Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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Adaptive Reuse x Placemaking: Competition + Course , Pelayos de la Presa/ Spanien

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

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Offener Wettbewerb
Keine Teilnahmebeschränkungen

Wie lautet der letzte Buchstabe von "aktuell"?

1. Preis/ 1st prize

Silvia Gronchi, Simone Parola (Italy)

2. Preis/ 2nd prize

Andrew Georges, Joe Chamata, Nahi El Khoury (Lebanon)

3. Preis/ 3rd prize

Vladimir Gligorovski (Macedonia)

Special Honorable Mention

Taha Nacar, Talia Nur Koc Nacar (Belgium)

Special Honorable Mention

Juan Simon Quintero Hurtado (Colombia)

Honorable Mention

Ádám Farkas, Oskár Mihály, Gábor Nagy (Hungary)

Honorable Mention

Mahia Mustary Nushin, Aqib Mohammad Nibir (Bangladesh)

Honorable Mention

Thang Le, Aarif Ahmad (United States)

Honorable Mention

Manuel Merlini (Italy)

Honorable Mention

Daria Avkhimovich, Svetlana Pushkareva, Irina Serednii, Sophia Prokhorenkova (Russia)

Honorable Mention

Shuhui Xu, Lanlan Liu, Yuxiao Xie (China)

Honorable Mention

Iuliia Sadchikova (Russia)

Honorable Mention

Zofia Napiontek, Roman Michalczak, Viktoria Bagińska (Poland)

Honorable Mention

Guanjun Hua, Yucheng Zhang, Wenjie Fang, Mingsong Xu (China)

Honorable Mention

Hossam Elyamani, Mohammed Sayed, Youssef Othman (Germany)
Offener Designwettbewerb + Kurs

Im Rahmen der Madrid Architecture Week freut sich Never Enough Architecture (NEA), seine neue Initiative in Zusammenarbeit mit der Gemeinde Pelayos de la Presa vorzustellen. Diese Initiative verbindet nahtlos einen detaillierten Kurs über "Adaptive Reuse" und "Placemaking" mit einem Design-Wettbewerb und bietet den Teilnehmern ein umfassendes Verständnis dieser zentralen modernen Design-Konzepte.

Adaptive Reuse ist ein neuer Weg, um alte Gebäude für neue Zwecke umzuwandeln und dabei ihr besonderes Aussehen und ihre Atmosphäre zu erhalten. Auf diese Weise werden Materialien gespart und Gemeinden unterstützt, indem alte Gebäude wiederbelebt werden. Beim Placemaking geht es darum, öffentliche Räume für die Menschen besser zu gestalten, wobei das Aussehen, die Nutzung und das Gefühl der Zugehörigkeit im Vordergrund stehen.

Die Teilnehmer sind eingeladen, ein altes Kloster in Pelayos de la Presa neu zu gestalten und es in ein lebendiges Zentrum der Gemeinde zu verwandeln. Diese Herausforderung erfordert eine harmonische Mischung aus zeitgenössischem Design, historischer Erhaltung, Umweltbewusstsein und Engagement für die Gemeinschaft. Zu den Höhepunkten des Programms gehören die Planung eines Veranstaltungsbereichs für mindestens 300 Personen, die Gestaltung flexibler Ausstellungsräume, die Gestaltung von Räumen für Gemeinschaftsaktivitäten wie Workshops, Märkte und Kinderspielplätze sowie die Schaffung haustierfreundlicher Zonen. Darüber hinaus sollten die Teilnehmer Annehmlichkeiten wie ein Café, einen Mittagsbereich, Entspannungszonen, Leseecken oder interaktive Kunstorte in Betracht ziehen. Das Gebäude ist von einer weitläufigen Grünfläche umgeben, die zahlreiche Möglichkeiten für Aktivitäten im Freien und Erweiterungen des Indoor-Programms bietet.

Competition assignment
In support of Madrid Architecture Week, Never Enough Architecture (NEA) is excited to present its new initiative in collaboration with the Municipality of Pelayos de la Presa. This initiative seamlessly blends a detailed course on „Adaptive Reuse“ and „Placemaking“ with a design contest, offering participants a comprehensive understanding of these pivotal modern design concepts.

Adaptive Reuse is a fresh way to change old buildings for new uses while keeping their special look and feel. This way saves materials and helps communities by bringing back old buildings. Placemaking is about making public spaces better for people, focusing on looks, use, and a feeling of belonging.

