Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten Wettbewerbe für Architekten und Ingenieure, Landschaftsarchitekten, Architektur Studenten

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  • SKYHIVE 2020 Skyscraper Challenge
  • SKYHIVE 2020 Skyscraper Challenge
  • SKYHIVE 2020 Skyscraper Challenge
  • 1. Preis BB Student Award: Daniel Hambly, De Montfort University, England
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 3. Preis: Carlo Alberto Guerriero, Italien

SKYHIVE 2020 Skyscraper Challenge , Singapur

Architektur Wettbewerbs-Ergebnis

Tag der Veröffentlichung
Aktualisiert am
Offener Wettbewerb
Keine Teilnahmebeschränkungen
Bee Breeders (former HMMD Group), Singapore

1. Preis + BB Student Award

Daniel Hambly, De Montfort University, England
Projekt: The Biorefinery at Old Street
  • 1. Preis   BB Student Award: Daniel Hambly, De Montfort University, England
  • 1. Preis   BB Student Award: Daniel Hambly, De Montfort University, England
  • 1. Preis   BB Student Award: Daniel Hambly, De Montfort University, England
  • 1. Preis   BB Student Award: Daniel Hambly, De Montfort University, England
  • 1. Preis   BB Student Award: Daniel Hambly, De Montfort University, England
  • 1. Preis   BB Student Award: Daniel Hambly, De Montfort University, England
  • 1. Preis   BB Student Award: Daniel Hambly, De Montfort University, England
  • 1. Preis   BB Student Award: Daniel Hambly, De Montfort University, England
  • 1. Preis   BB Student Award: Daniel Hambly, De Montfort University, England
  • 1. Preis   BB Student Award: Daniel Hambly, De Montfort University, England
  • 1. Preis   BB Student Award: Daniel Hambly, De Montfort University, England
  • 1. Preis BB Student Award: Daniel Hambly, De Montfort University, England
  • 1. Preis BB Student Award: Daniel Hambly, De Montfort University, England
  • 1. Preis BB Student Award: Daniel Hambly, De Montfort University, England
  • 1. Preis BB Student Award: Daniel Hambly, De Montfort University, England
  • 1. Preis BB Student Award: Daniel Hambly, De Montfort University, England
  • 1. Preis BB Student Award: Daniel Hambly, De Montfort University, England
  • 1. Preis BB Student Award: Daniel Hambly, De Montfort University, England
  • 1. Preis BB Student Award: Daniel Hambly, De Montfort University, England
  • 1. Preis BB Student Award: Daniel Hambly, De Montfort University, England
  • 1. Preis BB Student Award: Daniel Hambly, De Montfort University, England
  • 1. Preis BB Student Award: Daniel Hambly, De Montfort University, England

2. Preis

David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA
  • 2. Preis: David Ling, Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA

3. Preis

Carlo Alberto Guerriero, Italien
  • 3. Preis: Carlo Alberto Guerriero, Italien
  • 3. Preis: Carlo Alberto Guerriero, Italien
  • 3. Preis: Carlo Alberto Guerriero, Italien
  • 3. Preis: Carlo Alberto Guerriero, Italien
  • 3. Preis: Carlo Alberto Guerriero, Italien
  • 3. Preis: Carlo Alberto Guerriero, Italien
  • 3. Preis: Carlo Alberto Guerriero, Italien
  • 3. Preis: Carlo Alberto Guerriero, Italien
  • 3. Preis: Carlo Alberto Guerriero, Italien
  • 3. Preis: Carlo Alberto Guerriero, Italien
  • 3. Preis: Carlo Alberto Guerriero, Italien
  • 3. Preis: Carlo Alberto Guerriero, Italien
  • 3. Preis: Carlo Alberto Guerriero, Italien
  • 3. Preis: Carlo Alberto Guerriero, Italien

