Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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Barbara Cappochin International Architecture Prize 11° edition 2023/2024 , Selvazzano Dentro / Italien

Abgabefrist 31.01.2024


Tag der Veröffentlichung
Barbara Cappochin Foundation
The Order of Architects, Planners, Landscapers and Conservators of the Province of Padua

Wie lautet der dritte Buchstabe von "wettbewerbe"?

Barbara Cappochin International Architecture Prize 11° edition 2023/2024
- „Barbara Cappochin Foundation“, which has its office in Selvazzano Dentro, Padova (Italy), Vegri street, n° 33/a
- the Order of Architects, Planners, Landscapers and Conservators of the Province of Padua, which is located in Piazza Salvemini, n° 20 in Padua (Italy)
About the Architecture Prize
The Prize was created to remember Barbara and what she left us during her 22 years of life through the understanding of the deep and intimate connection existing between architecture and everyday life with the objective to bring out the centrality and responsibility of architecture in the process of landscape modification, with particular respect to the urban outskirts, according to the principles of bio architecture, energy efficiency and sustainable urban planning, selecting and rewarding the works that stand out for the quality intended as sphere including sensorial and emotional quality, attention to the human scale, innovative design and construction, appropriate use of materials and structures, study of constructive details, combination of aesthetic and quality, functionality and sustainability.
Participation in the 2023/2024 edition of the „Barbara Cappochin International Prize“ is open to works, completed between 1 January 2020 and 31 January 2024, relating to new construction, redevelopment and/or extension of existing buildings, landscape architecture, designed by individual architects or associates, of any nationality, registered in the professional register or in an equivalent association and belonging to the following categories:
1. Public and/or private residential architecture:
- House: residences and houses
- Housing: residential complexes
- Villa: detached houses with green areas
2. Commercial, executive, mixed architecture:
- Office and Business: buildings, office and/or executive complexes, conference centers and conference
- Production: multifunctional structures and complexes
- Mixed use: buildings and multifunctional complexes
- Retail: commercial spaces, shops, retail and wholesale outlets
- Transport: stations, rest areas, ports, airports
3. Public architecture: (educational, cultural, socio-sanitary, religious, sports, recreational)
- Public spaces: collective public spaces, squares, community centers, religious buildings
- Cultural spaces: museums, libraries, cultural center
- Education: education, training and research institutions
- Hospitality: hotel and restaurant facilities, spas, wellness centers, student residences
- Health: health structures and complexes
- Sport and Leisure: Spaces for sport and free time: sports facilities and fields, playgrounds, entertainment venues
4. Landscape architecture:
Green areas, parks and gardens of public or private interest.
5. Urban Planning
Redevelopment and urban regeneration
26 October 2023: entries opening
31 January 2024: deadline of the inscriptions
22 - 23 February 2024: works of the Jury
4 March 2024: publication of the minutes of the Jury on the websites of the Barbara Cappochin Foundation and of the Order of Architects, P.P.C. of Padua
May - June 2024: International Conferences, event “Architecture meets School”, Award Ceremony and publication of the Catalog, Inauguration of the Exhibitions:
- of the Architecture Prize
- of the works of the architect Daniele Calab
More information and details at

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