Participants are invited to reimagine an old monastery in Pelayos de la Presa, transforming it into a vibrant community hub. This challenge requires a harmonious blend of contemporary design, historical preservation, environmental consideration, and community engagement. The program highlights include envisioning a performance area that can accommodate at least 300 people, crafting flexible exhibition spaces, designing spaces for community activities such as workshops, markets, and children‘s play areas, and creating pet-friendly zones. Additionally, participants should consider adding amenities like a café, lunch area, relaxation zones, reading nooks, or interactive art spots. The building is surrounded by a vast green area, offering numerous possibilities for outdoor activities and extensions of the indoor program.

Ma Yansong, Founder of MAD Architects
Antonio Sin Hernández, Major of Pelayos de la Presa
Marcial Jesus & Javier Gonzalez, Founders of 100architects
David Engwicht, Director at Creative Communities
Francisco Latorre Navarro, Architect at Lacaton & Vassal Architectes
Hyunje Joo, Founder of Hyunje Joo_Baukunst studio
Mingzhu Bai & Antoine Nerval, Mingzhu Nerval studio
Maya Calleja, Design Tech Lead at Gensler Shanghai

Weitere Informationen zu allen Gewinner*innen finden Sie unter /
More information about all winners can be found at:

In support of Madrid Architecture Week, Never Enough Architecture (NEA) is excited to present its new initiative in collaboration with the Municipality of Pelayos de la Presa. This initiative seamlessly blends a detailed course on „Adaptive Reuse“ and „Placemaking“ with a design contest, offering participants a comprehensive understanding of these pivotal modern design concepts.
Adaptive Reuse is a fresh way to change old buildings for new uses while keeping their special look and feel. This way saves materials and helps communities by bringing back old buildings. Placemaking is about making public spaces better for people, focusing on looks, use, and a feeling of belonging.
The Course:
From November 15th to November 29th, this online course goes deep into placemaking and adaptive reuse. Participants will learn from experts in:
- „Heritage Conservation and Contemporary Architecture“ (1 hour) by Plácido González, researcher at the University of Seville.
- „National Museum for Military History of Dresden, by Libeskind Studio“ (1 hour) by Jochen Klein, Principal at Libeskind when the project was built.
- „Playful Cities“ (1 hour) by Sara Candiracci and Dasha Moschonas, from ARUP.
- „From Spaces to Places“ (1 hour) by David Engwicht, Director at Creative Communities.
- „Hyper-Stimulating Public Spaces“ (1 hour) by Marcial Jesus and Javier Gonzalez, founders of 100architects.
- „Integrating Nature into Built Structures“ (1 hour) by Mingzhu Bai and Antoine Nerval, from Mingzhu Nerval studio.
- „Bridging the Old and New“ (1 hour) by Kieran Gaffney, founder of Konishi Gaffney Architects.
- „Experimenting with Engaging Architecture“ (1 hour) by Isabel and Ignacio from DOSIS.
- More lectures to be confirmed
The Competition:
Participants are invited to reimagine an old monastery in Pelayos de la Presa, transforming it into a vibrant community hub. This challenge requires a harmonious blend of contemporary design, historical preservation, environmental consideration, and community engagement. The program highlights include envisioning a performance area that can accommodate at least 300 people, crafting flexible exhibition spaces, designing spaces for community activities such as workshops, markets, and children‘s play areas, and creating pet-friendly zones. Additionally, participants should consider adding amenities like a café, lunch area, relaxation zones, reading nooks, or interactive art spots. The building is surrounded by a vast green area, offering numerous possibilities for outdoor activities and extensions of the indoor program.
1st Prize: €6,000
2nd Prize: €2,000
3rd Prize: €1,000
2 x Special Honorable Mentions: €500 each
10 Honorable Mentions
Jury Panel:
- Ma Yansong, Founder of MAD Architects
- Antonio Sin Hernández, Major of Pelayos de la Presa
- Marcial Jesus & Javier Gonzalez, Founders of 100architects
- David Engwicht, Director at Creative Communities
- Francisco Latorre Navarro, Architect at Lacaton & Vassal Architectes
- Hyunje Joo, Founder of Hyunje Joo_Baukunst studio
- Mingzhu Bai & Antoine Nerval, Mingzhu Nerval studio
- Maya Calleja, Design Tech Lead at Gensler Shanghai
Early Registration: September 19 - October 18
Regular Registration: October 19 - November 15
Advanced Registration: November 16 – December 6
Late Registration: December 7 – December 20
Submission Deadline: December 20
Winners Announcement: January 23
For more info, please visit: neverenougharchitecture.com/arxpm/

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