione Museo delle Antichità Egizie di Torino [Museum of Egyptian Antiquities Foundation] the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation announces a competition to acquire integrated design services to allow the extension and renewal of the internal courtyard of the Palazzo del Collegio dei Nobili and the consequent reorganisation of the spaces ahead of the celebrations of the bicentenary of the Museo Egizio [Egyptian Museum] in 2024.
Fondazione Museo delle Antichità Egizie di Torino (FMAET) is the first experiment by the State to set up a museum management entity with private sector involvement. FMAET pursues the aims of enhancing, promoting, managing and adapting the structure, function and exhibition facilities of the Museo Egizio and the cultural heritage received as a contribution. With over 10,000 square metres of exhibition space and 3,300 artefacts displayed in its rooms, the Museo Egizio is the second largest collection of Egyptian antiquities in the world and the most important outside Egypt.
The Museum was founded in 1824 by King Carlo Felice, who acquired a collection of 5628 Egyptian artefacts brought together by Bernardino Drovetti, the French consul in Egypt. Since then, the museum has been housed in a building known as the Collegio dei Nobili, built in the seventeenth century by the architect Garove as a Jesuit school and subsequently turned into the seat of the Accademia delle Scienze [Academy of Sciences] in the eighteenth century.
The museum itinerary, dedicated exclusively to the art and culture of ancient Egypt, is divided into four floors covering a time span ranging from 4000 BC to 700 AD. The museum is one of the most visited places of Italian culture at both national and international level.
A combination of Baroque and contemporary architecture, the project will help renew the image of the Museo Egizio in Turin by showing how tradition and innovation can be integrated. The construction of the roof will allow public services, including the bookshop, cafeteria and ticket office, to be transferred to the courtyard, thus creating a multipurpose meeting space. Furthermore, the new courtyard will provide access to the Temple of Ellesyia, donated by Egypt to the Italian state as recognition for its involvement in the UNESCO mission to save the Nubian temples. In addition, the roof of the internal courtyard will further enhance the Giardino Egizio [Egyptian Garden], inside the courtyard, thus creating an excellent combination of nature, greenery and hybrid and multifunctional spaces. The project as a whole will allow the city to enjoy a gathering place or agora, conceptually conceived as a covered square, a few steps from the nearby Piazza Carignano, accessible by citizens and tourists during the Museum’s opening hours. The underground floor may in future be used as a new and significant extension of the museum itinerary, thus offering the public further options to enjoy the museum’s collection.
The project intends to enhance the historical dimension of the seventeenth-century building by creating a permeability between the porticoed space and the internal courtyard, addressing the conservation needs of the Collections, satisfying users and ensuring environmental, economic and cultural sustainability in a technologically innovative way.
The project is of extraordinary importance not only for the museum and its collections, but for the whole of Turin, which recognises the Museo Egizio as an open and inclusive repository of culture and knowledge for citizens and for its many visitors.
Compagnia di San Paolo and the FMAET view the project as an extraordinary opportunity to promote the cultural regeneration of the city and offer a new architectural landmark set in the Baroque heart of Turin.
This design competition, called Museo Egizio 2024, is launched by the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation in a spirit of generosity and technical patronage in accordance with article 6, paragraph 3, Legislative Decree 42/2004 and the Ministerial Decree of 19.12.2012 “Approval of the technical standards and guidelines regarding the sponsorship of cultural heritage” with the aim of achieving:
- construction of the roof and re-purposing of the internal courtyard of Palazzo Collegio dei Nobili in order to expand the exhibition and reception spaces;
- reorganisation of the exhibition spaces on the ground floor and underground floor.
08.09.2022 ore 14:00:00 - Deadline for receipt of requests for clarification for the first phase;
12.09.2022 ore 16:00:00 - Deadline for publication of responses to requests for clarification for the first phase;
26.09.2022 ore 16:00:00 - Deadline for receipt of applications;
14.10.2022 ore 00:00:00 - Deadline for publication of finalists admitted to the second phase of the competition;
14.11.2022 ore 14:00:00 - Deadline for receipt of requests for clarification for the second phase;
21.11.2022 ore 16:00:00 - Deadline for publication of the answers to the questions asked for the second phase;
12.12.2022 ore 16:00:00 - Deadline for receipt of project proposals for the second phase;
20.01.2023 - Indicative deadline for the announcement of the winner.
The Competition winner will be awarded a Prize of € 77,868.85 (including social security charges of € 2,994.96 if payable) plus VAT of € 17,131.15 if payable, for a total of € 95,000.00.
The remaining selected participating Design Teams, who deliver a design, will be paid a reimbursement of expenses in the amount of € 16,393.44 (including social security charges of € 630.52 if payable) plus VAT of € 3,606.56 if payable, for a total of € 20,000.00.
More information and documents at

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