BB Green Award

Yiguan Liu · Julie Yang · Willy Zhou · Grace Qian, University of British Columbia, Kanada
Projekt: Ridge
  • BB Green Award: Yiguan Liu · Julie Yang · Willy Zhou · Grace Qian, University of British Columbia, Kanada
  • BB Green Award: Yiguan Liu · Julie Yang · Willy Zhou · Grace Qian, University of British Columbia, Kanada
  • BB Green Award: Yiguan Liu · Julie Yang · Willy Zhou · Grace Qian, University of British Columbia, Kanada
  • BB Green Award: Yiguan Liu · Julie Yang · Willy Zhou · Grace Qian, University of British Columbia, Kanada
  • BB Green Award: Yiguan Liu · Julie Yang · Willy Zhou · Grace Qian, University of British Columbia, Kanada
  • BB Green Award: Yiguan Liu · Julie Yang · Willy Zhou · Grace Qian, University of British Columbia, Kanada
  • BB Green Award: Yiguan Liu · Julie Yang · Willy Zhou · Grace Qian, University of British Columbia, Kanada
  • BB Green Award: Yiguan Liu · Julie Yang · Willy Zhou · Grace Qian, University of British Columbia, Kanada
  • BB Green Award: Yiguan Liu · Julie Yang · Willy Zhou · Grace Qian, University of British Columbia, Kanada
  • BB Green Award: Yiguan Liu · Julie Yang · Willy Zhou · Grace Qian, University of British Columbia, Kanada
  • BB Green Award: Yiguan Liu · Julie Yang · Willy Zhou · Grace Qian, University of British Columbia, Kanada
  • BB Green Award: Yiguan Liu · Julie Yang · Willy Zhou · Grace Qian, University of British Columbia, Kanada
  • BB Green Award: Yiguan Liu · Julie Yang · Willy Zhou · Grace Qian, University of British Columbia, Kanada
  • BB Green Award: Yiguan Liu · Julie Yang · Willy Zhou · Grace Qian, University of British Columbia, Kanada
  • BB Green Award: Yiguan Liu · Julie Yang · Willy Zhou · Grace Qian, University of British Columbia, Kanada
  • BB Green Award: Yiguan Liu · Julie Yang · Willy Zhou · Grace Qian, University of British Columbia, Kanada
  • BB Green Award: Yiguan Liu · Julie Yang · Willy Zhou · Grace Qian, University of British Columbia, Kanada
  • BB Green Award: Yiguan Liu · Julie Yang · Willy Zhou · Grace Qian, University of British Columbia, Kanada
  • BB Green Award: Yiguan Liu · Julie Yang · Willy Zhou · Grace Qian, University of British Columbia, Kanada
  • BB Green Award: Yiguan Liu · Julie Yang · Willy Zhou · Grace Qian, University of British Columbia, Kanada
  • BB Green Award: Yiguan Liu · Julie Yang · Willy Zhou · Grace Qian, University of British Columbia, Kanada
  • BB Green Award: Yiguan Liu · Julie Yang · Willy Zhou · Grace Qian, University of British Columbia, Kanada
  • BB Green Award: Yiguan Liu · Julie Yang · Willy Zhou · Grace Qian, University of British Columbia, Kanada
  • BB Green Award: Yiguan Liu · Julie Yang · Willy Zhou · Grace Qian, University of British Columbia, Kanada
  • BB Green Award: Yiguan Liu · Julie Yang · Willy Zhou · Grace Qian, University of British Columbia, Kanada
  • BB Green Award: Yiguan Liu · Julie Yang · Willy Zhou · Grace Qian, University of British Columbia, Kanada

Lobende Erwähnung

Lissoni Casal Ribeiro spa, Mailand, Italien
Piero Lissoni · Joao Silva · Fulvio Capsoni · Davide Apolloni
Projekt: Skylines

Lobende Erwähnung

Gennadiy Kraev, Moscow Institute of Architecture | MARKHI, Russland

Lobende Erwähnung

Sergio Esquinca · Daniel Ramirez · Alhakam Alaedh
Adrian Salinas, California College of the Arts, USA
Projekt: Tessellated Timber Ribs - Ramped Moment Frame

Lobende Erwähnung

Flavian Basile · Mariarosaria Savoia
Marika Maio · Flavio Maio, Italien

Lobende Erwähnung

Alejandra Rojas, USA
Projekt: Sky Gardens

Lobende Erwähnung

Mike Sudolsky · Patrick Tria · Lemuel Urbano, USA
Projekt: ELEVATE
Offener Ideenwettbewerb

Die SKYHIVE 2020 Skyscraper Challenge ist der dritte jährliche Architekturwettbewerb, bei dem die neuesten und besten Entwürfe für ein ikonisches Hochhaus gesucht werden. Die Teilnehmer der SKYHIVE Challenge haben die Aufgabe, ein Konzept für einen hochmodernen Turm zu entwerfen, der von der Norm abweicht.

Die Teilnehmer werden ermutigt, neue Technologien und Materialien in ihre Entwürfe einzubeziehen sowie eine einzigartige Ästhetik und räumliche Organisation zu entwickeln. Besondere Berücksichtigung finden auch Entwürfe, die Innovationen in nachhaltigen Systemen umsetzen, sowie solche, die darauf abzielen, wirtschaftliche, soziale und kulturelle Probleme durch die Einführung neuer architektonischer Methoden zu lösen.

Es gibt keinen definierten Wettbewerbsstandort, daher können die Teilnehmer jeden hypothetischen Standort mit den Abmessungen 130m x 80m wählen, der auf zwei Seiten über Straßen zugänglich ist. Der Entwurf kann in der Stadt ihrer Wahl überall auf der Welt aufgestellt werden, da das Projekt mit der Skyline und der Umgebung der Region in Einklang steht.

Die jährliche SKYHIVE Challenge ist eine Plattform, um die Beziehung zwischen Wolkenkratzern und der Natur, der Gemeinschaft und dem Rest der Stadt als Ganzes zu untersuchen. Es ist wichtig, dass bei den Entwürfen die Auswirkungen auf die umliegende Umwelt berücksichtigt werden und wie sich die Zunahme der Einwohnerzahl auf die derzeitige Infrastruktur, den Verschmutzungsgrad, die wirtschaftliche Teilung und die Zersiedelung der Stadt auswirkt.

Als offener Ideenwettbewerb können die Teilnehmer des SKYHIVE2020 - The Annual Bee Breeders Skyscraper Challenge den Wettbewerbsentwurf auf die kreativste Art und Weise interpretieren, die ihnen möglich ist. Der SKYHIVE-Wettbewerb ist eine Chance für Architekturliebhaber, die Definition des modernen Wolkenkratzers möglicherweise neu zu definieren.

Competition assignment
The SKYHIVE 2020 Skyscraper Challenge is the third annual architecture competition which searches out the latest and greatest designs for an iconic high rise structure. Participants of the SKYHIVE Challenge are tasked with creating a concept for a state-of-the-art tower that breaks from the norm.

Participants are encouraged to incorporate new technologies and materials in their designs, as well as unique aesthetics and spatial organisations. Special consideration is also given to designs that implement innovations in sustainable systems, as well as those that look to solve economic, social, and cultural problems through the establishment of new architectural methods.

There is no defined competition site, therefore participants are able to select any hypothetical site measuring 130m x 80m which can be accessed by roads on two sides. Design can be set in the city of their choice anywhere in the world, given that the project is in keeping with the region’s skyline and surroundings.

The annual SKYHIVE Challenge is a platform to examine the relationship between skyscrapers and the natural world, the community, and the rest of the city as a whole. It is important that designs show consideration for the impact on the surrounding environment, as well as how the increase in inhabitants will affect the current infrastructure, pollution levels, economic division, and urban sprawl.

As an open ideas competition, participants in the SKYHIVE2020 - The Annual Bee Breeders Skyscraper Challenge are allowed to interpret the competition brief however they choose, in the most creative way possible. The SKYHIVE Challenge is a chance for architecture enthusiasts to potentially rewrite the definition of the modern-day skyscraper.
SKYHIVE 2020 Skyscraper Challenge

Bee Breeders
Architecture Competition Organizers

The Competition
The SKYHIVE 2020 Skyscraper Challenge is the third annual architecture competition which searches out the latest and greatest designs for an iconic high rise structure. Participants of the SKYHIVE Challenge are tasked with creating a concept for a state-of-the-art tower that breaks from the norm.

Participants are encouraged to incorporate new technologies and materials in their designs, as well as unique aesthetics and spatial organisations. Special consideration is also given to designs that implement innovations in sustainable systems, as well as those that look to solve economic, social, and cultural problems through the establishment of new architectural methods.

There is no defined competition site, therefore participants are able to select any hypothetical site measuring 130m x 80m which can be accessed by roads on two sides. Design can be set in the city of their choice anywhere in the world, given that the project is in keeping with the region’s skyline and surroundings.

The annual SKYHIVE Challenge is a platform to examine the relationship between skyscrapers and the natural world, the community, and the rest of the city as a whole. It is important that designs show consideration for the impact on the surrounding environment, as well as how the increase in inhabitants will affect the current infrastructure, pollution levels, economic division, and urban sprawl.

As an open ideas competition, participants in the SKYHIVE2020 - The Annual Bee Breeders Skyscraper Challenge are allowed to interpret the competition brief however they choose, in the most creative way possible. The SKYHIVE Challenge is a chance for architecture enthusiasts to potentially rewrite the definition of the modern-day skyscraper.

Competition Type
Open International Architecture Competition

Admission Area

Competition is open to all. No professional qualification is required.
Design proposals can be developed individually or by teams (4 team members maximum).
Correspondence with organizers must be conducted in English;
All information submitted by participants must be in English.

Closing date for registration: 17 May 2020
Closing date for project submission: 02 July 2020 (11:59pm GMT+0)
Announcement of winners: 18 July 2020

Total Prize Fund: US $6,000

1st Prize: US $3,000 + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
2nd Prize: US $1,500 + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
3rd Prize: US $500 + Publications + Certificate of Achievement

BB Student Award: US $500 + Publications + Certificate of Achievement
BB Green Award: US $500 + Publications + Certificate of Achievement

6 Honorable Mentions: Publications + Certificate of Achievement

More information and documents at

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